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Everything posted by useless

  1. Gang Gang Dance Saint Dymphna LP It's all over youtube here's one track
  2. Fridge Feat MF Doom. Words by William Saroyan.
  3. Benjamin Curtis from The School of Seven Bells, died. I know I've seen them mentioned a few times on here so I'm really sorry guys, so sad.
  4. useless

    Do you read?

    I wrote that a bit wrong it was meant to read I don't like Lord of the Rings either, as in don't worry I'm of questionable taste in the eyes of many. I'm not really into Fantasy Novels as it stands, at one time I refused to read fiction so I've improved.
  5. I don't know what it is about Champloo that I like, don't think it's anything in specific like the era or style of fighting, It's just the overall tone and style of it plus the music, so I reckon I'd like this Cowboy Bebop thing too. Thanks for the info.
  6. useless

    Do you read?

    I read an interview on The Wire website, with Burial where he mentions M.R James as one of the influences on his music, so that made me interested to read some of his stuff, not that I have yet though, but will do, if Mark Gatiss like him then that's encouraging. When the last series ended. I tried reading some Game of Thrones but couldn't really get into it, obviously the authors got some imagination on him but it all seemed a bit flat to me, I've heard people mention that he sacrifices plot in order to create a good world, maybe that's it, but I don't like stuff like Lord of the Rings either so maybe I'm just an idiot.
  7. Sensational Loaded with Power LP, one of my favourite Rap releases, it's really bugged out and lo fi though so not for everyone. Hardcore
  8. Thanks very much, I'll have to watch that Cowboy Bebop then, should be good.
  9. Yes I think I've seen nearly every Hitchcock movie. The master of suspense. Favs, possibly strangers on a train, vertigo, rear window. Treated his leading ladies like shit though according to Tippi Hedren. and destroyed her career. She did Birds and Marnie and I'm not sure she acted since. Shame how he treated the leading ladies, there's always something. I think Rope is my favourite and all the ones you mention. The 1935 "The 39 steps" was a classic as well. It is also interesting to note that Hitchcock kept Madeline Carrol handcuffed to her costar Robert Donat for hours on end, to create real welts on her wrists for realism in his movie plot. Yeah 'The 39 Steps' Is really great. VIncent Gallo is another one with a rep for treating his actors really bad.
  10. The only Anime I've seen save for Ghibli, is Samurai Champloo, which I really admired, haven't got anything to compare it to, not having the frame of reference, but it's basically about a girl's quest to find the Samurai who smells of sunflowers and the two guys who help her out. Plus it has a really good soundtrack mostly done by Nujabes and Fat Jon.
  11. Yes I think I've seen nearly every Hitchcock movie. The master of suspense. Favs, possibly strangers on a train, vertigo, rear window. Treated his leading ladies like shit though according to Tippi Hedren. and destroyed her career. She did Birds and Marnie and I'm not sure she acted since. Shame how he treated the leading ladies, there's always something. I think Rope is my favourite and all the ones you mention.
  12. As Dr Pangloss explains above It's what Sunderland fans call Newcastle fans, so I don't think they're this particular journalists biggest fan. I feel like we could do with an inform N'zogbia, but I get the feeling if there is a chance to move him on he'll be gone, due to his wages.
  13. Article? Don't know why they'd sign a player they don't know when he is going to be back from injury? I'm undecided about N'Zogbia, on one hand he's earning around 65k a week so would be good to have him off wage bill, but on the other I think he could still be very useful if he ever got back to form..... that's ambitious though. The whole article here. Sorry I got delayed I was trying to figure out the rules for posting articles hopefully I got it right and apologies if not. I was reading the Sunderland fans reaction to it on one of their forums, and they're calling the guy who wrote it a 'Mag', so I'd presume they aren't keen on the idea.
  14. Sunderland are meant to be targeting him in the January transfer window according to The Telegraph.
  15. I'm not sure now if you used that gif because your mind is blown that I hadn't spotted the connection or because you hadn't spotted it yourself .
  16. Spoke about it before on here, but I used to have sleep paralysis quite a bit. It was usually when I was really tired or had a lot going on in my life at the time. I usually woke up but completely paralysed and dreamt about people walking around the room, looking at me, whispering in my ear and stuff. Terrified me the first few times, but soon realised I could just calm down to snap out of it or go back to sleep. I used to get the lucid dreaming thing loads when I was a kid, most of my dreams I'd know I was dreaming and I could do whatever I wanted, but I couldn't control what was happening in my dream, if that makes sense? I'd still get attacked by giant marshmallow sheep, or whatever. It doesn't happen to me much these days but when it did I think it was down to a lack of sleep. I have read that while it's happening the best thing to do is to just relax and feel as calm as possible, despite knowing what it is now, it still terrifies me.
  17. Sorry I'm not much of a movie buff and hardly know who's directing what, i do know that I like a lot of Alfred's films though don't know if he's made my all time favourites, just he's made the most that I like, if that makes sense.
  18. Was Alfred Hitchcock a director? I think he might be my personal favourite, the only film I wasn't as keen on was Family Plot, not seen them all though.
  19. No I haven't, I'm only recently new to Perfume and they're like the first J-pop I've heard, apparently Capsule are meant to be quite good as well. I'll have to see If I can hear some of that Kyary Pamyu Pamyu later on.
  20. RZA's incidental music from the Ghost Dog film. RZA's theme and Fast Shadow
  21. I should have mentioned Level 3 by Perfume which I've been enjoying on youtube.
  22. Only a few releases out this year I enjoyed including Goodiepal Havet, Iannis Xenakis GRM works and also Fossils stuff. Stuff new to my ears, this year that I enjoyed, Graham Lambkin's Poem (for Voice and Tape) and Amateur Doubles,. Pretty much anything by Henning Christiansen..
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