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Everything posted by trimandson

  1. I want you. If you're taking the p*ss about me playing WoW, it's only since I lost you to FM09. How is that taking the p*ss?
  2. I was in a Chinese restaurant when a duck came up to me with a rose and said: 'Your eyes sparkle like the stars'. So I said to the waiter: 'Excuse me, I ordered aromatic duck'.
  3. To follow on from this, you do still look like a bumbandit. Just a cleaner one then before.
  4. Looking sharp Franks, good to see you got that orrible hair tidied up a bit.
  5. I probably would have secrets but most of my thoughts tend to fall out of my mouth before the brain engages. Sometimes this can be a disaster to my life. 99% of the time it ends in joviality and fun times.
  6. Spotify Scrobbles Is that the same? I don't use it myself but I've seen it mentioned. Wow, check out that Greasemonkey install on there too, follow the instructions, and hit LastFM, tis very nice feature!
  7. Made only worse by fuckface a twatarse commentating on ITV. Absolute rocket polishers.
  8. Cheers Blandy, there's loads elsewhere on the other thread.
  9. haha just booked my ticket for this. went last year and it was class. seen a lot of them before but cannet wait for fake blood!! Bukem, what a LEGEND.
  10. My post surely? Anyone read Bukowski? Particularly Ham On Rye? I don't read anything other then biographys, and I'm struggling with this book. I want to like it, but I've been reading it for nearly two months now. Any half decent biography recommendations? Read McGrath, couple of Cloughies, Ollie Read, Maradona, Bronson... Suggestions anyone?
  11. No season ticket but this season I done Witton twice, Lower North once (absolutely **** hectic) and Upper Holte (BRILLIANT). View is best from Witton especially with my poxy eyes, but you can't beat the singing in the Holte, and the SHEER banter in the Lower North.
  12. trimandson

    Dr Pepper

    Poison. I'd sooner drink piss.
  13. Lend us a tenner? Red Stripe MAAAAAAAASSIVE!
  14. Big up the fatherhood massive Rev old fruit, and thank your daughter for the phone.
  15. No, that was me. How is fatherhood? (And, the forum rules are as follows, if you plan on posting as a two, you have to change your name to revanddaughter)
  16. Holla at the RedStripe massive tonight, all that's missing is a big bag of buds.
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