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Everything posted by tom_avfc

  1. Yeah because Berahino and Pogba are of a similar level! If Berahino finds himself at Watford next year it's not too difficult to imagine he could soon be swapping places with either Newcastle or us next year. If I was Berahino and had the choice of Watford or Newcastle I'm not sure the decision would be so straight forward. He didn't have a good enough year last year to get one of the bigger clubs interested.
  2. Agree with this completely. My post wasn't meant to sound like I approved of the Berahino situation. I just wanted to point out that actually, Berahino joining a team like Newcastle for around £20m is pretty likely if Albion can't get him to sign a new contract. I'm not sure whether Albion would get some compensation for him if he did go on a free with his age but no doubt it would be a small fee for his potential.
  3. If Berahino goes this summer it won't be for anywhere near £30m IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't just stay for the last year of his contract at Albion for the season knowing that he'll be a good option on a free transfer next season. Albion need to offer him a fortune to sign a new contract or they'll lose the £20m or so they might get for him this year.
  4. Having seen nothing other than the headline polling statistics for age range voting, i accept that you may know more than I do on the turnout figures which if true are disappointing. As someone who has generally supported the actions of our current government in the past I now find myself completely alienated by the current situation in the major political parties. I am generally pro EU and voted remain which makes me not inclined to support a Boris/Gove Brexit government. On the other hand we have a Corbyn led Labour party which I have major disagreements with, I now find myself intrinsically against both sides of our great political situation.I'm sure there are many like minded people but I genuinely wonder what we are supposed to do other than sit worried shaking our heads at the current state of affairs with no input into any debate possible.There now seems to be no moderate in between to these two extreme viewpoints. I realise that I have made no point whatsoever in the above but just felt that I needed somewhere to get my current disillusionment and disappointment at what is going on off my chest.
  5. yeah because flippant comments help the thousands who are now disillusioned! I hope the younger vote remain staunch in what they believe!
  6. Home Team Away Team Guess Russia 1 1 Wales Draw Slovakia 1 2 England England N.Ireland 0 2 Germany Germany Ukraine 1 2 Poland Poland Croatia 0 2 Spain Spain CzechRep 1 1 Turkey Draw Italy 2 0 R.Ireland Italy Sweden 0 2 Belgium Belgium Hungary 1 2 Portugal Portugal Iceland 1 1 Austria Draw
  7. He was driving forwards and playing attacking passes though. If that's the way Hodgson wanted to play it then Vardy for Sterling would have been a better option to give him someone to pass to. If we just wanted to pass the ball around and keep possession then I think there's better options than Wilshere who would sit and knock the ball around from a deeper position. I don't think either sub was particularly bad, they just seemed a bit out of sync for me if anything.
  8. What I don't understand with the subs is that they seemed to serve completely different purposes. If we were trying to protect the lead a more defensive midfielder than Wilshere would have been a better choice. Having brought Wilshere on for Rooney(and to be fair Wilshere looked pretty bright going forwards) the next sub removed Sterling for Milner which made us become more defensive. I don't rate Henderson but either he or even Bertrand would have been a better option than Wilshere if we were trying to protect the lead.
  9. Home Team Away Team Guess Spain 2 0 CzechRep Spain R.Ireland 1 1 Sweden Draw Belgium 2 2 Italy Draw Austria 3 0 Hungary Austria Portugal 2 1 Iceland Portugal Romania 1 1 Switzerland Draw France 2 1 Albania France Russia 1 1 Slovakia Draw England 1 1 Wales Draw Ukraine 1 0 N.Ireland Ukraine Germany 2 1 Poland Germany CzechRep 1 2 Croatia Croatia Spain 1 0 Turkey Spain Italy 1 0 Sweden Italy Belgium 3 1 R.Ireland Belgium Iceland 2 1 Hungary Iceland Portugal 2 1 Austria Portugal Romania 1 0 Albania Romania Switzerland 0 2 France France
  10. Decent England performance but let down by wrong substitutions at the end. Reminds me of the Italy game at the world cup and could be a similar situation. Wales on Thurs with nothing to lose and 3 points in the bag will be a tricky game so fully expect an all or nothing game against Slovakia with all the pressure on that. Played well but so disappointing in the end. Think Milner should have done a better job at getting out to the crosser on the goal as well.
  11. Home Team Away Team Guess France 2 0 Romania France Albania 1 1 Switzerland Draw Wales 2 1 Slovakia Wales England 1 0 Russia England Poland 0 0 N.Ireland Draw Germany 2 0 Ukraine Germany
  12. This is fair enough - the people organising have been reasonable and as I said I'm not trying to criticise the walkout as a whole. I just think we need to be careful in the way this is managed so as not to create an "us against them" mentality between those who participate and those who choose not to which could lead to trouble on 74 minutes on Tuesday. Some comments aimed at people who have simply stated that they don't intend to walk out are completely unnecessary and people need to remember that we are all Villa fans however we choose to show our emotions.
  13. I think this is a good point. I will be at every game home and away for the rest of the season but I'm clearly apathetic because I won't be walking out on 74 minutes. I simply don't think this is the best course of action at the current time and don't see what this is going to achieve. The board know we're angry/disappointed/upset at the way the cub is being run without a 16 minute walk out and loud anti Lerner chants etc. would have the same effect. My real worry is the effect that this protest is going to have on fan unity. I have seen fans moaned at for leaving early even at 4-0 down against Liverpool and can see angry fans both in favour and not in favour of this protest having plenty to say on Tuesday. The attitude of many on here who are accusing people who will stay until the end of not caring makes me wonder what kind of atmosphere there will be in the ground as the fan base is divided on this. Not trying to criticise those who do walk out just fearful of trouble amongst ourselves (which hasn't been far from the surface all season) and slightly pissed off at the 'apathy' comments from many.
  14. IIRC Weimann posted it after we had just got a royal whooping at WHL. Yeah it may not have been the best timing but I don't think having a beer with your team mates at the end of the season means you drink too much! The picture was being used to suggest Weimann was unprofessional and drank too much. Nobody had an issue with this criticism so why when the pictures of jack show a greater extent of drinking are people not allowed to criticise in here without sarcastic comments? It just strikes me that if this was a less liked player in our squad or anybody from any other team the opinions on here would be very different!
  15. I don't really have an issue with this picture but the double standards applied to players is ridiculous. Someone accused Weimann of being unprofessional and liking his booze by posting a picture of him drinking a bottle of beer on the team coach on the way back from the last match of a season. However because it's jack grealish it's fine for him to be pictured drinking as much as he wants and passing out on the floor!! Fwiw I don't really see the issue with young lads having a few drinks in the off season but do think drinking to the extremes of passing out on a road is unacceptable of a professional athlete.
  16. tom_avfc


