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Everything posted by kurtsimonw

  1. kurtsimonw


    I believe I read somehwere Halladay still has quite afew years on hid current contract, does that mean if anyone does get him, they'll have to be giving up ridiculous amounts? Or isn't in the same as in football where a longer contract doesn't necesarrily mean much. But I agree if the Red Sox got him that would be scary!
  2. As close to perfection in food as you will get, incredible stuff!
  3. They shouldn't be considered racist, but they probably are. Pathetic!
  4. Nah, not the top 10. I also feel a bit sorry for Ashley Cole. As far as I'm aware, he was told he would be offered £60,000 when he next signs a contract, which Arsenal then refused to give him. It's all well and good saying he should be happy enough with £55,000, but if I were promised something, then offered less, I'd be pretty pissed off.
  5. Bioshock any good? I remember seeing tonnes of adverst for it when it came out, but I never had a 360 back then.
  6. Unlucky mate, sorry to hear about that.
  7. Good save from Friedel at the end. Very even game, nothing in it, just the only real mistake came from us which they capitalised on.
  8. Lichaj's got a bit of a throw on him aint he!
  9. I think he's done ok so far.... He just always seems so uncomfortable on the ball. You really think so? I actually think he's one of our better players on the ball. It's just when a winger is running at him when he's defending I'm a bit concerned.
  10. Agreed. The fans need to take some of the blae for this, and the people who let the fans get their own way too. I'm sure they'd now be happy with Souness' "poor signings" and Big Sams "boring football" over Championship football.
  11. Good list mjmooney, Being John Malkovich is one that had slipped my mind, should certainly be up there.
  12. kurtsimonw


    Lugo!? No thankyou! Mark Buehrle of the White Sox pitched a perfect game tonight, well done to him. I believe he had a no-hitter in a season just gone by too. EDIT: Just watched a video of the 9th inning, there was a really close call with 0 outs when the guy nearly hit a homer, Wise made a great play to make the out though!
  13. Never taken drugs before, but have always been a little curious as to what they make you feel like.
  14. Pulp Fiction or Usual Suspects for me. Shawshank and Schindlers List being the 2 most over-rated.
  15. kurtsimonw


    President Obama throwing the first pitch to Pujols. He came out in a White Sox top, getting boos from the fans. Didn't know he was a ChiSox fan.
  16. kurtsimonw


    Prince Fielder of the Brewers won the HR derby last night. The All-Star game is on tonight, hopefully the NL can stop this horrible, horrible run!
  17. A few of my friends are really big fans of MMA and the like, they are absoloutely pissed that a 'fake wrester' has owned every fighter he's come accross in MMA.
  18. He ain't unbeatable. Fedor would wipe the floor with him if they ever faced. Nah. Lesnar just doesn't have the respect that Fedor does due to his lack of fights, but once that wins column starts to rise high, people will quickly start to realise just how unbeatable he is. Yeah he lost once, but that was fluke on his debut, won't happen again. I'd love to see Fedor/Lesnar.. but it ant gonna happen, ever. Dana said when Fedor is done with Affliction, then he's making it happen H was meant to be signing him last year (or the year before?) as well, but that never happened. I think it's just a dream fight to be honest, one of those things that'll never materialise. One can dream though!
  19. He ain't unbeatable. Fedor would wipe the floor with him if they ever faced. Nah. Lesnar just doesn't have the respect that Fedor does due to his lack of fights, but once that wins column starts to rise high, people will quickly start to realise just how unbeatable he is. Yeah he lost once, but that was fluke on his debut, won't happen again. I'd love to see Fedor/Lesnar.. but it ant gonna happen, ever.
  20. You gotta love his post-fight interviews.
  21. Lesnar wins, ref stopped the fight, Mir's face was a mess. Bit of piss taking afterward too. Lesnar moves to 4-1, considering his only loss ever was his first MMA fight, to Mir, I just don't see him making those rookie mistakes again. Unbeatable.
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