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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. Perez retiring in Canada shows Red Bull are still having reliability issues too. Mercedes seem to be the most reliable at the moment
  2. I think the pace gap is still quite big. Hamilton's result in Canada, he was 7s behind after essentially 15 laps after the safety car. That's still a significant pace gap to Red Bull to bridge.
  3. Worth taking into account the economic environment we are in and the outlook for the year. We've had March and April with decreasing GDP of 0.1% and 0.3% respectively. May and June will likely have decreases too. So before the end of the year we will be in a recession. With inflation rampant and climbing to 11% there is the very real possibility that the Bank of England is force to continue raising interest rates thus keeping us in or deepening the recession to finally bring inflation down. We haven't seen a recession that lasts for 12 months or longer since the great recession of 2008/2009. Real wages will fall significantly as they can't keep in line with inflation especially in a recession. There are large parts of the world economy that have never been tested by high interest rates and a recession. Take all these new tech rapid growth companies / business models. Add to that we will see a lot of industrial action further damaging the economy. So I think people should take heed of the times ahead with their career choices and general spending.
  4. Indeed. We should get some of those posts later in the evening. Stated agenda of the club is to sign first team players as as one of the current first team players now becomes a squad player. Or however you want to word it
  5. It was a calculated character assassination of Luke to make him weak and no longer the hero so as to elevate the new Mary Sue, Rey as it fits in with the Social Justice agenda of the people who made it. There is no story with the new trilogy it is just a medium for modern political agendas.
  6. So essentially job done for Disney with Kenobi, they introduced a new diverse female character, played by a new actress who will cost much less than any actors of established characters would and now she can have her own set of content on Disney+ Next up for Disney is getting a new female Thor, then they can have cross overs with the female Loki they've got. Meanwhile Disney stock price is down 50% in the last 7 months.
  7. I'm sure his wages are fine for a club in France to cover if on loan. We could hopefully get a Loan fee too
  8. We need to move Hause out on Loan really as we've improved on him by signing Carlos. We've an excellent back 5 and it's even better with a proper 6 in the team too.
  9. Relative to what? Ings, Digne, Coutinho, Martinez and Carlos are all on £100k+ per week
  10. Did the team return for pre season on Monday 27th?
  11. I totally agree if many of those players were around in the modern era and went through the modern systems from a young age they would probably still be great players. But we are asked in the OP to take a past Villa player at their peak, so that would be transporting that player from the year we deemed their peak straight into modern times to have as part of the squad. So no ex Villa players players from the 1990s for example have the tactical upbringing, fitness levels and diet required for modern prem football. This is why the answer for me is Grealish, Milner and Barry
  12. It's a different situation to Traore. Who has 2 years left, is clearly talented and was a success in his first season with us and injury plagued him. Loaning Traore out doesn't make as much sense as it does Sanson.
  13. Seems he has played in a 3 4 3, 3 4 1 2 and 3 5 2 system. When in a 3 4 3 he's marked down as CM on transfermarkt. When central in a 3 5 2 or as part of the double pivot in the 3 4 1 2 he's marked as a CDM. Anyway, doesn't matter what labels the sites give him. Kamara is better than Doucoure and they are very similar defensive minded players of same age from France. I'm sure we've signed the better one.
  14. Assume it's near certain we'll loan him back to France. He's got 3 years left on his contract and a good loan spell is what's needed. We get a loan fee + his wages covered. He'll do great back in France if he stays fit
  15. Yes 10 times. While he played 24 times in CDM. Cheick Doucouré - Detailed stats | Transfermarkt Kamara is the better signing and we got him.
  16. Also we have an old aesthetic to Villa Park which other clubs don't have with their boring modern looking stadiums.
  17. Has to keey in style with the rest of the ground. So can't have just one random ultra modern stand
  18. You can be pleased. We already have and his name is Kamara
  19. I didn't read the OP so assumed it was any former player only playing right now and at their current level. Grealish is only former player I'd take back. Maybe Idrissa Guye too actually. While Milner would be good to have around the squad and team. If we can go back in time to pick players at their peak. I would still only look for players who could play the modern game. So like McGrath wouldn't be able to thrive in modern football if we took him at his peak to Villa right now. Shortlist is really Milner, Barry, Benteke, Grealish, Gueye and Pires, assuming Young is excluded. I think Laursen, Mellberg probably not as good as Mings / Carlos if they had to be dropped into the modern game. I'd probably go with Milner and Grealish for sure. I don't know how peak Pires would get on in modern game. So it'd be between Gueye and Barry and I'd probably side with Barry.
  20. If Luiz stays I can see him getting games at 6 and 8 next season. I think in the 4 3 2 1 formation the compactness of the midfield means the midfield 3 are more flat vs the 4 3 1 2 which is more of a midfield diamond with a CDM, two 8s and a 10. Away at City we played JJ Luiz McGinn and we played very well.
  21. Isn't that a newspaper that has 500k followers not a person?
  22. In a World Cup year he needs to be starting
  23. IF you are using FBref then it's from only European games as Portugal isn't one of top 5 leagues. Hence tiny sample and toughest games
  24. Otavio would be signed for one of the 8 positions. He could play as one of the 10s too if needed. Same way McGinn could for example.
  25. He is a versatile midfielder and played last season mostly as a RM in a 4 4 2 system. He has very high defensive stats, with pressures etc. He's played lots of games centrally and also interestingly lots of games at LM so would likely slot into one of the 8 roles and would be happy playing either side I assume.
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