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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Do you mean like in Libya? Or would Afghanistan be a better example? Or maybe you’re using Iraq as your metric?
  2. Y Niwl their second album, titled: 5 sort of scuzzy guitar surf pop
  3. Dirtier than an Uber Eats delivery bag.
  4. Oh yeah, I completely get that. That would be a sensible strategy to blend the two and not have to signal allegiance to an ideology. Let’s circle back in 3 or 4 years time and see what happened.
  5. Please do not feed the horses or enter them.
  6. The way to fix a broken NHS admin process is not to sub contract around it. If that is more ideological than going private, well I guess we’re lucky to have Wes Streeting on the horizon.
  7. Bingo! Many of these private surgeons and doctors are in fact NHS staff. If they increase their private hours to fill an NHS demand, they’ll be doing less NHS hours. There’s a reason private facilities have unused physical capacity, they don’t have the staff. To suggest that the private sector can backfill 8 million problems in short order is either dumb or ideological, and I don’t think Streeting is dumb. When my surgeon wasn’t available for 4 months to talk to me for 30 minutes about future care, I was offered a private consultation with the same guy in 2 weeks time, but for £220. Streeting is suggesting the answer to the problem is that the NHS pay that £220.
  8. All existing developed space including developed as a garden is brown field. Simple enough when it’s the 3 metres of grass behind number 22, more complicated when the garden stretches to the horizon, or includes the word Kew. There was a recent case of a (tory) MP lobbying that a planning proposal to demolish a house and build new on the same plot should be refused, the new house should be on a brown field site. I’m sure the planning officer had a careful choice of words explaining the MP clearly didn’t know what he was on about.
  9. In England alone there is a waiting list of 6.3 million paties, with many of them waiting for multiple things. Getting that backlog down, and the one in Scotland, and N.I., and Wales is not entirely different. The private sector will take massive resource away from the NHS if it is to backfill for 8,000,000 patients. I’d say its very related.
  10. Adaptive cruise control will stop you being so engaged in your driving that you’re driving too close to the guy in front. It keeps a safer distance and more monitored speed than the vast majority of drivers and has faster braking reaction times than you’ll imagine you’ve got. I had to emergency brake last year when a kid ran out in front of me. Except, by the time I was jabbing at the brakes they weren’t there, they were already on the floor. The car reacted before I did.
  11. These private medical staff we can use to take up the slack for the lack of NHS resource, they got any other jobs? They cost the same as investing in the NHS? Nah, it’ll be fine, pay private agencies for medical staff and medical facilities, that’ll be the best possible use of our money. Probably cheaper than employing actual NHS staff I’m sure. We live in strange times, eh.
  12. Hope you all get what you wish vote for. But remember, it’s only a wish vote if you wish really really hard before you put it in the ballot box.
  13. Ramekins. **** ramekins. We better hope there’s never another world war with winter trench warfare, we’d be **** ****.
  14. I can’t imagine driving without cruise anymore. I’m using it around town to stop slipping in to speeding for safety, and on faster roads just to stay relaxed and keep the fuel economy decent.
  15. It’s 1973 and U.S. music programme Midnight Special does a ‘special’ from the Biba store, in London. But it’s taken 51 years for it to get to youtube.
  16. In 1985 hip hop was invented in Llan Ffestiniog, and the rest is history. Superb album, the sweet spot of live but studio recorded. Either by accident or design they’ve captured the spirit of Ll Ll and Ankst by getting the track listing wrong.
  17. “Play songs by Alabama 3” Playing songs a software virgin in California thinks are broadly similar to Alabama 3.
  18. I have a version in my car. I now have voice recognition, gesture control, steering wheel buttons all to do something that I could also just reach across and press a button for. It was a novelty for a week to announce ‘play Baxter Dury’ but I’ve sort of reverted back to just pressing the button now.
  19. I’ve just finished a lovely bar of Lindt dark chocolate that was an Easter present. Finished the chocolate. Folded the silver paper wrapper, then folded again, and again until it was a tight ball of silver foil. I’ve then compressed it some more by pressing my phone down on it. I was quite pleased with the results, a weighty little nugget of silver. So rather than risk damaging the phone, I’ve switched to a pen, and a sort of roller technique. Squash and roll, flip it over, squash and roll. Really very satisfying. Then on the next press, I put too much pressure on it and the silver nugget has flown out from under the pen… across the desks and hit a colleague. I’m in charge here. The adult in the room.
  20. Yep, we’re handing back the allotment to the council. We’ve got a couple of weeks to wade up there and collect our tools and shed porn. In 4 years the fees have gone up from £24 pa to £120, and for the last 6 months it has been utterly unusable. It’s just permanently waterlogged, covered in puddles. At £24 something like that wouldn’t matter and if a crop didn’t work it was only ever really an excuse for some outdoor air and some exercise. With the price hikes we were relying on selling a crop of diamond encrusted asparagus to Waitrose. The only thing we could plant this year would be rice.
  21. Hamas being part of it is really awkward isn’t it. We’ve been told for 6 months they are a terrorist organisation, yet there is to be a negotiation with them. Israel have stated they will erase them totally, but are now prepared to negotiate. Undoubtedly, letting them back in in any significant way will eventually lead to the next cycle of violence. But as we learned in Iraq, getting rid of all structure and everyone with any link to the regime will lead to failed state chaos. If ever there was a project for the UN to properly engage in and act as world police, this would have been it.
  22. Personally, I think quite a few people would be interested in some missive where there was an attempt to justify or excuse the current civilian death toll in some way. Neither side should rely on just endlessly playing the victim card.
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