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Everything posted by momo

  1. Sideways passing. No forward movement. Try again next year.
  2. Since you said Norway, you have heard the term sneak-Islamization which is used by your finance minister over and over again for no obvious reason than her being an islamophobe and racist. Yet, will anybody in your country call her a racist? No? Why is that? Other vile anti-Muslim statements by british politicians, australian politicians, american politicians, italian politicians, hungrian politicians and other european politicians are not PC. And then to compare israeli apartheid politics to general Islam and Muslims is really out of place. You should try to compare islamophobia with european antisemitism. Then you will get the idea of how it is to be a Muslim in this toxic environment.
  3. It's the same shit talk the terrorists use as an excuse to kill Muslims.
  4. Very few posts here. Is it because the victims are Muslims?
  5. Honey moon over...hahaha... Nothing special here.
  6. momo


    The lower we go, the better coaches we get?
  7. All the players are huge wastes of financial resources.
  8. Nice to give them Gardner so they could have this upturn in form
  9. I disagree. Most of the cash were burned under Di Matteo. Wolves had much better players, especially attacking wise.
  10. Bruce improved this club, that hasn't happened since Martin O'Neill.
  11. It's not like any of these are proven better than Bruce. Rodgers is not my cup of tea.
  12. Google the official site, please: https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2018/03/16/andre-green-signs-new-contract
  13. STOP THE HATE. This is really getting tedious and boring. It's just football and bad form happens to the best players. He will be back.
  14. One time Thierry Henry was considered too weak to play a striker....
  15. It is not an assist. It was 2 touches from 2 different Wigan players after the corner.
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