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Everything posted by kurtsimonw

  1. Short memories and Liverpool being so good help his cause. He's made quite a few mistakes this season, they just don't matter because they've gone on to win. If Van Dijk got back to his best, and continued that for a good 5 years or so, then maybe you could start putting him in a conversation with some of the best PL defenders - like Vidic. At this point it's just modern day thinking. A good season and you're a God.
  2. Wat Also, it isn't because teams have a different number of games remaining.
  3. Watched Fury and Vice yesterday. Think Brad Pitt has to be one of my favourite actors ever. Not only is he mostly excellent, but I enjoy most of his films. Really enjoyable film and I like the cast. Vice was a slow burner, but enjoyed it way more than I thought I would as someone who's not all that big on politics.
  4. You should read up on Brentford I think.
  5. Im generally very, very picky with comedies, but this is fantastic.
  6. Where abouts is that mate? I've had a look on the site and app, but can't find anything.
  7. I'll try! No doubt I'll end up out of pocket with this 80% wage thing the government are talking about though. Probably won't be entitled because I'm working part time somewhere!
  8. Got a temp job at Aldi, start Tuesday.
  9. GK - Bosnich (Australia) RB - Delaney (Wales) CB - Mellberg (Sweden) CB - Laursen (Denmark) LB - Bouma (Netherlands) RM - Solano (Peru) CM - Petrov (Bulgaria) CM - Barry (England) LM - Ginola (France) ST - Angel (Colombia) ST - Benteke(Belgium) We're preobably one of the easier teams to do it for. We've had a lot of decent players/big names from a wide variety of countries. I did a Milan one on twitter. Considering the only players that've succeeded there come from Italy, Brazil and Netherlands (with a couple of exceptions), it was a bit more difficult!
  10. I've spent all my free time doing what I always do, rewatching movies I've already seen, rather than something new. Today's running order was: The Breakfast Club, What We Do in the Shadows, The Hateful Eight, Aliens. The Hateful Eight I'd only seen once before, it was better on second viewing. I went in to it the first time expecting some kind of big twist or reveal and it felt a little flat for me, but this time I could really enjoy it for what it was.
  11. Whoever doesn't love Napoleon Dynamite needs to be found and destroyed IMO.
  12. A lot of it is ifs and buts. I agree there's no guarantee of anything. I don't necessarily feel we need to be more, defensive, but there's no need to be as open as we are. In transition, we look as bad as we did in our relegation season. Anytime we lose the ball, I fear we will concede. I genuinely do believe that the skill gap between the squads below Everton is really minimal, though. I think this idea that we're somehow inferior to every other squad and that the fact we're even in touching distance is some sort of miracle is just not right. In terms of talent, I think West Ham maybe have a slight edge over everyone, but again I think it's minimal and they're struggling because Pellegrini is just a really bad coach IMO and put them in a terrible situation. That's the thing down the bottom for me, the coaching is even more key than it is at the top end. Pellegrini again being a good example, in that he won the title simply because he had by far and away the best squad. But down the bottom where things are tighter, that's where coaching is even more important and that's where we lack. Whether it be the system, the decision making, the timing of changes. It's just been really bad for me.
  13. First movie you remember seeing? - Snow White Scariest film? - V/H/S (I watch a lot of movies at night on my laptop. The only movie I ever recall having to take my earphones out/turn the light on) Funniest film? - Step Brothers Movie that made you cry the most? - Lion King Film you loved as a kid and think is shit now? - Power Rangers Film people don't rate but you love? - Pain & Gain Film people love but you don't rate? - Drive Worst film? - Goal! (Sports movies in general are bad, this is spectacularly awful) Film that means something special to you? - X-Men (growing up I was obsessed with them, never been so excited for a movie) Film you relate to the most? - The Breakfast Club Sexiest film? - Baywatch (2017) (the women in that movie were just outrageous) Strange stiffies weird wide ons (like things your found sexy in a film like the midget from total recall or lady from lady and the tramp)? - Nothing springs to mind. Best case of cinematography (not your favourite more like Lawrence of Arabia where it's a masterpiece but it's not a film you'd watch loads)? - Gravity Favourite film? - The Prestige What one film would you take to heaven with you (doesn't have to be any from the list)? - Inglorious Basterds (Probably watched it 50 times, and always look forward to watching again)
  14. But we'll be chopping and changing players, rather than coaches, which is arguably more disruptive - and certainly more expensive. If we go down, we'll be on essentially our 4the squad in 4 seasons. I want PL football, I want a good coach. A prerequisite of playing attacking football isn't that you can't defend. Plenty of clubs play decent football without leaking goals and being so open all the time. That's just bad coaching IMO.
  15. Winning football. If its much harder to play an attacking style, with lots of new players, then maybe we shouldn't be doing that? It's a results business. I'd much rather take a few years of defensive football to stabalise, and try and build from there.
  16. Sheffield United signed more players, for less than half the money. This was a squad that's foundations were built in League 1. The idea that £140m isn't enough, or that we had a mostly Championship squad, just doesn't wash with me.
  17. Sorry to hear mate, hope you don't have it and that you're okay.
  18. This is the thing for me. Even if we stay up, this football isn't sustainable long term. You can count on one hand the amount of performances you could describe as good. His system is deeply flawed, it's pretty much broken. As individuals, the eye test and all the numbers point to them being fine. Our CBs all rank decently, goals from our flanks aren't anything special compared to the league average. He's not learning either, and for me this is the big thing and the deal breaker.
  19. kurtsimonw

    The NSWE Board

    Any team could have got better results. Each to their own, I just personally don't think they're to blame.
  20. kurtsimonw

    The NSWE Board

    Just a weird view IMO. It just suggests that owners are responsible for all failures and all successes. It just isn't the case. Unfortunately it seems we live in an age of no accountability. If you do a shit job, its your fault, not your bosses. IMO If they hired complete unknowns and put these people in a position to fail, I agree. But they've hired people who are by no means out of their depth, and backed them.
  21. Absolutely this. 18/19, despite was Purslow and others may say, was a "last chance" of sorts, because FFP would've strangled us to death. We would've been living in the loan market forever, like most clubs down there, so no matter when we went up it would always be the same issue of having to spend a fortune just to keep the Championship level squad we had. The investment and quality in the squad is sufficient to keep us up. 17th would be a "success" in a very black and white World. Should we stay up, even if it's finishing 15th, I'd struggle to consider it a great season. The quality of football, the decision making... it's been absolutely awful from Smith. A last gasp winner to keep us up on the final day shouldn't be a deciding factor in whether he keeps the job or not, he shouldn't.
  22. Does The Witcher drastically improve? I watched the first episode and it was just really poorly written.
  23. kurtsimonw

    The NSWE Board

    It's a silly argument IMO. It's like saying owners are responsible for the success at all clubs too, they aren't. Owners are not usually footballing people. If they bring in people with a good track record (Purslow and Suso, in our situation) that's all they can do. If it doesn't work, how is that the owners fault? The owners job IMO, is to do exactly as above. Bring in those with a good track record of success, and to put the money in. Our owners have done exactly that, there's nothing more that they can do. If they were more hands on, people would complain that they are meddling owners.
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