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Everything posted by SeanO

  1. Hey Wiz, are you still confident in PL staying put? Odd that reports are "suggesting" that he will be speaking to Villa Mon/Tues but nothing either denying or confirming this from either club. From a selfish POV I would love to see Lambert as Villa's manager but I think the majority would prefer OGS and I guess so would the Norwich fans.
  2. Thanks K-C, so are the quotes "I have not had any offers," Solskjaer told a press conference. "I'm not looking for another job. "In football, and in life in general, things turn up that you have to make decisions about. I have a contract for two more years and I'll stand by that." not correct? Personally I'm not sold on him yet, so I'm not bothered either way as imo this would be the biggest gamble since Dr Jo however if he does come then I'll be happy to give 100% support.
  3. Sounds pretty much like he's saying he isn't joining us, save your money lads. "I have not had any offers," Solskjaer told a press conference. "I'm not looking for another job. "In football, and in life in general, things turn up that you have to make decisions about. I have a contract for two more years and I'll stand by that." Read between the lines all you like but that last sentence sounds final to me, onwards and hopefully upwards the search continues.
  4. I'm not at all against OGS but it's a bigger than average risk, one I'm surprised the RL is even contemplating. Personally I still don't think it will come to anything, not sure why just a feeling but the message that this does send to me is that the club are looking much wider than the likes of Mcarthy and Co thankfully. Being realistic I doubt we would get AVB and even if we did the minute he shows everyone just how good he is my guess is he would be off so my 1st choice would still be Lambert as I really feel he and Villa would be a perfect fit.
  5. SeanO

