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Everything posted by SeanO

  1. Unless it's to the scum then I wish KMac every success, he has been a true Villan. I wouldn't be surprised if PL asked him to go as he had expressed interest in the managers position, possibly PL didn't want anything to undermine his approach. Not that I'm saying he would of been anything other than professional but the new manager probably wants his own men in place. Thanks KMac.
  2. Berbatov would be great but the wages would probably put Villa off, Moses would be a good shout but giving Whelan any more money would piss me right off after his comments about Villa.
  3. TBH I hated reading his bollocks as after it was realised that the press might use his words against him and club his answers were non committal on everything. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz As for owing us an apology, not imo life is too short and I guess he believed what he wrote even though it was a crock.
  4. Childish but amusing LOL Somehow I don't think Wiz will find quite as amusing though haha
  5. No point in going over the same shit that is Mcleish. He was never right for us, I hated every second that the ginger clearing in the woods was at Villa so much so that even after 40+ years of following Villa I almost gave up. Somehow we need to remove this tosser from our history.
  6. Easy Wiz, or you will get a reputation for being "nice" lol Mate non of us know much if anything other than what we are told the rest we just fill in to suit our views. Nothing arrogant about that. I wish that Norwich were happy for the success that PL brought and were able to let go without the anger but after Villa loosing players to ManC, Liverpool and Utd over the recent years I understand the frustration. Just keep in mind that hardly any of those involved in football are "fans" of the clubs that they are at so they don't think like you or I do towards our clubs, for them it's just a well paid job and if they can get more money then most will be off. One day maybe Lambert will do it to us, if by that time he has won some silverware and got Villa into the CL he will go with my blessings and genuine thanks.
  7. Brilliant news, best news since the signing of DB! Well done to RL, you reconsigned a mistake had been made but have imo now done your best to correct it, Welcome and it's a BIG welcome to Villa Park to Paul Lambert. Now Villans get your wallets out and buy your season tickets!!
  8. Calm down, Lambert has been negotiating for 2 days with RL etc so I'm pretty sure they know what he's all about and that they understand his contract. I know it's just numbers but 800,000k is still 800,000k, if any of you are in business you will understand that you don't just hand over money if you don't have to. Remember once you spend any money then it can never be spent again so I don't blame RL for not just handing over some guilt money. If RL's lawyers are saying Villa don't have to pay a penny then why would he go against their advise? PL will be our new manager soon enough, compo or not.
  9. If it were for a nominal fee or a Bosman I could understand it but at 31 I wouldn't bother. However if he did arrive and score around 17 goals next season as he did at Norwich then I would be over the moon. ........................**** it if Lambert feels he needs him then so be it, I an't see Norwich being happy to deal with us though.
  10. KSV, apology's mate I miss understood your point. I have no idea of his scouting prowess but I'm really looking forward to finding it out.
  11. KSV? Are you serious? Do you think that A, Norwich had the money to shop in the top leagues of the world? B, That even if they did that Norwich were a big enough draw for those type of players? We all know the struggle Villa have acquiring good players so how do you expect Norwich to fair? If he is our new manager then I expect he will shop where the market allows him to, if RL were to give him 50m to spend I would expect 1 or 2 top draw sign's along with some "journey men" and some with potential. If however it were 10m then he will have to work his butt off and that may mean he has to find some gems from the lower leagues but this isn't a fault or a worry of his making but something he will have to deal with.
  12. Shock horror, Villa players are normal guy's who like to have a drink! FFS As long as it's after a game then why would you deny them what most of us do regularly? EVERY club has players who like to go out and enjoy themselves Villa players will be no different, if you can stay in every night, not drink, be in bed for 9pm etc then maybe you can criticise them but if you don't yourself then how can you expect someone else to live by rules that you don't follow, footballer or not? Live and let live.
  13. Didn't he relegate wolves ? Nope never made the play offs, he did draw 34 of his 76 league games in charge and in his only full season at the club they only scored 50 goals in 46 league games in the championship. Why his name keeps being banded about is completely and utterly beyond me.
