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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    Ditto ! Just had a thought will I lose my messages /contacts when its finished ? Nope, provided itunes backs up beforehand. It did, cheers.
  2. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    Ditto ! Just had a thought will I lose my messages /contacts when its finished ?
  3. jim

    Ask BOF anything

    Talking of bees is honey bee puke ? I told mrs stubbo it was and now she won't touch the stuff !
  4. Yeah that's probably 'the snag' :-) They want to pay with a job lot of dildo's and some crotchless panties !
  5. One eye for me regardless if Barry goes
  6. my own dream from High scool musical 3 8)
  7. No not if shearer is still in charge , I cannot believe considering how passionate he is about the club they did not go for it on the last 15mins against us knowing a goal would keep them up. If it was me I would have been up and down the touchline like a maniac urgeing the players forward ! What did he do ? sat there like a clearing in the woods !
  8. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    I would be very surprised if we see a new Iphone this year especially with all the hype surrounding os 3.0. I read virtually the same specs on a mac rumours forum a while ago it was a combination of forum members wishlists for the next model.
  9. I'm a sitter One thing that does piis me off slighty ot but when I have a piss I could shake for 5 minutes but I always get a dribble when i put my old man away. Must be the size of my schlong
  10. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    Don't know where you heard that Den but apparently Apple make as much money from one iPhone sale as Hewlett Packard do from ten Laptop sales. The profit on the iphone is vast apparently, so 20m pieces of vastness means its making serious money for Apple, they don't need to drop the price because of bad sales, they are coining it in, in fact Apple rarely ever price drop because of anything other than imminent updated hardware. Their strategy is all about keeping the price high (and increasingly so if you look at their recent announcements re new computers) The price hasn't really dropped its just cheaper on a 24 month contract. Actually on 24mth contract it costs £110.00 more than if you paid £100 for an 8gb for 18 months
  11. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    Just checked with a friend who works for o2 he does not believe a new iphone released this year Just the fw 3.0 upgrade. He also said if and when a new one comes out they will not be doing free upgrades to existing iphone contract holders, Apparently they did this for teh 3g as it was only a minor upgrade and it came out so soon after the first one, This was heavily subsidised by Apple.
  12. Carling darling ! Whilst enjoying season 1 of the wire
  13. Think they all are tbh more of a westlife man tbh. Take That,Boyzone ,Westlife or 911 now there is a debate !
  14. Moving onto some ponche cabellero shortly happy days !
  15. Fosters followed by some free koppaberg fruit from work not bad really but tastes a bit like pop . Just moved onto the southern comfort but it sucks with no ice !
  16. I am sure Suzi was presenting it the other day although it could have been a repeat
  17. Voted homer for his campness and sarcastic piss taking . Love the episode wear he is mincing around the garden in a tutu and loving it !
  18. In the don't give a shit group. I believe in science and it was all made up to give people some kind of purpose. I do believe Jesus existed but was just a normal bloke none of this son of god pish
  19. I've gone for a draw 0-0 I think both teams will be too cautious as neither can afford to lose this one.
  20. Yes But no if I have to pay for it !
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