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Everything posted by punkiller1981

  1. Forest have just spent £13 million on one player. No idea where they are getting the money from but looks like they are going to do similar to us and wolves and take a huge gamble to get promoted. Be interestIng to see which way it goes.
  2. I really feel like this guys a crook, if we had beat full it feels like most that money would have bee gone instantly just to clear the mess he got us in.
  3. I don’t know why but if Bruce stays on I feel more confident he will work better with no budget than when he was pissing money up the wall on Glenn whelan. No idea why no facts to base that on, just a feeling.
  4. If levy was in our position he would be demanding £75 million he would want £50 Million Mica Richards
  5. I’m so angry with this guy, looking at the Wyness debarcle it just looks like one of his senior men tried to tell him we have a very serious problem and Tony didn’t like it so he suspended him. I could be wrong in that but that’s my reading of it. now just to stay in charge he is willing to sell anyone and everything and asset strip us with the promise of looking for new investment which then makes our ownership situation even more murky making us harder to buy for someone who is actually interested.
  6. Almost feels like the is a fraud case here
  7. Almost feels like the is a fraud case here
  8. Almost feels like the is a fraud case here
  9. Agreed it’s a scam by the elite clubs because a traditionally mid table club like Man City have come in and shocked the big clubs. So to stop that ever happening they put measures in place. Who knows one day we might be lucky enough to have as competitive a top flight as France it Germany where we all already know who the Champiobs will be this time next year. It will in many ways ruin football but all of us plebs will still pay our sky subscriptions to feed the premier league big boys so they will all be happy.
  10. The way I see FFP other than having money to buy a club you don’t actually need a pot to piss in money wise because you can’t invest any personal funds due to the restrictions. Am I missing something or this about right ? If so great the is hope for us that we can own a club
  11. I do love the Ironic workings of the football league were the are restrictions stopping owners putting money into a club do to FFP while also running a process of fit and proper person testing which seems to do nothing to check that the new owner could support the club anyway
  12. Liverpool have done ok with American owners who also own baseball clubs. One thing is for certain we can’t go on as we are.
  13. Does the US takeover actually have anything to it it is it just paper talk? The fact that it’s the times and not the sun or Daily Mail seems to give it more credibility to me. I think either way we need it I just don’t see things working out with Tony weather it’s due to not being able to get money out of China or not actually having any. What ever reason it is I just think we need to move on.
  14. Close this down. This is part of the kind of negativity that developed during our last 2 years in the prem and that was toxic. We should be arrogant about this and say we are Aston Villa the biggest club in the league and we are getting promoted. End of story
  15. So the is a story in the telegraph saying we are so broke that we can’t even afford Alan Huttons wages so we are not offering him a new contract. No side line of weather we actually wanted to offer a contract or that we thought he wasn’t worth the money at 34 years old just that we can’t afford him. I’m starting to get very bored of the financials. Yes are position isn’t great but it’s not like we won’t probably have a higher budget than 95% of the other teams in the league.
  16. Just seen this quote in the express “The Hammers have held preliminary talks with Villa but have been initially put off by the £40million price-tag. Tottenham are keen but they too don't want to stump up the huge fee that Villa, who lost in the Championship play-off final, are looking for. But both clubs are watching the situation closely and they will reopen talks with Villa if they drop their lofty demands.” My first thought are if they don’t like the price (which should be higher) then look elsewhere. Second thought is if this club lets him go for anything less than what we need to cover our mess then I’m done, the would be no point selling jack and not getting enough money to get us out the shit.
  17. I’m assuming the answer to this is yes but does the cost of the scouting network come in to FFP? If not we should plough as much money as we can both home and abroad into our scouting network. We should know the pros and cons of every person kicking a football about in the world. The only signing in about the last ten years and probably longer were I can say I thought the was a good bit of scouting spotting something others hadn’t is with Benteke. Other than him I can’t think of anybody. I look at Spurs (who I hate more than any other club) and thre scouting where they picked up Kyle Walker from Sheffield United as a youngster and delli alli ( I know we were linked too) and Eric dier from Portugal. We never seem to be able to do things like that.
  18. Anybody have any thoughts on the possibility of getting Phil foden on loan from Man City. I imaging they will want to get him games and I can’t imagine he is on huge wages.
  19. I’m still gutted about Saturday but the more I think about it I think regardless of who we sell I think we could have a push next year. I honestly don’t see any of the sides in this league having big budgets and I include the relegated teams in that. The sides coming down will be burdened with massive wage bills and only stoke really have any sellable assets. The sides in the league already I don’t see any improving, the likes of derby have slashed there budget so I think even with the restrictions our budget will be higher than most in the league so if we are sensible (big if) we could get a side to challenge. This league is going to be so much weaker next season including us so I think it’s all relative.
  20. I agree, 3.5 is what’s being reported I would be surprised if that went through. In terms of money I don’t see any side spending big next year in our league. I genuinely see it being the lowest quality of the 3 seasons we will have been in it. So on that basis we need a decent championship Side as opposed to a great one which I think we can do and if we keep jack then we have a difference maker.
  21. Gollini to Atalanta for £3.5 million if it goes through must be more than expected back for him.
  22. For me it’s a pretty simple situation. Keep jack we probably give ourselves a chance lose him and we will probably be mid table. Im comfortable with steer or another keeper. We need some astute business at the back and then going forward green, o,hare to come in with RHM, Davies supporting Kodja then it’s not as bad as it seems. add to that I just don’t think the league will be anywhere near as strong as it was this year. No team will go half a season unbeaten and still finish third.
  23. Just curious but what happens if we just ignore FFP? Let’s be honest no other league seems to give it any respect so why would we. I don’t know how much month Tony actually has but I wound be inclined to say sod it I’ll take the fine for missing FFP
  24. Genuine question here do we zonal Mark during open play. So many times I see midfield players on the opposition in acres.
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