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Everything posted by mrchnry

  1. she's my friend. OMG she's going to sign up and read this thread and you guys are going to be in soooo muuuch trouublllllle :nod: ps. is she really well goff, or skramz, or punkz? I kind of expect she isnt, like if she has a lip piercing and dark hair these guys would think she is gothic. hahaha goth. Man, who even says that anymore?? Haha yeah I thought the same. I have mates who have black back-combed hair, tattoos and piercings, but I'd just say they're into rock music. I think they'd be quite offended if I called them goths! I will indeed let her know about this thread
  2. ah ok thanks. Really looking forward to it. My first villa game was against forest back in 89.
  3. Any idea when ticket info will be released for this?
  4. saw dark shadows last night, easily the worst burton film i've ever seen. The plot was an absolute mess.
  5. i saw men in black 3 last night and have to say it's very good. I'd go as far as to say its better than the 1st one.
  6. Let the hard times roll by David Ford. He was the lead singer with the band easyworld.
  7. The 10 hour cap has just bitten me. i didn't know there was a limit. I was thinking of upgrading from free too but thats put me off.
  8. is that jenny aguttar?
  9. mrchnry

    Being a DJ

    download a programme called serato scratch. It'll scan all your mp3's so you can search for things by bpm. that will really give you a feel for beat matching and eventually it'll become instinct. If you need any help with setting up to scan inbox me and i'll talk you through it.
  10. mrchnry


    Whats the worst hangover you've ever had? Mine would have to after the carling cup final. Got up feeling fine and went the shops to get the mrs some "sorry i was a clearing in the woods" flowers. Walking back and the world just collapsed around me.
  11. I'm hearing the twitter rumours too, probably a bluenose having a laugh
  12. do macron print the badge on? im sure west hams is printed
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