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Everything posted by SeanO

  1. I don't "hate" these tosser more pitty their envy, so small time which I guess is WBA all over. I don't doubt that they were disrespectful towards Petrov, petty minded people with an inferiorty complex were always going to behave in this classless maner.
  2. Yes great idea, sack, sack and sack again. How's that working out for you lads? FFS yes he is struggling and yes I'm sure he has made mistakes but this constant turn around in managers is one of the root causes of the shambles that is Aston Villa today. Holding our nerve now is what is needed, yes RL MUST dig deep to help Lambert but he needs to spend whatever he is given wisely. It's not FM or some other crap computer game this is real shit but we have a manager who can if given the resources proved us with a team that can compete so to continue with the calls for him to be sacked IMO will only make a bad situation worse. Even if we do end up relegated I think he should be given the chance to return us the the Premier League afterall he has done this sucessfully with Norwich although I hope it doesn't come to this.
  3. Me too, I thought I had read everything on VT but "plastic fags" would have been a 1st! lol
  4. I also can't work this player out or what he brings to the team but Lambert seems to like him so I'm more than prepared give him time to show what it is that he does.
  5. A absolutely shite game, Every player bar Ireland looked off their game but I guess this will happen while the team gels. Still not too worried as I think we will be fine but we looked very poor so I don't expect any complements off the pundits.
  6. He has been sent out by Lambert to help him develop, don't be so quick to write him off. His record as a youth player was very good and I agree he hasn't really ever shown what would be needed to be Villa's main striker but if it's in there a stint at a club like Blackpool will help bring it out. It's win-win for us, if he performs well and Lambert decides to keep him then great but if he doesn't then Lambert will cut him and we move on.
  7. MOTD = gob-shite tossers, I don't miss their Bin dipper or Utd wankfest one bit. Is the big nosed boring rocket polisher Lineker still hosting the show? I hated watching him and that scouse jock showing their arrogance towards Villa.
  8. **** loved it, I was nervous the whole game but I think that was because of last season rubbish and seeing Villa still trying to score another goal and not sitting back waiting for the inevitable to happen with the opposition scoring was something I had almost forgotten. Vlaar was my MOM but big pluses for Clarke, Lowton and The one man marathon Holman who were all superb. How on earth did Villa nearly lose Guzan? oh and about time wee Barry, where have you been? welcome back. At last the future looks bright, I have no expectations of winning any silver wear (although it would be great) but what I do want is to witness Villa playing football in the manner and for that I would also like to thank Paul Lambert.
  9. Looked very good, unlucky with the miss but it happens. He took his goal very well and added to the balance of the team. We couldn't ask any more from him, I'm wondering if he will start next game or be used as an impact sub while he settles.
  10. Difficult to tell from the game, I didn't see anything from him to suggest he will become a cult hero any time soon. In fact I didn't see anything from him to suggest he will be anything but a substitute while he gets used to the pace of the Premier League which may piss him off. He's a big unit with reasonable touch but from what I saw poor positioning however with the right coaching it will be interesting to see how good he can become. Nowhere near the finished article but not many 21yr old players are, I just hope both the fans and the player are patient enough to give it time.
  11. Good performance, no a great performance given that we are only just at the start of Paul Lamberts managership. This is a benchmark he and his coaches can use with the players in training and if this is the begining I'm really looking forward to seeing how this season pans out. I gave Ireland MOTM but it was close all-round as they all played their part.
  12. I would go with this line up, maybe a bit defensive but I'd take a point now. ---------------Guzan----------------- Lowton--Vlaar-----Baker-----Bennett Herd----KEA----Clark-----Delph -----------------Ireland--------------- -------------Bent-----------------------
  13. There ain't nowt querer than folk.... I suppose it takes all sorts.... Hahaha, What a small minded loser that guy (and any like him) is, he is right anyone could do it. One of the many reasons I don't believe a word of any ITK's are claiming, anyone can make shit up and have people follow because they want it to be true. Hopefully this will be a lesson for anyone who follows these losers, they are just taking the piss out of you.
