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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. Or proof that he does give a f*** so he wants it to be financially well managed. Both perspectives are valid.
  2. So by that we shouldn't comment on anything that has happened? Add to that the ones saying we should wait and see what happens before we form an opinion does that mean there is nothing to talk about? A straw man argument is where you mis characterize the position of another, and then attack that caricature as if it was the original posters position. There's a difference between "we shouldn't comment on anything that is happening." And recognizing that hindsight is 20/20 and when using every honest mistake, unforeseen consequence, calculated risk, and negative result, is magnified as if it were a deliberate choice that preferred the bad outcome. You're not too foolish to see the difference between the two. Can't understand why you would pretend that you are.
  3. When will we learn all player agents are liars. Any link that comes from an agent should be completely scorned as a gambit to get cash from ANYBODY. That's all they ever are.
  4. When a hit piece is rooted in inaccuracies, to me it demontsrates what I think happens. Results are bad for a while, and people start looking for anyone and everyone to blame even if they have to twist facts to blame preselected targets.
  5. Please share for non-Mirror readers? It's linked from news now
  6. Tough to decide which of those outcomes is worse.
  7. This makes up with clarity of your view what it lacks in reasoning, eloquence, rationale, and basis.
  8. Regardless of cost, regardless of salary? Regardless of dressing room impact? Regardless of their preference?
  9. 7 names? That's 4 names short of a full team! How could we possibly pass on that?
  10. We need some news to discuss, wish I was in the know. If anybody is ITK PM me.
  11. Who you buy is not proof of who you want, or your priorities. A hint maybe, but by no means proof. Please drop the argument that he wanted another CF cover more than he wanted an AM. There's really no real proof of that. I want a Mercedes, I bought a Chevrolet. What I bought is more related to the real world market than what I wanted.
  12. You ignore his widely repeated and public statements that he wants a number 10. You have no idea how hard he's tried, or for whom, but you pronounce him a failure. I'm not telling you what does or doesn't exist, I'm pointing out that it's probably not as easy to do as it is to theorize. So, tell you what, if you "can't believe it" then name a player that fits all the criteria I listed added to a BPL squad this summer. Just one... I can guarantee he wont meet all the criteria I gave.
  13. Umm, because he rightly thought kozak was a better investment? Oh, and, just because you can theorize a quality AM for 5 million doesn't mean there was one that fit the bill (good AM) in that price range with good sell on potential, who was available, and willing to come at all, and willing to accept the salary we thought was fair. I think it's more complicated than dreaming it up and assuming its easy and possible.
  14. Cautiously optimistic about this window. But will remain cautiously optimistic about the future regardless of what happens in this window.
  15. Actually, I thought he was pretty consistent. He let a lot go, and mostly called the severe only. i think the match would have been better if he had called it a bit tighter. But he wasn't really inconsistent. The only truly WRONG thing he did was stop play while Delph was dribbling for a knee injury in our box. He knows better as evidenced by him not stopping for Sagna. For Rosicky he probably did not realize it was a head injury, probably should have stopped play for this. And sorry, but the first card was very much deserved. KEA jumped in and turned his back and left his elbow out. That's not an attempt to play the ball, no matter how you look at it. On the other hand he played through when Gabby got clipped from behind. I thought it should be a caution because it was pretty tactically cynical.
  16. Deciding when to be the DM and track the runners back and when to be the link between the defense and the offense is a constant series of highly complex decisions, rooted in multiple considerations. He is learning. He still makes the wrong choice too often, but not as often as he used to. If we had someone else who could do the role, and loan him somewhere else to learn from his mistakes, it would be ideal for everybody. Or, with the time to make the mistakes here, a vocal, experienced center half behind him, he could come good very soon. On the other hand, even the best get it wrong sometimes. Against a very good Arsenal attack, Westwood only made that error and it cost us, one time. Not too bad really.
  17. I got a notice when my post here was quoted. but when I open the notice it goes to the app and shows nothing.
  18. To be honest, I really thought Holt was just talk with no substance until I saw it on the villa official site. I understand it. from a business standpoint, there appears to be a good cost / benefit analysis. For whatever reason, Lambert and the coaches seem to be having a hard time getting this batch of youngsters to really understand what's needed from them. The instructions can't be "take high risk, and rushed passes in order to lose possession often" but they still keep doing it. Partly confidence, but somehow more than that. Holt (and perhaps Houlihan) may be able to help in the locker room. He knows what Lambert wants and can help teach the others. He won't be first choice and I'm sure he knows that, but he can still batter a few center halves in the process. EDIT: meant to add... just because he's first in, doesn't mean he's a main target, and certainly not the last. in.... it means the deal was pretty easy to pull off with the agents and Wigan.
  19. So, nothing official or confirmed about Holt and lots of hysteria about it? That's me up to speed then.
  20. We won the second half. Not just in goals but in every other category that matters. Forget the first half and Bakers injury and it's a good day.
  21. Actually, I think Bacuna has looked decent as AM in the hole. Better than any other we've tried there, at least
  22. The referee stopped play for a knee injury. Actually not appropriate
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