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Everything posted by RichiBoi11

  1. Arsenal have just had a £40 million bid rejected for Ben White. Let's just sign him too. I know a starting centre back isn't ap riority for us, but for the banter alone it'd be worth it!
  2. Nothing is more depressing than seeing a player who is younger than me being described as elderly . Maybe I need to sack off my Sunday League now and take up walking footie instead.
  3. To be fair it's nice to just have those sort of options. In our first season you couldn't afford to move Jack from the wing because without him there the already fragile team disintegrated. At least we are now adept at playing with him in a couple of positions. Hopefully the ESR signing if it happened would be to compliment him and further boost the options. You don't get anywhere selling your best players.
  4. I'm sure I saw him say in an interview in the last week or so with England that he's now more accustomed to playing on the left and it's where he sees himself playing now. I also remember him saying when we were promoted he wanted to play as an 8, not a 10, so I think he's open to adapting based on his and the teams performances. Either way if ESR plays mainly in the centre then he wouldn't be a replacement for Jack from last season, unless we've decided the line up for our final two games is the formation we want to stick with long term. I just hope this is another part of our ambitious building, not planning for the worst.
  5. I think a lot of people will think this way, certainly neutral fans, but if you actually look at the players we're bidding for it doesn't necessarily mean that. Grealish played all but the last couple of games for us from the left this season, and it's clearly where he and the management see him producing his best performances. Buendia and Smith-Rowe are both attacking creative players so people will automatically assume they are replacements, but look where they both played last season. Buendia played predominantly from the right, and Smith-Rowe looks to have mainly played as a CAM. He's apparantly even told Arteta he wants to play as a 10: It looks like we are trying to strengthen right across the attacking midfield options, so I'd read this as support for Jack rather than replacing him. That said, if we bid for someone who plays predominantly on the left then I'd start to worry.
  6. Nail on the head here. We clearly don't have an unlimited budget, and the money required to sign a player better than last seasons player of the year would mean not being able to strengthen other areas adequately. Not every signing has to be direct and long term competition, Young would plug a gap, allow us to sign players in areas with a greater need of improvement, and allow Targett and the youth team left backs another 12 months development time with a dependable back up if required. Then in 12 months time if left back is a priority, we can always go out and sign a replacement for Targett. I doub't we'd have to do that though, for me Targett has been on an upward trajectory ever since joining the club, even in his ropey first season (which was in a struggling side). I think next year he will improve even further.
  7. If we're working on a limited budget and this means more funds for other areas then we could do a lot worse than Ashley Young. He's an experienced player with a winning mentality, he played 26 games last season as part of a title winning side, so the quality is still there. Also, as several have mentioned his ability to cover multiple positions and take good free kicks only make him more valuable. Additionally it allows us to have more time to either scout a left back for competition to Targett, or develop a youth team player for that role. It's no secret none of the left backs in our youth set up seem ready to step up and challenge yet. On a one year deal I think this makes a lot of sense, especially if it meant more of the budget could then be used on getting in a midfielder, be that Ward-Prowse, Sarr, or someone else we haven't even been linked to.
  8. The irony is he didn't play the 6 role on Sunday, he played in front of Rice as more of an 8, an area where we are flooded with options.
  9. This is like choosing between being scalped or having your ears cut off.
  10. He is one of the few not to sign a new deal the last two years, and it looks like it was due to the clause. I would imagine a new deal will be on the table this summer with the buy back leaving today. I know he can be hit and miss but he's only just turned 23. I still expect big things from him.
  11. I rate Buendia and I'd like us to sign him anyway, but the utter disrespect and arrogance on display from Arsenal fans on social media makes him a must sign for me. Even if he doesn't hit the heights, seeing their fans melt down would be incredible
  12. If the ESL were to go ahead it would make Grealish staying an inevitability. He'd run through a brick wall to playfor England, and it's already been confirmed players appearing in the ESL will be banned from international competition. There's no way he'd move in those circumstances. And if he did it'sd just show he's only bothered about money, not being the best footballer he can be, which stands counter to everything he's said and done since appearing in the first team. He doesn't strike me as a Delph.
  13. They can't even use spelling or grammar correctly. Log this under bs.
  14. Only 4 days internationally, but I guarantee if they haven't all moved there'll be speculation about Buendia, Benrahma, Sarr, King and anyone else from Championship clubs until the domestic window shuts, and that's still got a fortnight to run.
  15. It's a tough noe to be fair, as he looks right on the cusp. He's definitely good enough to be part of the squad, but I still feel we need another option in there. I think any prospect of a Ramsey loan would be based on Lansbury as well as a new signing. If Lansbury were to go on loan somewhere, or even secure a transfer (unlikely, but not impossible) then even with a new CM I think Ramsey is probably needed. You will need a full squad this year due to the consdensed calendar, so he'd still get plenty of game time. However, if we were to bring in a new CM and Lansbury saw out his contract I wouldn't be adverse to Ramsey going out on loan, especially to somewhere he can play every week. We just need to be careful not to stifle him, he's 19 and at a crucial stage development wise.
  16. I personally would prefer Barkley out of the two Chelsea lads, but if reports are to be believed he wants to stay and fight for his place. RLC hasn't made even the bench yet so he's much more likely. He'd still be an upgrade and I'd welcome either with open arms, but I just think Barkley would be ready to hit the ground running, where as RLC may need some time to play back in to form and fitness. That said, I'm sure he wouldn't be as off the pace as the loaf of bread we got in Drinkwater
  17. Two hours earlier he was out drinking so its just going to be about the curfew
  18. We might not be in a position to splah out £20 or £30 million on a new player, but I'd be amazed if we don't bring anyone else in this window.
  19. All that says to me is someone has put a wedge on him to join us so they've dropped the odds. Is this person ITK, or just a loon? Could be either.
  20. They also said we wouldn't spend £20 million on a goalkeeper and seemed to think it was nailed on Grealish was leaving, so I wouldn't pay any attention to what they say. They may be right, but if they are it's only guesswork and speculation, they have no actual insight in to our club or how it's run.
  21. He's only 1 year older than Jack. I think it would be a fantastic signing.
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