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Everything posted by trekka

  1. I hope that PL will play 2 up top now we have another striker... i hate this new obsession with 1 up top and 3 behind... great for the Chelsea or citehs of this world but we do not have the creative players behind Bent to pull it off.... hoping for... -----------Bent-------Tekkers--------- ----------------Ireland---------------- ------Delph---------------------KEA----- ---------------Westwood--------------- Bennett----Vlaar------Dunne---------Lowton I really hope that sticks Holtender's post too, for me anyway, really hit the spot.
  2. A pioneer, one whom had many follow in his footsteps. Rest in Peace.
  3. trekka

    General Chat

    Now I don't watch X Factor (cough) but that lady singing about drinks was freakin' awesome.
  4. I didn't think I would drink today after the copious amount of vodka last night but screw this - I'm getting some booze. Depressing.
  5. Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi) Hodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodeho) Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe) Hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)
  6. Did you know that the phrase "robwarpath" could be an anagram of the (rather well known, I must say) phrase "Throw bra pa"?
  7. Dooowwwnnnnnnnnn,dooooowwwn it goes Radiohead - Creep - bit of a chillout mix
  8. ha ha excellent choice, I think that was a bit of a revelation for my nipper! Not a natural Kraftwerk fan. The first time I heard the song I was in a cab and I thought the driver was off of his nut. I was scared. (I was quite young at the time though ).
  9. (sorry). I've just walked up the road to get my KFC. I thought this was rather apt. Altogether now...
  10. I got a free tape (those were the days, kids) in a weetabix box of this. It was called the Weetamix * *I am not kidding.
  11. I'm ashamed to say that I adore this song. It's not "with it" but I lost what "with" or even "it" was a long time ago.
  12. On a serious note - sadly, this is always going to happen in a culture where guns are freely available. I love America and have very fond memories of the beautiful country and its marvellous people. However, I really do wish they (whoever "they" are) stand up to the NRA and bring an end to this nonsense. There may be uproar, there may be political "casualties" but please, for the sake of your great nation, pursue responsible gun laws that not only question the legitimisation of the registration of a gun but also educate the population that owning a gun is not a given right to aid protection but merely a tool for those who intend to do harm.
  13. Vodka kicking in, trekka? Hell yeah!
  14. Hope that they don't take the moon landing off of him :shock: :bonk:
  15. *Almost* forgot to ask - what are your plans?
  16. A very happy Bank Holiday weekend This weekend I've agreed to work in London on Sunday (booooooo!) before driving back home (Portsmouth). I'm attending a corporate shindig Monday evening and then for the rest of the week (yes, they expect us to turn up Bank Holiday Monday . Refreshments will be served all evening though ). This evening I have a rather large bottle of vodka and I just had a marvellous chat with a simply STUNNING lady in the lift. No ring on wedding finger - check ! She started conversation and played with her hair - check ! I made her laugh - check ! I got her number - no check
  17. Unbelievable. Head cameras with troops out in the front line. I work with the military and even now I'm sat here in awe mesmerised by the bravery of our troops.
  18. You have to remember that I'm the kind of guy who goes a nice shade of strawberry after any sort of sun - so yes, it is bloody hot! (sun to me is bad, albeit I will happily sizzle if my face is covered in high factor suncream. I have vitiligo around the eyes (not noticeable until I get a suntan!)).
  19. What are your plans? It's stupidly hot again in London. I was half tempted to just sizzle on the balcony whilst sipping Jamesons and Lemonade. Alas, I have no balcony here. Suuuuuure I could go home (my proper home that is) to Portsmouth where I could sizzle but in all honesty I just cannot be bothered to sit on the M25 for 3 hours. So, here I am. I have no plans and I think that makes a nice change.
  20. Edit: ignore me. I should have gone to specsavers.
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