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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. Yeah that bit does annoy me, as said above. And I notice that change in myself as well to be honest, my patience is far worse than it used to be when it comes to media.
  2. I don't really think it's different. it was a behavioural thing for us as well. When my parents were kids they hardly had any children's TV. Or TV in general. Kids sitting around watching TV or playing video games all day was a completely alien concept. Kids in my generation were addicted to cartoons and video games. We were constantly told that behaviour was different and wrong. Now it's normal and this new behaviour is different and wrong I think it's just the standard thing that happens in every generation, people think the changes in the new generation are bad and their generation was better. It almost never is
  3. Stevo985

    Unai Emery

    If he delivers top 4 and wins the Europa Conference then I cannot see how, even with big club bias, he can't win manager of the year. Maybe other trophies don't come into it I guess. But even with the league achievement in isolation, it's hard to see how another manager could have had a better season. If Arteta wins the league with Arsenal then I see how he would probably win it (even though there would be a legit argument that it's not as good as our achievement)
  4. Chelsea have an insane record against Spurs at Stamford Bridge. Not far off our record vs Utd at Old Trafford
  5. Agreed, and I don't think anyone is to be fair. I think he could have a good future, but I've said for a few games now that he just doesn't look ready. He either needs a run in the team to get upto speed, or a loan, imo. I'm not sure we can afford to give him the former
  6. I assume he meant in the middle of their Premier League stint. Not sure it really counts once your top flight career is finished
  7. Again this happens every generation, it's not new. Like you say, they all do the same thing. Entertain kids, they're educational, teach life lessons. Job done. There's some problematic stuff out there, so there's an element of parental control needed, but that's never changed really. I think the only thing that's definitely worse is the ease of access. You can't just watch tv channels and watch what's on, you can access whatever you want all the time whenever you want it. That's a problem. Even at 2 I've noticed my son can't comprehend something not being available right now. if he asks for Peppa you can't say "it's not on". He knows it's on if you want it to be on. That's my biggest issue with it. The content for me is meh. It's a bit odd to me. But TV content changes.
  8. My parents would have said the same thing about what I was watching. And my son will say the same thing about what his kids are watching
  9. Picked this back up yesterday. All I've got left is Gna. But first time around I just couldn't get near beating her and eventually put it down and never picked it back up. Now I'm determined to get it done. Realised yesterday I wasn't QUITE fully geared up. So now I am, and being more tactical about my build, which I'd never really done before. Once I finally defeat her I'll get going on the DLC
  10. This is a concern, but on the other hand I'm certain that the reason my son is good at counting and recognising colours and animals etc is through what he watches on YouTube Although he's at the age where I can have a certain amount of control over what he watches. I suppose when he gets older I'll have less and less. He doesn't have the phone/ipad very often, but we do use it now and then. More often we put YouTube on the TV but that way I can control what he's watching. I do think the screen time thing is exagerrated somewhat though just because it's now on ipads/phones rather than televisions. When I was a kid all I did was watch TV and play video games. Almost literally
  11. I heard somewhere that the removing of lids wasn't to stop you throwing bottles, but was to ensure if there was a crush situation that any bottles on the floor would be crushed under feet and not act as a trip hazard (a bottle with a lid on wouldn't crush so would trip people up) That may very well be complete nonsense, but it's what I heard
  12. Agreed. That was the problem with the Lerner one. They did a survey, took everything that suggested the fans wanted and chucked it all onto one badge and went with it. It's like nbobdoy stood back and thought "ok but does this actually look good?" Fans should be consulted for ideas, and they should be consulted to "sign off" (for want of a better phrase) on the final product. That's about it
  13. Agreed. We more than likely only need one more win in the league. We can do that with or without Emi.
  14. I think this is what will happen. Spurs will lose one of their games this week, Chelsea or Liverpool. They won’t win both. We’ll beat Brighton. Then as above it’s only 3 of those 9 points we need to think about. Either we beat Liverpool and it’s done or spurs need to not lose to city. Either way best Brighton and spurs will need an unreal end to the season to beat us
  15. We basically need to defend a 9 point swing on Spurs. By that I mean we need any combination of us winning or spurs losing 9 points. If we win two more game, spurs can only lose one. If we only win one then spurs can afford to lose two. Nice way to visualise it. If spurs lose against Chelsea in midweek and we beat Brighton then it’s down to 3 points. One more win for us or one more loss for them and it’s done
  16. If they lose both games this week it’s as good as done. If they win one and we beat Brighton then it’s as good as done. They’d need to beat Man City in the penultimate game to stay in it. I think they’ll win one of their games this week, we’ll beat Brighton, spurs will beat Burnley and then lose to City and it’ll be done. We’ll be on the beach for Palace
  17. They were mostly crap. Arsenal gifted them a goal which gave them a bit of momentum. That was it really
  18. I think Spurs will lose at least one of their next 2. I think we finish next weekend 7 clear with 2 to play, with only one game in hand for Spurs. If spurs lose their game against city then it could be done
  19. I think Emi stays in his box and gets the easy header from Carlos. He shares the confidence in the defence that they have in him. But I agree with you overall point. Either way that ball gets dealt with as a routine thing. It wouldn’t develop into a chance for Chelsea
  20. They’re both at fault. If Olsen stays in his area rather than charging out then Carlos doesn’t get a chance to lose his mind because he has an easy header back to Olsen. As it was, Olsen forced Carlos into changing his mind and then Carlos **** it up. If a Bette keeper is on the pitch then that situation never happens.
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