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Everything posted by omariqy

  1. I know villa_shere from our uni days so there is no rivalry between us. I am just interested that's all. Interested to know if every time he was pissed up after a night out did he ask mario's (or any other local takeaway) if the meat was halal.
  2. So have you always asked about where your meat comes from? Where possible yes, when I go to a restaurant or fast food place i ask if the meat is halal, when i visit my butchers i ask there too. I dont knowingly eat halal/kosher meat for religious reasons, some people dont eat it for moral and ethic reasons, so for the people who do not wish to eat it should be told. Classic example is the balti pie at VP, all the pukka pies bar one contain "haraam" meat. Only the Balti pie contains Halal meat but this is not advertised What's the religious reason? Excuse my ignorance.
  3. So have you always asked about where your meat comes from?
  4. Have we've got any evidence that it causes the animal more pain/harm?
  5. On the face of it 8th is decent bordering on good. However, when you look at the games we have had and how we have played then you start to worry. I think we will get a truer picture of Big Eck's capabilities come the new year when we have played the big boys.
  6. Surely killing of any animal is barbaric? No matter which method is used? I think there was a study done on this to see which method induced more pain on the animal?
  7. A bit too much? How much cocksucking do you normally tolerate out of interest?
  8. Played it all weekend and I must say it's very realistic but not very enjoyable at all.
  9. What happens if I draft my post on the shitter but don't click submit until I am not on the shitter? Yes I draft my posts.
  10. out of interest and without delving into peoples financial affairs ... would you then be tempted to take out a loan and give yourself a lump sum that you could spend on something like a car /holiday / extension /millions of books :winkold:and pay back over say 5 years ... or would you save what was the mortgage money each month and spend it on something you desire once you have built up the funds ? or indeed just save it for a rainy day ? Good question, but it sort of doesn't arise, as I plan to retire in two years anyway. So I'll only have one year of salary with no mortgage. Negotiations with the financial director (Mrs M) are ongoing as to our future plans. In other words... dunno really. Well I'm hoping you have a pension to look forward to in retirement?
  11. I don't think I was able to avoid debt. In order to go to Uni I had to get a student loan to cover Tuition Fees. My loan covered Tuition fees and most of my accomodation but not all. So I had to get part time job during holidays to pay the rest of my accomodation and to live off. The money from the part time job was not enough to live off so I had to use my student overdraft. Now I had to do this every year and I ended up with a student loan of £12k and overdrafts of £3k. I was screwed to begin with. Since then I have accumulated more debt but paid some off. I hope to be debt free by this time next year. The ironic thing is that I want to be debt free so that I can begin to save for a mortgage. What a **** up world we live in.
  12. I always post from the toilet. I do my best posting whilst decimating the toilet bowl.
  13. Can't believe Di Canio took the wrong turn on a 2 mile fun run and ended up doing a half marathon.
  14. I'd dump myself if I had to go watch Johnny English.
  15. I can't believe it. Sorry mate a goal every 2 games is not good enough for us. Get out the team. We want someone to hold the ball up and run in to the channels when warnock plays aimless balls in to the corner.
  16. We are a top nation. A shit footballing nation though.
  17. Our coach at Loughborough and a really good coach/guy. Sad times.
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