  14. Forget the Times crap has anyone mentioned getting Glen Hoddle? Ticks all the box's, cheap, available, hasn't managed a club in years, nutty as a fruit cake.............oh maybe not as he hasn't relegated a club. Go the Hod!
  15. Well that didn't stop Lerner from appointing a manager who's record reeked of it last summer so who knows this time what the criteria is? Certainly not Faulkner lol
  16. Anyone laying any blame at TT is wrong, he just reported where the plane was. At least it has livened this forum from the doom and gloom we all felt under Mcleish, in the end an inexperienced ex ManU player doesn't want the job, pretty sure TT had nothing to do with his decision. I don't blame anyone, RL has a big decision to make so he shouldn't be blamed for not rushing in and nor should OGS, if he felt he couldn't do the job for whatever reason then it's right he asked not to be considered. Time to move on.
  17. Simon Grayson will keep VP emptying as surely as if Mcleish were still in charge. Surely someone at VP can pick a manager with a bit of flair?
  18. Lambert, Rodgers, Bill and Ben, Margery doors or Captain America will do for me. Not necessarily in that order
  19. Lambert/Rogers for me are both miles ahead of OGS but I have little confidence that RL and Fuckuper will be able to do a deal for either. I just hope for all our sakes that it's not Simon Grayson or Mick Mcarthy! Paul Lambert comes across to me as a modern day Graham Taylor and god knows we need someone to come in and breath some life into this club. And before anyone slates GT, without him we would have dropped another division and probably never seem the likes of Platt, Yorke or Mcgrath wear our C&B colours. RL get that **** plane to Norfolk now and don't return without Lambert!
  20. I knew Chris Wright who was Stans manager at Stafford Rangers he always spoke very highly of Stan but I always got the impression that their was something he wasn't letting on about. Now if we were talking about a certain D Atkinson there are things that I knew about his "injury" when he 1st arrived from RS but that's a whole different story for another day lol. Back on topic, I loved JG both as a player and for the enthusiasm he brought to VP but I would rather have the memories than him return and fail as I doubt the "modern" players with their power would understand John's SOH.
  21. MmL qualification they managed to sneak past us... :winkold: Nar, no trophy = nowt, briny at least thats what I'm telling the red scum here lol but I take your point. Still it wont be good enough for the glory hunters.
  22. All about opinions but for me he is far from shit, I bet Baggie and Spurs fans wish he had of been in goal for the Arsenal game as Martin Fulop showed everyone what being shit really is. If we could get Foster in then I would sell as for me Given=Dracula.
  23. Agreed but even more if OGS were for any reason to leave within 2 yrs to ManU then the compensation should be set at 20m!!! After the red scum won as much as us last season, nowt I can see a scenario where by ManC and Chelsea dominate the Premier League and their fans start getting pissed off and calling for change and demanding OGS. This arrogance would piss me off more than the thought of Mcleish staying for another season.............well almost haha.
  24. Obviously he must be crap...what could a CL and Multiple PL winner who has guided his team to their first league title in their history in his debut season have to offer Villa? Well said Cas, I understand where you are coming from Valhalla but after the "experienced" dross that we have had from Mcleish and how it turned out with Hollier, MoN, Dol etc If RL wants to give a guy with a rap sheet like Cas just spelt out a go then I know I have no problem buying into it. I personally don't play computer football games (as my lads would easily kick my butt lol) however if this is another tool to get the players to understand their roll in his set up and it works I can't see the problem, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if software like this wasn't being developed now to aid the coaches and managers of the future.
  25. I'm also quiet excited about OGS, as I have said previously I think it's a big gamble but after the dour football last season there could be fun at VP at last! One of my big concerns is the ManU connection, not that he played for them but I'm really not looking forward to the arrogant bastards saying that as soon as SAF retires then they can and will take him. This isn't his fault as I understand he is a hero to the unwashed and maybe I'm just being a little sensitive but I hated the way they took Yorke and really don't want all the glory hunters having this over us. I guess I will have to just deal with it if he becomes our manager.
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