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Everything posted by jim

  1. I've gone for a draw 0-0 I think both teams will be too cautious as neither can afford to lose this one.
  2. Yes But no if I have to pay for it !
  3. jim

    Ask BOF anything

    How many points will we get this season ?
  4. In which way? Results? Nope, we get a lot more points. Goals? Nope, we score a lot more. Defence? Nope, we even concede less. What do we miss then? His presence ?
  5. 1 in possibly heskey 2 out routledge and young
  6. I met jonny briggs aka Mike Baldwin of corrie fame in the old abbey national in erdington a good 20 years ago !
  7. Jimx26 mainly on pro 08 cod 4 and ss2turbohdr
  8. owen for me as if kept fit (which I believe alan smith can just look what has been done for laursen ) he guarantees goals
  9. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    slightly OT but just ordered an ipod touch 1st gen from apple 16gb 159.00. I have an n95 as well so have the best of both worlds
  10. I would'nt be happy if he stayed now as he clearly does not want to play for aston villa. I have a sneaky suspicion a deal will be done on the last day and he will be off. However if he does stay for the time being at least I will not boo him as long as he is wearing the claret and blue.
  11. jimx26 - mostly on gears COD 4 and SS2THDR beta.
  12. I think this our lot wr and that american gurzan ! will be v dissapointed in mon
  13. I don'y think we will sign anyone maybe gurzan on pre contract This saddens me :cry:
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