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Everything posted by useless

  1. Sorry I'm not much of a movie buff and hardly know who's directing what, i do know that I like a lot of Alfred's films though don't know if he's made my all time favourites, just he's made the most that I like, if that makes sense.
  2. Was Alfred Hitchcock a director? I think he might be my personal favourite, the only film I wasn't as keen on was Family Plot, not seen them all though.
  3. No I haven't, I'm only recently new to Perfume and they're like the first J-pop I've heard, apparently Capsule are meant to be quite good as well. I'll have to see If I can hear some of that Kyary Pamyu Pamyu later on.
  4. RZA's incidental music from the Ghost Dog film. RZA's theme and Fast Shadow
  5. I should have mentioned Level 3 by Perfume which I've been enjoying on youtube.
  6. Only a few releases out this year I enjoyed including Goodiepal Havet, Iannis Xenakis GRM works and also Fossils stuff. Stuff new to my ears, this year that I enjoyed, Graham Lambkin's Poem (for Voice and Tape) and Amateur Doubles,. Pretty much anything by Henning Christiansen..
  7. useless

    Do you read?

    Yes, there are some interesting parts to it, but since I read it very slow, and there's so many russian names and nicknames in there, it's sometimes difficult to know who is the person in question. Or even if it's a man or woman. I'm the same with the names in these Russian stories, don't know why they need about three different ones, I wondered if it might be easier if they just Anglicized them, but suppose that would take away from the authenticity. Some editions include a sort of roll call of the characters at the start of the book which helps out, another problem I have is not knowing how to pronounce the names as I'm reading. Only a minor thing though and doesn't detract from my enjoying what I'm reading.
  8. With West Sam and Fulham playing each other 3 points would be even more extra handy, I've seen Sunderland a few times and they haven't looked as bad as their league positioning might suggest, just a bit toothless and prone to own goals and red cards. Reading this topic on the Sunderland forum I'm surprised at how unconfident they seem to be, maybe our bad form of late is slipping under the radar.
  9. As I've mentioned on the first page I've had night terrors/sleep paralysis, I've read that it's possible to see things as you would in a dream whilst being awake, I know his theories are out of vogue but I think Carl Jung has written about it, maybe that's what people see when seeing ghost's and stuff. I remember wanting to try lucid dreaming after reading one of those Carlos Castenada Don Juan books, but eventually dismissed it as mumbo jumbo, but a lot of people seem convinced that it can be done.
  10. useless

    Do you read?

    I really enjoyed The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, but his short stories are quite different and can also be really unreal, The Crocodile and The Dream of a Ridiculous spring to mind. I have only read The Cloak by Gogol but really enjoyed it. I find some of the turns of phrase in these Victorian books absolutely hilarious, don't know if that's always intended or just a quirk of the times or what.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OzbmzJlpjQ Not sure if I should be posting this really, but this is from the new Actress Album which has leaked.
  12. I first heard this on the Mutant Sounds Blog, you can listen to the whole album here
  13. That's the sort of thing I've been having recently. I 'wake up' but I'm kind of aware that I'm not really awake but it feels as if I am (hard to explain). The other night I had this and I could see a police officer in full riot gear but with a completely hidden face in my bedroom looking ready to strike me but also backing away very slowly and I sat up and was convinced it can't be real so I shut my eyes a few times and opened them and it was still there. Genuinely the most terrified I have ever been. I actually took my pillow and threw it across the room at it to see if it would go through it and it did and then it disappeared. About 4am but that was the end of sleep that night! I've never actually seen anything, that's something I'd dread, one of the most common visual hallucinations during night terrors is meant to be an old woman, 'old hag syndrome' I think it's called. I've had the feeling of being swung around the room, my head changing shape, hearing people whispering in my ears in the most terrifying voices, loud thuds on each of the four walls recently I had one where I could hear someone running up a steel staircase outside the house, the rhythm of the clangs sounded like they were running with a real purpose. I can sometimes sense when It's going to happen before I fall sleep, my technique to prevent it is to put earphones in and have some quiet music playing really low, usually William Basinski, don't know why that works though.
  14. I tried watching On the Road, but had to turn off after about 15 minutes. I thought it was really corny, it felt nothing like the book and I don't even like the book that turned out to be a real chore, but read it just to say I read it.
  15. Sorry, but I thought this deserved to at the top of a new page
  16. Actress's Ghettoville has leaked already, what a super trillin release . if it was out this year it'd be my favourite release really easily, worth getting on vinyl.
  17. I remember having a dream where my family nursed an injured bat back to health and when it was released back into the wild, as it flew away I shouted out at it 'shine on you crazy diamond'! Not long after that Syd Barrett died, not that I think I can see into the future of course. Similarly in another dream I recorded an album with Michael Jackson (even though in real life I can't play any instruments) I made all the sounds in Audacity and he sang over the top of them. We put the seven songs on seven separate cassettes but for some reason Michael decided to throw each one of the seven cassettes in his favourite rivers, I was mad as the cassettes were going to be worth fifteen pounds each. I get Night Terrors a lot where I wake up but my body can't move and I experience strange hallucinations usually auditory sometimes also have the sensation of moving around the room, feels as real as anything and often really terrifying, at first I wondered what was going on, thought I was having a schizophrenic episode or wondered if poltergeists are real after all
  18. useless

    Do you read?

    I'm half way through The Great Gatsby, I'm not really all that taken in by it, but I'll see, I've also read a few chapters of Ask the dust, that seems like a real interesting read, reminds me a bit of Hunger by Knut Hamsun, both about struggling writers who dream about how it's going to be when they're successful.
  19. Is this an evening with Vincent Tan in the audience or what.
  20. Having just listened to Arca &&&&& on youtube I'm looking forward to the release he's meant to be putting out on Hippos in Tanks.
  21. Apparently this guy was had a credit on the yeezus album, you can hear the whole album here, way cool, I hope it gets a physicial release.
  22. I wonder what the next owner is doing right now at this exact moment in time.
  23. it only just dawned on me that Ceefax = see facts
  24. Quiet Light Water Gap, Attic Ghost A really underrated side project from John Elliot of Emeralds.
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