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Everything posted by PaulC

  1. PaulC


    Very true, Its terrible what happened to Petrov but lets be honest I don't think he would be a regular in the team these days.
  2. He's hardly a Suarez though is he. Johnson is their main threat I think. Sessegnon is a class apart/above. Johnson is one of the most overrated players of all time - a painting by numbers winger. Sessegnon has been very inconsistent this season. Johnson has had a poor season but its about positions. Most people think our weakness is down our left side which is why I am worried about Johnson
  3. In the games where Bannan has started recently (Reading, QPR) he hasn't been making any. 'Hollywood' passes - he was making simple and short passes and nearly always finding his man. He's been decent recently in my opinion I wonder if Mel Gibson has ever approached Bannon with a view to starring in a Hollywood Blockbuster at anytime soon having seen his Hollywood balls? Seeing as he his Scottish, Bannan could appear in Braveheart 2. Then again maybe Mel thought better of it when he saw Bannan's shocking SET pieces & thought to himself, Nah, I don't want this liability to appear on SET. I think occasionally you need to go for the Hollywood pass.
  4. Didn't even know that was possible and pretty unfair to be honest, but indeed unlucky Christian, guess the standard PFA award will have to make do next year! I didn't expect him to win it but I think its wrong to award both awards to the same player unless its a Villa player like in 77
  5. Yes but the crowds were flooding in when we got promoted back to the first division. They started dwindling after the sales of Andy Gray and John Gidman. I AGREE football had a bad name then with football hooliganism. Even though it was relatively cheap to watch football. Crowds were down after we had a boom time after the war. Late 60s onwards there was a decline because of football hooliganism.
  6. PaulC


    I see it that way too
  7. Beline is not a herbal medication, it is a combination of corticosteroids, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories that is fraudulently sold as a herbal remedy. That doesn't mean that they're dangerous, or that you should stop taking them, but I'd advise that you chat to your GP and show them the actual ingredients list to see whether or not you should be taking them. The best thing to do for arthritic knees is lose weight and do weight bearing exercise (squats are great for your knees, despite popular opinion). Surely if you have arthritic knees then squats would make things worse. Weight lose and non stressful exercise like a walking or exercise bike.
  8. Yes the big money signings like Young, Downing and Milner were good. But there was just too much dross bought.
  9. Good post! Forget Blues Villa are representatives of the 2nd City but we don't really match up. The fan base is there but we rarely sell out. even when we won the league in 81 we only averaged 33,000. West Ham have never been as big as us and they have the Olympic but they are only renting it and I wonder if the will fill it. You could be right Lerner thought he could make us into a an Arsenal or Liverpool but Man City takeover destroyed everything.
  10. PaulC


    Yes Taarabt is not a Villa type player. Too lazy!
  11. Yes I'm fine with it. I would install Linux but I use Dreamweaver a lot and don't think there's a version for Linux.
  12. PaulC


    Townsend is the only one I would bother with but he's on loan isn't he?
  13. I don't know about any of this stuff but my heart goes out to the people who lost family and loved ones and the people that have been severley injured. The girl that has lost her foot and wants to run the marathon next year and dance. That's spirit!
  14. No renewable energy. Nigel Farage was on QT saying they had changed their minds on flat rate taxation yet its still in their manifesto. Now hes saying there would be a top rate tax of 40%, which still means the well off pay less tax. They are just basically far right conservatives.
  15. Yes but how about the 7-1 win over Wimbledon. A Tommy Johnson hattrick
  16. Yes 5-2 Ipswich as well with an Andy Gray hatrick. That was the most exiting Villa team ever. Shame the Blues did the double over us I think. I know they won 2-1 at Villa. I think they won 2-1 at St. Andrews as well. We had a player sent off and Andy Gray was playing in defence I think.
  17. Yes their policies are utter crap, but they will get some voters because of their policy on immigration.
  18. He's hardly a Suarez though is he. Johnson is their main threat I think.
  19. Did you go to that link I gave you. $399 is about £250.00 I think. That will do what you want. You can create a site easily with a user cp and admin cp. If you have any questions then you can ask them and they will help you.
  20. Thanks for your answer. I have just purchased a laptop with windows 8 and I agree with everything you say. Bring back windows 3.1 lol
  21. PaulC


    I'm not so sure. Wigan at least are playing well, Newcastle are awfull.
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