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Everything posted by colhint

  1. In what way? the SNP may have around 50 seats. Labour around 270. There won't be any formal coalition or deal. Labour will govern on a policy by policy basis. They will put their policies to the vote and it is then up to the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP and Plaid Cymru to back Labour or, along with the Tories, block them. The SNP will have far more to lose by blocking Labour and siding with the Tories. The thought of the country being governed in such away would have been unthinkable 5 years ago. This though looks likely to be what the people of the UK will have voted for based on the constraints of the current system. Many said a coalition wouldn't last and it did. The days of party's getting an overall majority may well be over and what is likely to happen in this election is something we may well have to get used to. As others have said it is something that has been happening for a while in other country's. I think that's somewhat naive. Hasn't Sturgeon already said, no trident, no Austerity and Scottish independence vote. She already controls Scotlands' votes. what has she got to lose? If Labour don't give her at least one of those, why would she vote for the first Labour Budget:
  2. did Ed really say he'll means test winter fuel allowance but not child benefit? Depends where he sets the level I suppose. but it must be more than about £80,000 per year otherwise you could get pensioners on 80k not getting £150 a year but other people getting about with similar incomes getting about £1500 a year
  3. Didn't Ed say a week or so ago that national security was too important to play politics with?
  4. I think he needs to watch who he thinks his mates are. Someone must have sold that photo to the Sun
  5. And this on another site When he drops his shoulder he sends defenders so far the other way they almost have to pay to get back in.
  6. I liked this quote in the independent COMMENT: Put him in a phone box with two defenders and he’d come out with the ball at his feet, writes Sam Wallace
  7. Isn't it the States governed by The Brits and Dutch were called the East and The rest was the West. In fact The rest was claimed by France and So the Largest state used to be Louisiana After Louis the something or other
  8. I might become your best friend. Check out number 11 on the list and say thanks Col http://www.bestdoulas.com/induction.pdf there are plenty more sites on the subject
  9. That's 38 degrees, nothing to do with the Guardian. None of the usual printed suspects are covering themselves with glory so far. The Independent was sniffing around a story that could maybe have dealt a knockout blow to the Tories, but it seems they've cold feet. Do you not think the Guardian is avoiding tax in a big way, and going on about Tax avoidance?
  10. Harmsworth is a vile creature That's exactly the same thing the Guardian are doing though. If I was avoiding tax, I wouldn't be throwing stones at glass houses.
  11. i agree SGC. I have read the player ratings in about 4 or 5 papers and they all put him down as a 7 or 7.5
  12. perhaps an alternative energy source to replace oil.
  13. colhint

    Top Gear

    still not consistent though is it.
  14. colhint

    Top Gear

    I have read that Mark Thompson bit a colleague when he was a producer, but then went on to become DG. Doesn't seem consistent does it?
  15. great news. See if you can get some small heath nappies, just so he/she can really crap on them
  16. they love him. They are trying to work out a song for him. The 2 favourites are 1 To the tune of dreadlock holiday I don't like Daniel, oh no. I love him, 2 Daniel Johnsons f***ing brilliant
  17. That's rubbish, how many people would they need just to count the money to see what it's worth. If they put a hundred on it, they still wouldn't be finished. Only joking, I know it's true
  18. colhint

    Top Gear

    Strange situation for the Beeb. I don't think they can win either way. At the Villa, if a youth team player smacked a groundsman, I would sack him. If Benteke smacked a groundsman, no way would I sack him, maybe 2 weeks fine.
  19. the man will just be class give him time. plop spent £20m on lovren the Arse spent £10m on metersacker I wouldn't swap either for Jores
  20. I don't get this one, can't even work out the movie.
  21. Like any gentleman would
  22. 50 shades of Ray Blind R&B musician shows his huge collection of sunglasses to his girlfriend whilst she is handcuffed to the bed
  23. congrats, Just one thing, when she points out that childbirth is the most painful thing on earth . Tell her she's wrong. It's a kick in the balls. I know loads of women who have had a child, and loads of men who have had a kick in the nads. But I haver never met a man who 2 or so years later say "its about time I had another kick"
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