    Till it boots you off and you have to start all over again. Finally got mine so looks like the website might be up and running again! That was more frustrating than I expected. Can look forward to Wembley now! Best of luck with yours mate!
  17. tom_avfc


    Not letting me buy online either. Let's me put my card details in but then there's an error after I've clicked purchase. I assume this is the same as everyone else online now? Does anyone know how long they'll hold tickets in your basket for?
  18. The O is order I believe. I was taught it as BIDMAS with the I being indices. It's the same thing. Order/indices is "to the power of".
  19. I'd agree with that but surely therefore an attempt to replace friendlies with something a bit more meaningful is worthwhile. It needs to get to a stage where all international matches mean something and not just a few points in a broken ranking system. Obviously a massively different sport with much fewer competitive nations and much less money at club level but rugby is a good example of this.
  20. I support England because I'm English. It wouldn't feel right to support another international team. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching other international teams who play better football than us. Similar to supporting Villa even though there's plenty of teams who play better football than us. I'd be delighted if England could win something just as I was when we won the Rugby World Cup. On a side note what makes the England players worse than any other football players? Are we all supposed to hate Villa because Gabby slept around a bit? Add to that that most of the traditional hate figures don't start for England anymore (Terry, Cole etc.) and the hatred for the current lot of players seems odd. It just seems like its become the 'cool' thing to do to hate England and I don't know how that'll ever change now. Don't rate our chances much in the Summer but I'll be supporting England and hoping that they'll shock us all.
  21. Agree with this completely. I actually thought Jed was one of our better players (maybe due to how overworked he was. How he can be blamed for the second spurs goal is beyond me. Just because a goal goes in at the near post doesn't automatically make it a keeper mistake. The corner was abysmal and should have been dealt with easily and paulinho was about 6 yards from goal. Third goal was a poor attempt at a save but considering the number of saves made in the game I'm fairly confident that Jed can step up when needed. Alternatively we could just write off a young keeper who's shown some promise as many wanted to do with our current number 1.
  22. This seems to suggest you think drink driving is fine as long as nobody gets killed?
  23. The point is, the huge amount of hatred has only come around as a way to counter Con's ludicrous over estimation of Bannan's ability. As Con's defence of Bannan grew more and more ridiculous, the hatred grew more and more ridiculous. They fed each other. if it wasn't for Con, this thread would still contain criticism, because Bannan isn't very good. But it wouldn't be as over exaggerated as it is now. Fair enough we'll agree to disagree. I can understand that the level of criticism may rise to counter ridiculous claims about his ability. I just don't see how that applies to calling bannan himself a dirty little hobbit or a turd. That's not criticism that's abuse and in my opinion that isn't justified by saying "well con said he was the best in the world." It all just seems a bit school playground to me. Criticise his ability at football all you like but why resort to personal insults and hatred? As far as I'm concerned the sooner he goes the better just so this thread can be locked and we can be rid of the silly abuse and insults which add nothing to any discussion.
  24. Fair enough. I think I'd grow to hate the poster more than the player but can see where you're coming from. I just don't see the need to call make personal insults towards a player who has tried his best and just been found wanting. I am starting to think the massive overhype surrounding bannan when he first broke through may be a reason for the over criticising/abuse. A player like lichaj who broke through largely unannounced was given a lot more leeway by fans. I can see Clark getting similar treatment next year judging by the harsh criticism he is already starting to attract.
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