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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. If that happens then hopefully we at least get a season or two of transition so it'll be remotely interesting again
  2. To be fair, like a lot of these threads, it's turned from "best sitcom of all time" to "name a load of sitcoms you like"
  3. Why aren't (plastic) milk bottles air/water tight once they're opened? Is it cheaper to manufacture them that way? Is it to let the milk breathe? Is it to force you to not store the milk horizontally? Why?
  4. The Office (UK) It's clear. US sitcoms it's "Always Sunny" for me
  5. I couldn’t get any. **** joke. One of the biggest games in recent history and they can’t get the website to **** work
  6. They keep flashing up but once I click in everthing is gone
  7. I'm hoping it's everyone being stuck with stuff in their basket. It's basically a sell out already if the website is accurate
  8. Got in after 90 minutes but everywhere is showing full
  9. Nope It's a **** shambles
  10. Yep, I got in a queue a third time. After it seemd to work. Clicked home tickets. Now in another queue. For half an hour
  11. End of the queue again and again a message about maintenance. **** joke
  12. I've managed to get back in the queue No idea what will happen at the end of the queue
  13. Glad it's not just me. What a shambles
  14. It would almost certainly to pay for flights and a hotel to a European grand prix instead
  15. Not a single one of these has a MS Paint shadow on it Ingers out
  16. I'd expect Palmer to be back given it was illness. Gusto I'd be less sure of. My only worry with Chelsea is how we've played so badly against them twice already this season. Seems like a bit of an anomaly with our form. Sometimes teams just have a knack against certain opposition so I hope that's not the case here. Win that game and the fat lady will be warming up
  17. Mate you're the one who came at me calling me defeatist and a non believer and deluded. And then moaned about name calling and saying you wouldn't criticise people Anyway let's leave it there. we're derailing the thread. You can PM me if you want to carry on
  18. But it's possible. So surely we should be believing? Or we're defeatist right?
  19. Exactly. People don't seem to realise how hard gaps like that are to overturn at this end of the table. You can't just string a few wins together and reel teams in, unless they completely collapse. Which is rare. We're basically to liverpool what Man Utd were to us a couple of months ago. The swing in form required to overhaul an 8 point gap is huge with 10-12 games left. With 4 games left it's virtually impossible
  20. That's a defeatist attitude mate. We're going to win the league
  21. I'm sure there was talk of adding marquees and things around Villa Park which would house corporate hospitality. So it could be that the 1500 seats are "normal" seats in the ground, and the premium part comes in the dining and hospitality. I've been at similar at Old trafford before. Corporate hospitality, food, drinks etc in a lounge before the game. but the seats were just normal seats in the ground
  22. I'm super chilled. And I'm very positive, and I think we'll have a great run in. I think Emery approaches every game believing we can win and I'm behind that 100% None of that changes by me pointing out we won't finish 3rd You were the one who started labelling people defeatist or non-believers because they pointed out an improbability. So the bit in bold is quite funny
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