  14. Amazing - if McLeish had made these signings, people would want him hung, drawn and quartered. I am glad he has gone but equally I am surprised at the amount of faith people have in Paul Lambert. I'm not usually a rude person so I'll try not to be so now but don't use my words to make a **** point that has **** all to do with what I meant or wrote, ok. This topic has nothing to do with Mcleish but answering you post he had no plan and no style of football that I could associate with the team club I love and also no foresight to sign players that might help improve the team so your point is meaningless. Calm down son! For someone who is "not usually a rude person" you are doing a good job at breaking the mould. It's a public forum and if you decide to post comments/advice that someone doesnt agree with you can expect a response. When you said: "Don't get to hung up on where they come from if they have "it" then this manager will bring it out of them." I don't agree or at least don't see how you can make such a definitive statement. There is little evidence beyond one reasonable first season in the Premier League that Paul Lambert can spot players who have "it" whatever "it" is. If he has plucked talent from the lower reaches that go on to prove themselves great but for now they are unproven, unknowns. McLeish rightly got slagged for his style of play, but it is also fair comment to make the point that he wouldn't have got away unscathed with these signings. I don't mind you not agreeing with me, that's not the point of my annoyance with your post at all. I was pissed that you quoted my post to make another point about a manger who has gone when nothing I wrote was to do with that. I see you have now answered using my words to suit your point, I felt that you were trying the "big I am" even though you wont say it hence my intended rude response. I happen to like and trust Lambert, I have brought into his idea and yes these signing are unproven but we could talk all day about players that have come to Villa already proven but who have let themselves, managers and fans down. For example, N'Zogbia, Hutton, Heskey and the list would be huge but I don't care about them it's their loss. I want to see players like Platt who GT took a gamble on. GT saw "it" and through hard work and having better players around him went on to be one of the best English players of his generation. I have no idea if any of these new players can be the next Platt but I'm excited that they might be.
  15. Let's give him time to adjust, people always slag off players that aren't from their club and in the case of Villa fans within the club Enjoy the banter with your mates, remember every bit of shit they give you and pay them back when he proves them wrong (hopefully). I wrote earlier in the thread that I wasn't sold on this player but that's more my ignorance of seeing Belgian league football than anything else. Welcome Christian Benteke to Villa.
  16. Amazing - if McLeish had made these signings, people would want him hung, drawn and quartered. I am glad he has gone but equally I am surprised at the amount of faith people have in Paul Lambert. I'm not usually a rude person so I'll try not to be so now but don't use my words to make a **** point that has **** all to do with what I meant or wrote, ok. This topic has nothing to do with Mcleish but answering you post he had no plan and no style of football that I could associate with the team club I love and also no foresight to sign players that might help improve the team so your point is meaningless.
  17. I assume you mean the barcelona midfield that over the last few seasons has relied on the defensive midfield capabilities of the tiny yaya toure, the tiny sergio busquets and has just bought the tiny alex song? I do but I still don't believe that you only need giants in order to compete, if we were able to sign players of the ilk of Yaya Toure then it would be fantastic but we don't. I would much rather let PL decide who he wants than you, me or anyone else for that matter. If PL wants and big unit in midfield I'm sure he will be out scouting for one that is within Villa's price range for now we go with what we have, enjoy.
  18. I'm up for this now, still wish these signings had been made before the season began but that's how this stupid window works. Not the foggiest idea on any of our new players in fact I had never seen Vlaar, KEA or Lowton until a couple of weeks ago and I'm impressed by all 3 so I'm not concerned that I have (I'm guess the same for most of us) not seen any of this weeks signings play as Paul Lambert seems to be able to spot what he wants in a player. Don't get to hung up on where they come from if they have "it" then this manager will bring it out of them. I think we all understand this season isn't going to be easy we are going to have some difficult times but I'm excited for the 1st time in ages about what the future for Villa holds.
  19. Big John and KHV, Why not try filling those glass for a couple of months and let Paul Lambert and his squad sort out what they are doing? Newcastle away is always going to be difficult but maybe we can spring a surprise, Swansea are a good team but I refuse to believe that PL will give up and roll over to any team especially at VP so just try to hold in there and give them (and us) a break from your constant negative posts. After the previous 2 season I can understand as we are all a little nervous about what this season holds but you can either choose to berate the club, players, owner, manager etc and get yourselves even deeper into a depression about something you can do little about or you can choose to try to see the good things that the above are trying to do and give yourselves a break from being so down. Hey who knows you might find you actually enjoy being a Villans either that or you find something in your life that you do enjoy because life's too short to be down all the time.
  20. And yet KHV the best midfield in the world isn't exactly renowned for being tall. I think I'm starting to get Lambert and if I'm right then I'm more excited by him than any other manager since Ron Saunders. It not the size of the person, it's the size of the fight in the person that matters! He means it when he says he want young hungry battle hardened players. Ones that it will mean something to turn out at VP in a Villa shirt, players who will be proud to hear the Holte sing their name and will do everything they can to come off that pitch with a win. We have an owner who is fabulously rich but is also a businessman maybe just maybe between him and PL we have finally got a chance of achieving what RL's vision was for us when he took over.
  21. **** the haters, they hide behind their computers I guarantee the **** cowards would not have the balls to say it face to face.
  22. Dempsey doesn't fit the bill of young or hungry though. 29yrs old and having a big strop at Fulham, still a very good player.
  23. Wrong, he is highly rated by..........and get this.......by people who have seen him play. Shock! I very much doubt he is anywhere near ready for the premiership, one for the future.
  24. I don't know why but this player doesn't excite me is the slightest, I honestly hope we move to whoever plan B is. I just hope there is a plan B!!
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