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Everything posted by trimandson

  1. Skinnyman! I remember him. Pitman is worth a listen for jokes, particularly Witness The Pitness Mark B & Blade too, the old old album (Unknown maybe, I forget) And Roots Manuva, any album, press play, spark a smoke, absolutely class.
  2. The Sway album Signature was on Akons label, Konvict. Give it a listen, UK Rhymes, Akon beats, not my brew, but it may serve as a stepping stone to UK HipHop for you
  3. Sex man, every time. Those of you that don't say sex must be getting complacent or something.
  4. Shite, that's crazy business! Did you ever listen to Dimension when it was on air?
  5. Whats your problem with me? :wink: You're the reason the credit crunch started
  6. Hahahaha Pon it as we speak. You know, the Playlists on Spotify can be shared and editted amongst members? I might start a VT - Alternative one, if anyone else decides to get the greatest piece of software ever.
  7. Better then the 2nd High Contrast mix? SURELY YOU JEST? And if you like essential mixes, there was a site knocking about once call something about a mixing bowl, I forget the exact name, was quite good for said mixes if I remember correctly
  8. Oh and those that like UK Hiphop... Sway - This Is My Demo - Absolutely AWESOME album (rightly nominated for the Mercury Music Prize) Sway - The Signature LP - Absolutely awful. He signed up to Akons label (the biggest clearing in the woods in music) and it sounds like he's produced the whole **** thing. I appreciate his lyrics, but not the beats man, **** awful. And if anyone wants something a little different on the reggae front, check out Mishka, white rasta man, singing about trees and things. Nice man.
  9. Big, I haven't really been massively embraced by Dubstep yet, but it's early doors still. I didn't realise there were quite so many alternatives here good show, and to whoever mentioned the Prodigy, I heard their new single today, and I haven't like them for years, but I was bostin the robot like a good un to the new single. And Mr Scruff too, big. Anyone who like electronic music? Get on Nathan Fake, Xann from here introduced me, absolutely superb And Boards Of Canada for those that like to get a chill on. Nathan Fake is on Spotify to those that know.
  10. well who do you work for and will they make a profit ? Now I work for LBG, but previously HBoS. And I don't care if we lose 100bn, I worked bloody hard last year!
  11. You know what, I don't care what happens, as long as I get my bonus. I've worked my bloody oar off the last 12 months, it ain't my fault the banks have gone to shit. I want my money, in money, not in shares. This time next month I shall know for certain.
  12. Bukem is class, and you ever see any of the Earth albums on Vinyl, grab em, they're worth a FORTUNE man, an absolute fortune. And yeah, all the liquid dnb is heavy man, but Bukem KILLS IT
  13. Check out- Michael Rose "Dub Wicked" Richard Dorfmiester "A Different Drummmer" Mad Professor "Steaming Jungle (Jungle Dub Experience Vol. 2) Charles Webster "Born on the 24th of July" Let me know what you think of them! Nice one mate, you've just helped me find a stack of new Reggae on Spotify with that, absolutely loads! Get yourself on it and I'll send you the playlist if you like. Just listening to Michael Rose - Born Free (discomix) and it's heavy man!
  14. Where's the junglist and the dubsters at on VT? Gimme a holla, I know you're out there somewhere, what's your preference? I love downtempo, electronic, dub, reggae, uk hiphop, jungle, anything the NME aren't keen on, looking for some more reggae to discover at the mo, I've rinsed the Jah Cure album to death now.
  15. Ludovico Einaudi - Le Onde One of the most beautiful pieces of music ever composed. Possibly.
  16. Haha, what a tune man! How old are you mate out of interest?
  17. If you can find Super Bock for 40p anywhere in the world, I will buy 100 off you. Especially the other Bock, the darker stuff. ****, that stuff ruined a relationship Crazy stuff man.
  18. Don't do it. Oh no, hold on it's Friday, crack on.
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