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Everything posted by coda

  1. Rachel Riley telling George Galloway to '**** off'.
  2. Every McDonald's touchscreen tested had traces of shit on it. Bon appetit.
  3. For those with bowel issues, have specialists ever mentioned faecal transplants?
  4. Must be some nice goal line technology conspiracies being cooked up on RAWK.
  5. I liked it although I kept expecting Dominic West to give a rueful look and the Stella Artois music to start playing.
  6. Ran out of lager and was forced to drink IPA.
  7. Different venue but didn't Chisora wear a Union Jack bandana on his ring walk? I'd like to see them try throwing him out.
  8. Maybe Swampy got a drone on Black Friday.
  9. Best Christmas film --------------> Children of Men.
  10. They should try seagulls. Fly some drones carrying crisps and pasties around some young seagulls. Next time they see a drone they'll be after it.
  11. Can't they just train an eagle or something?
  12. Had a curry followed by a mince pie yesterday. Not a great combo.
  13. Him and the Glazers seem to be avoiding criticism. I've got no sympathy for Mourinho but he's not the only one at fault.
  14. Thought Mourinho would stifle any life out of this game but he can't even manage that these days.
  15. Be amusing if Liverpool have an invincible season and don't win the league.
  16. I could never understand why people would consciously not vote but that's where I am currently.
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