    KMACS Future

    Completely agree. Same here, honestly I'm starting to see why other clubs fans think Villans are shit supporters. Those of you creaming yourselves for an ex **** ManU player who has a whole 18 months managerial experience but want KMac and Sid who are Villa through and through out of the club should be **** ashamed. While I agree that KMac probably isn't right for the top job both he and Sid have done a fantastic job with the reserves and helping bring the youngsters into the 1st team. If the new manager coming in has his own ideas then that's up to him but getting rid of the either just for the sake of change could really **** this club up. Personally if it does end up being OGS then I reckon he will not only need their help but welcome it.
  6. Here you go Mjmooney Former Villa player John Carew believes manager job in the club suit Ole Gunnar Solskjaer perfectly. - It would be a fantastic job for Ole Gunnar to get. Villa is among the six, seven biggest clubs in England. They have great fans and a fantastic stadium. Solskjaer is a big name in England. He also has the mentality and the respect from the players that he needs to succeed, says Carew told Dagbladet. Villa fans want Solskjaer The former striker Solskjaer cites that have been in school with Sir Alex Ferguson. - Villa is also a club that undoubtedly love Norwegians and Scandinavians. I have received tweets from the Villa fans today who want Solskjaer as the new manager, says Carew, and adds: - I think Villa would Funke awesome under his leadership. Everything is possible for Solskjaer to get a great managerial career in England, says Carew. - Has had some serious thinking Football commentator and sports director Kenneth Fredheim in Canal Plus says Solskjaer really get something to chew on if he gets offered the manager job at Aston Villa. - I believe it is appropriate for Solskjaer to say no to clubs like Blackburn and Bolton, on the grounds that he still has much to learn and prove. But I think probably the decision becomes more difficult if there is talk of a club like Villa, says Fredheim. He points out that Aston Villa is one of England's big clubs, with a passionate and enthusiastic fan base and good ownership.
  7. Chipper old boy, well said! what, what. Bounders from small eaff are everywhere why only just the other day one was removed from Villa Park with great haste, toff toff. Or in English, Yeah agreed mate, sounds like a nose on a wind up, he can **** right off along with Mcleish!
  8. lol, I honestly didn't mean any disrespect but it may have come across that way so to our Norwich City fans I apologise if it did. Now put PL in a taxi one way to Aston and let Lerner work his $, sorry magic on him hahaha
  9. No disrespect to Norwich City but the talk (not just on here as I've read it else where) that Villa aren't a big enough job for him are ridiculous. Okay I'm biased towards Villa which I accept but which of the top are looking for a new manager? Liverpool, no King Kenny will probably be given at least another season to get it right although I don't think he will. Chelsea, maybe but does anyone seriously believe they will go for Lambert? they should though but they want a proven CL manager. ManU, ManC, Arsenal, Tottenham, Newcastle and Everton all have settled managers so I can't see anything changing any time soon so if he wants to test himself then in the Premier League today Villa are the best and biggest challenge going. He could stay at Norwich, a club that I have always thought of as a "proper" club. Good ground, fans etc and would probably be there as long as he wants. If he has any doubts in his abilities then he should stay but if he really believes in himself and his team and is ready for a chance to manage a struggling giant then he should apply. Will Lerner risk a manager with 1 years Premier League experience? I have my doubts, personally I sure we could do a lot worse however if this were happen it has to be done correctly. Norwich City will deserve full compensation from any club that he leaves to join while he is under contract, if it is Villa then Lerner will need to cough up big time which could scupper any deal for any manager currently under contract. Whatever happens I wish Norwich City all the best, except when they get to play the "real" Aston Villa and not one handicapped by Mcleish's bastardy management.
  10. Another recently relegated manager? I think we can do better, so it's a no thanks from me. I also agree with this, nothing against Owen Coyle but after just going through one relegated manager I really don't think it would be a good idea to go down this road again. If there were to be a few defeats would the crowd panic start on him, so soon after Mcleish I fear they would.
  11. never watch Harry Kewell at Liverpool lol fair enough, I was in Melbourne a few months back and watched him "play" for Victory, I swear he never broke a sweat and it was 30c+! I know he (Holman) has played many times for Australia but honestly I can't recall him which is why I have my doubts but he has played CL which is more than any of the rest of our weak squad has. Maybe for once we have found a bargain.
  12. Only a guess but I would have thought he signed for Villa and not Mcleish. I'm not sure about this signing but after living in Oz for 9yrs what I can say is that no Aussie I know wouldn't give his all, if he has the ability then he will succeed so if the new manager likes what he sees then we should give him our support. Somehow we (the fans) need to now come together and stop this bad feeling that the last 2 seasons have caused, Mcleish and Heskey are gone that should be enough for us to celebrate and get back to the happier times of being a Villan.
  13. After reading that I wish I had a sign like Tevez is in the shit for, R.I.P Mcliesh, or is that in really bad taste?
  14. It might have already been mentioned but I'm **** if I'm trawling through 52 pages so here goes. A cockney red (glory hunter) at work gets one of the ManU fanzines posted over each month (sad bastard). As we are so low in his estimation he didn't say anything until today but said that in last months fanzine there is a post by one of their ITK's (who apparently is right more often than he is wrong) saying that Paul Lambert will be our new manager after Mcleish is sacked. He got the Mcleish sacked part right although we all hoped it would happen it was not certain, I personally wouldn't be against it if the 2nd part were also true.
  15. _________ Line drawn under this shit for me now as I have had a bellyful of this ruining my love for the best club in the world. The ginger demon has gone, we survived so now I just want to get back to looking forward to seeing Villa play again next season. Remember that excited feeling of anticipation before a game? no? me neither but it will comeback.
  16. Hahaha If it were to be made how bad do you feel for the video editor? It would be like trying to sell those Gareth Barry DVDs. **** I just thought knowing how daft (for daft also think cheap) some of my wife's side of the family are so I'll probably cop one of these for next Christmas :-(
  17. Absolute garbage, the whole **** season!
  18. Agree 100% with Harry, as long as he is gone they can blame the **** pope for all I care! Wont believe it until he's OOTSAFTC (outoftheshirtawayfromtheclub) **** hate this prick.
  19. I don't recall either Blandy but as I haven't been there for 10+ years I guess they have improved. Now you have got me thinking of beer and as it's 1pm here in sunny Perth I'm off to the local to quench that thirst, I'll have one for you as well lol
  20. Indeed. If only someone had thought to say so in the title of the thread. Bwahahahahaha.
  21. FFS Blandy, Do you have taste buds mate? hahaha 6) Will you be travelling to Carrow Road on Saturday, have you been before and what do you think of our stadium. No, Yes, and I like it, though I remember a shortage of facilities in the away end. I also like the town and like the fans. I lived near Norwich for a short while in the 80s and Norwich was the place we went for a good night out. It's a friendly place with good beer. I also have always enjoyed going to Norwich and Ipswich over the years but the beer in Norfolk is by far the worst (in the UK) I have ever tasted lol.
  22. ****, ****, **** If he stays then this is the type of player ala Hutton that will play for Villa. What was Lerner thinking bringing Mcleish to this club?
  23. Hated this player wearing C&B. Hardly ever of any use, always falling over. Thankfully he will no longer take money under false pretences from Villa, now if we can just get Hutton, Collins and Warnock to join him along with Mcleish things might improve. Good riddance to a shite player.
  24. We know he wont resign and I'm concerned that Lerner is too weak to sack the shit. Please anyone think of renewing their season ticket hold off until the last minute otherwise we will be stuck with this coward. If anyone wants another season of giving up against the "elite" clubs or of hearing that it was the player, ref, wrong type of rain etc excuses then go ahead an buy one but the only thing that appears to stir up the powers that be is cash flow. Note, to those that already have brought the cheapo season tickets or anyone else who has already brought one I'm not having a dig at you it's just that if we want him gone it appears that this is the only leverage that Villans have. I'm pleased we have survived the McRelegator surely we don't want to tempt fate a second time?????
  25. Nothing more than surrendering, after all we have no right to expect anything from an "elite" club like Spurs. Another game where we have given up before KO. Please let this be the ginger gibbons last game in charge!
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