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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. You are spot on. No manager in my 30 odd years, aside from Graham Taylor who left to manage England, has gone on to anything like a bigger or even equal club. As this thread seems to have once again been turned into a Mon fest I'll add my two penneth worth. For me given what he had to spend in terms of fees and wages I have always believed he achieved about what you would expect. No more no less. Three sixth place finishes with the eigth, sixth and sixth highest wage bill. Throw in a couple of very good cup runs and a fantastic record against all of our local rivals and on many occasions more than holding our own against the so called big boys. He had a net spend of 80 mill or 60 mil if you take into account the 20 mill sale of Milner a few days after he left. I don't think for a second for that kind of net spend over 4 years we should of expected to go from a shambles of a club when Lerner and O'Neill arrived in 2006 to one that should be overtaking one of Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and a quickly emerging Man City. You can also throw into the mix Spurs. In terms of wages, which seems to have been the biggest issue over the last 3-4 years, then I firmly put the blame for that getting out of control at Lerner's door. He knew what was going out and what was coming in. It wasn't O'Neill's responsibility to get income up to a level to sustain having the sixth highest wage bill. Given that level of wages he achieved what was expected. Possibly the most damning argument against blaming O'Neill for the fact the level of wages became unsustainable is the fact that after he left the wage bill went up dramatically. Under Houllier we spunked another 100k a week onto it with the permanent signings of Bent and Makoun and for a while another 50+k a week with the loan signings of Pires, Walker and Bradley. The only difference then being, that instead of contending for a top 4 finish and finishing in the top 6 as we did under O'Neill, we now found ourselves with a much higher wage bill and spending the vast majority of the season in or around the relegation places. I said on these forums a few months after O'Neill left that blaming a guy that no longer has f all to do with the club and can do nothing about our current predicament was a very dangerous game. It is one the club have played though and look where it has gotten us. The fact that it seems, coming on to 4 seasons after he left, they are still blaming him is insulting peoples intelligence. It is expected, but still somewhat surprising, that some supporters have been gullible enough to have fallen for it. Complete sense ... Except for nonsense at the end. People on here, fans, pundits, some others blame O'Neill but the club does not. I have heard Lambert, Faulkner, and others talk about the club's performance. Not a word of blaming anyone, much less O'Neill. Could they blame O'Neill? Probably some. But I don't agree that "the club" has played the blame O'Neill game. If they did at all, it was in the first season, and frankly, at that point, was pretty valid.
  2. I wonder if we're allowed to discuss Lambert in this thread, or if we most have conflicting assumptions about what the owner knew more in foresight than we can see in hindsight? I sometimes wish I was as unshakably confident in my assumptions.
  3. While Bacuna's free kick was brilliant, I thought it was strange that the keeper never really moved on it. Then my wife noted that with the yellow ball coming over and around the yellow wall, he probably never picked it up.
  4. Less than 4 hours after a win. Villa talk has been full of complaints about home form: Home win Villa talk has been full of complaints about lack of goals: Scored 2 Villa talk has been full of complaints about leaking goals: Clean sheet Villa talk has been full of complaints about poor quality in our summer signings: two of them score Less than 4 hours later and posters are complaining about our dismal performance. Strangely, I find it both baffling and predictable.
  5. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you. I wish you had told me before I placed my bet we would lose. But now I'll just go bet on a 17-1 score line in our favor!!!!!
  6. The past several pages of this (ahem) highly enlightened, and fair minded discussion have convinced me of one thing. I badly need more tylenol.
  7. Delph is willing to take on defenders, but he puts the ball too far forward. Needs to keep it close. When his touch past defender A is so strong, it invites the next challenge which is why he seems to just barely keep possession two or three times in a row before he comes out the other side. If he kept the ball closer with a softer touch he would be more effective and would not end up in as many stretched challenges to keep possession.
  8. Any point in the PL is "massive" surely? We didn't play well but we did compete throughout with a depleted squad missing at least four first choices (Gabby, Delph, Luna, Okore) and with Weimann and Benteke out of form and not fully fit respectively - if Lambert wants to let his squad know that he was pleased with their effort ie "competed brilliantly", I don't see anything wrong with that. Basic principle of managing people and managing public relations. Never criticize your people publicly. You undermine them and the entire organization. Publicly praise, privately criticize. Anything else is foolish. Anything else undemines the success of the organization. Lambert's press conferences are wise and carefully worded to accomplish greater goals than reassuring us that he saw and didn't like the misplaced pass from XXXXX in the 43rd minute.
  9. Perhaps I misunderstand. Too much running?
  10. Think this will be my last season for a while following this team. Paying 100's a year to watch this tripe is just getting ridiculous now My last season watching Villa will be my last season alive. Paying 100's a year is great value for what I get from my emotional attachment at every run and touch. I pay for the passion. Of course, the passion would be more fun with trophies, but it would not be any greater.
  11. Petty and immature part of me hopes this injury gives those that say he offers nothing will get a chance to see how wrong they are. But I come to me senses, and remember that very little good happens in the attack for us without his movement and the space his runs create. We should all hope he heals quickly.
  12. Wanted more from this, but with all left wing backs, Delph and Gabby out, not a bad result. Several spurned chances by us, this remains the most worrying problem.
  13. Seriously? If anybody had hit it like that, they would have scored? Bolt isn't a special runner, if I could run as fast as him, I could be the fastest man in the world.
  14. I've said before that Andi's off the ball movement creates many of Benteke's goals. I never realized how literally true that was.
  15. We created plenty of chances, just didn't finish them. At least 2 were easier to score than to miss. PK and Gabby's chance. In the Holte end and we completely collapsed after second goal. Vlaar man of the match.
  16. I know I'm asking for the moon, but I'm in town tonight for the match tomorrow. Any pub or restaurant near Brindleyplace likely to be full of villa fans this evening?
  17. First few touches looked a little tentative and insecure, but those nerves appeared to settle quickly. He placed a beautiful high lofted pass to the feet of Gabby after 10 minutes or so. When a 21 year old steps into his first premiership match at center half and by the end looks like he might be the best center half on the pitch.... you have found another diamond. Can't wait to see him develop and mature. I'm predicting he will be the next year's Benteke (following Barry and Young) in the sense that the big clubs will be vying to turn his head.... already worried about keeping him.
  18. Similar situation. Bringing my wife from across the pond. She's not a fan, and almost certainly never will be.... but she's willing to travel with me, and will enjoy it for my sake. It will be my first time to villa park. (first time in Britain in fact) I told my wife I was a villa park virgin and we had to get that fixed ! Damn I love that woman, she said "OK" Trying to decide between catching tottenham and everton on October 20 and 26. In which case I need to book the flights SOON OR sunderland at home nov 30 and fulham away on dec 7. OR, west brom at home on Jan 28 and everton away on feb 1. Any suggestions? Got a mate that will set me up with tickets at home games. Anybody think Trees could set me up with an airline deal?
  19. OK friends, I can sing in my livingroom, but I'll need to know what song I'm joining in. My vote is "fly me to the moon" by Sinatra, or "There's a bad moon on the rise"
  20. I understand he shows up much better at night games.
  21. BTW - i am not selecting bold. in fact i'm deselecting it.
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