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Everything posted by trekka

  1. Aha, athletes walking out. Time to get beer before the offy shuts methinks!
  2. Hear hear. It's away from the norm and showing the modern Britain. I love it.
  3. A good buddy of mine left work today (he's took up another job). I'm now left with super-nerds who couldn't converse like normal people if their life depended on it. Work just got much less fun.
  4. It has to be done following the Olympics thread: I love it! No idea what the lyrics are but it's certainly catchy and it reminds me of Kill Bill!
  5. Yep, that was good. I was also amused by his live interview on Sky about half an hour ago - how did an interview to discuss the Olympics turn into a story about his secretary tricked him into getting a haircut. Comedy gold.
  6. That is quality lol. It's an Indian Kill Bill!
  7. I love this, even though most I know slate it Hurrah for the repeats on BBC1.
  8. There's a few quirks that really piss you off until you figure out how to change / do certain functions. Now I've customised it a fair bit and understand how the new interface works, I think it's a winner. I need to get another HDMI cable to have it through the telly now
  9. I would kill for someone to post that Jack pirate photoshop. The stuff of legends.
  10. ...and surprisingly I think it's bloody ace. I've installed it on a separate partition on my hard drive (just in case it turned out to be "Sail on the mayonnaise sea" (and yes, I did just type that out) before I bought it) and so far, apart from the odd glitch in the new "Metro" interface, I've found it really stable and dare I say it, even smoother than Windows 7 (I've updated my drivers fine). It takes a bit of getting used to, like no start button for instance (you can install a 3rd-party add-on though...and it's good ). I like the whole look and feel of it. You can personalise the Metro interface to only show buttons to things you like and there are already lots of free apps on the store. Anybody tried it yet? You can download it and install it direct from Microsoft here. This runs out in January but its good for a play to see if you like it before buying it when released. At first I thought the new UI was a right royal pain in the arse but actually, now having used it a bit and having read the tips and tricks on the net, I really do like it. (I type this using Chrome on Windows 8 8))
  11. Every time the BBC commentary refers the Great Britain National Team as "Team GB" is really doing my nut. We don't call Brazil "Team Brazil" now do we? Just call it GB! (oh and the clanger, unless I heard it wrong, of referring Diego Maradona as Brazilian...classic).
  12. From reports I've read, lethal injection is hardly painless but yes, I agree with you: If I lost a friend / family member etc to something like this, I would want to see his balls fed through a grater (whilst he's alive) to a baby eagle.
  13. ...make it so that Morgan Freeman should narrate it. What are your plans? I plan on doing not a lot. I have to cut my hair (clippers FTW), need to plan my mini-break next weekend (pinching the campervan to do a bit of Shropshire and maybe bits of the Brecons) and if the weather looks to be as good as it sounds like it will be on Sunday, I might nip to Hitchin in the Chilterns to chill out and walk in a hills (I say hills, more like raised plains). (I only post this as inspired by BOF 8)).
  14. Apparently it happens on the last Wednesday of the month and includes such things as speed dating (yes, really), a silent disco where everyone wears headphones and dances like a maniac to whatever music they choose to listen to, comedy club and other bits and bobs like the pub quiz. Science Museum Lates
  15. Well my plan of going bowling was shot down in flames. We're apparently going for the pub quiz at the Science Museum "lates" night on the last Wednesday of the month. Not my choice but hey ho...should be different.
  16. Now this a Friday thread I like (even without the pics so it stays open). Jessica Alba, without a doubt. I'm forever thankful for her scene in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZFJsUm0phA.
  17. Ah, so we have. Thanks, Xann! I'll look into it.
  18. We used to do one per weekend. Well, Trekka did Then I think he found God. Or whiskey, or something. I got told off for usurping the original thread (even though my thread title was a title bit erm, different 8)) Whiskey by the way would be a good call, well single malt scotch anyway (preferably Glengoyne but beggers can't be choosers*). *I'm not a begger.
  19. Hi all and a very happy Friday to you. I found out today that I'm apparently organising a leaving do for a colleague who leaves at the end of the month. I thought to myself this morning, fine, a pub quiz, meal and lots of drinks. Alas, I've got a few rules We can't just go and get pissed. We're bringing our "customer" (who is also our boss - don't ask) and it must be relatively civil. Said boss likes military type stuff and it must also involve some sort of team activity. Oh, and it must be on the evening. I'm struggling...help!
  20. 'home' is a bit weird for me. My family home is in Brum. I spent a helluva lot of time in the states though and I class my home there as a place in New Hampshire (many good friends and some of the best times of my life were spent there...ohhhh and I've got a free to stay at overlooking the lakes when I want to take them up in their offer ). Second home there was a minibus, come campervan. I spent 3 months travelling around and I loved every bit of it. Bit strange to call a van a home but that was what it was. I've now got my own place in Portsmouth with all the worry that comes with paying the mortgage but I spend most of my time nowadays living in a small flat in London with work (my lovely Portsmouth flat is my holiday home...err, every weekend).
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