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Everything posted by VillaChris

  1. This grand experiment dosen't seem to be working very well with Doncaster does it, have they won a game since they started bringing in all these players on loan?
  2. What has Fevre been upto for all these years before doing this extraordinary job for Gladbach in the last 6 months? A coach to watch or just someone going through a Pardew like lucky spell?
  3. He did o.k and got forward well. I wish he'd work on his crosses though, apart from the Heskey chance, all his crosses always seem low and underhit to me.
  4. Yeah yeah it was a really scattergun approach when he first joined Sunderland, he signed about 6 or 7 centre halfs like Kilgallon, Turner, Mensah, Bramble, Onouha, Da Silva etc.
  5. I just think it will be the emotional pull, they were his club when he was growing up in Nothern Ireland so similar to him going to Celtic. And they do spend money, Roy Keane wasted about 40m there signing Manure rejects and Bruce spent 15m on Bent, 13m on Asamoah Gyan, 8m on Cattermole, 6m on Gardner, 8m on Michael Turner etc so MON would get money in January.
  6. MON to Sunderland will happen imo, emotional pull of his boyhood club and all that.
  7. I think Everton fans were giving him a bit of stick before he left for Newcastle IIRC as he wouldn't sign a new deal. Apart from that model pro.
  8. Step up from he's awful and we need to sell him tommorrow. :winkold:
  9. You can get some great deals off viagogo. Got an Arsenal ticket off there in the upper trinity for 20 quid, matchday price is 40 quid! And the Swansea game for 13 quid. It's the way to go for non-season ticket holders who still want to go to most games imo.
  10. One of the nicest men in football imo and an opponent you always respected and never abused. Still can't believe this has happened tbh, R.I.P.
  11. Yes agreed. Dunney baring that cup final blunder was magnificent that season, he made the PFA team so pretty impossible for anyone alongside him to play really badly.
  12. Different times but Collins got injured in November 2009 and Carlos came in and we kept a string of clean sheets including one at Old Trafford. That said, Carlos will be leaving in the summer so I'd much rather see Clark given a run at centre back given he's the bleeding future there.
  13. The ones at Liverpool are just doing what Randy was doing from 2007-09 though, spending huge amounts on domestic players. If Liverpool miss out on the champions league again this season, let's see how long it is before spending significantly decreases. I do though think it's a bit pie in the sky to bank everything on the new tv deal being hugely reduced, we seem to think that every time it gets renewed and time and again Sky offer an increase as prmier league football is pretty much everything to their business model. And if their offer is slightly reduced, then surely the worldwide rights deal will just make up the difference as premier league football remains hugely popular all across the globe. I can't see their being a total football cash implosion for a while tbh. This reminds me of a time under Doug when we spent casually and just expected everyone else to go tits up, Leeds did but just them, all the top clubs just continued spending or taken over before they did a Leeds like Chelsea.
  14. The Leverkusen-Chelsea game was pretty decent aswell.
  15. Agreed although I would expect him challenging for a spot when he comes back from loan. I like the fact he seems a bit of a free kick specialist, we haven't had one of those since Solano really.
  16. He was comfortanly Pompey's best player the year they went down and was then very good in the world cup for Ghana so yeah I'd say he's pretty decent. That goal reminded me a bit of the one Angel scored for us at VP at home to I think Pompey?
  17. Not going to happen but must be good odds on Manure, City and Chelsea all playing europa league football after xmas. :shock:
  18. I find the Chelsea game a really good watch tbh. Pretty open all throughout the game.
  19. Scott Parker is one of the signings of the season imo, he fits brilliantly into their team.
  20. Spurs's pace from the wide areas will rip this line up to shreds I fear.
  21. The irony is Donny's results haven't exactly improved with this "experiment."
  22. He has played well in some of the big games for Liverpool though, more so than Downing and Henderson.
  23. I doubt it, maybe travelling as 19th man or something. When does this next gen series finish?
  24. and took them 7 years to get that team competitive after years of finishing 5th adn 6th adn continually selling best players. after realising a scattergun approach in transfer window didnt work They made a mess of Jol leaving and then appointing Ramos who was flavour of the month but couldn't communicate properly and sold Keane, Berbatov and Defoe all in 6 months and replaced them with Frazier Campell, Pav and Giovani! :shock: No wonder they had that infamous 2 points from 8 games and then Redknapp came in and the rest is history. Can McLeish be our Redknapp picking up the mess after a foriegn disaster? I doubt it but we need to steady the club a bit.
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