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Everything posted by Sid4ever

  1. Sid4ever

    AFCON 2017

    I know nothing about African football, but am still surprised to see Zimbabwe in the finals. And am I right that they have been expelled from qualifying for the next World Cup?
  2. First time but mother in law here for Christmas, father in law went in January. Why does your wife change so much? "slow down on the whiskey" yes dear.
  3. Planet Earth 2, if that does not win NTA's, EMMY's, Oscars and the Nobel Prize then there is not a god. Utterly spellbinding
  4. Sunday Roasts? Yes or No, could not believe the queue at McDonalds today when I drove past and it was not all grandparents and grand kids. Personally it is a yes from me.
  5. Cheers Rodders, in terms of altering hours they are covered due to "compelling business reasons" but they seem to have also removed everything else without knowledge or actually informing.
  6. Anybody here have any HR experience. Can an employer change the terms and benefits of your contract without your knowledge and without discussion? I.e. Lose death in service, health care, extra days holidays etc etc.
  7. Oh yes we should not forget the accountants
  8. Planet Earth 2, why watch anything else? I have never wanted iguana to beat a snake so much, and I am not counting you Fabian
  9. How does Davina McCall get commissioned for another heartfelt TV show?
  10. Ah Norfolk then. In that same year I was in Lincolnshire and Fife.
  11. Trying to work out which county/overseas territory this particular airfield could be, that housed 2 squadrons. Give me a clue what were the aircraft types?
  12. Can't believe Jimmy Perry has gone and not been mentioned. i am sure that there are other VT's of a certain age that were brought up on his sitcom writings like me.
  13. Potato Heads claret and blue army. I think it might catch on.
  14. Just back from Gibraltar, have to say I was amazed at the history of the place, did not realise I was so uneducated. Can highly recommend.
  15. As a regular user of Salofalk you are. Just working out now who will be the first to google Salofalk pump, my guess RJW63 or RV
  16. So medicinal question, have you ever had to use the Salofalk pump?
  17. Now I know where the question about, have you ever in public came from. All makes sense now, and as a fellow sufferer I feel your pain.
  18. But she had to extinguish the cigarette burn somehow. Finished the series in 2 days, series 2 back in February 2017.
  19. Yesterday every time he got the ball, there were fans around saying "get another ball on the pitch Ayew has the other one now for a while". I just didn't and still don't understand those comments. As other posters have said he is far and away the best player we have.
  20. Sid4ever


    Given the amount of us going, and the train being an easy option, it is possible that the police will guide you to their preferred local. If not then, there's the Station Hotel, up to the Grey Friars (Wetherspoons), across the road to the Old Black Bull along the street to Roper Hall stopping off at the Adelphi before a brisk 20 minute walk to the ground. Just avoid the Blackamoor Head though.
  21. I still don't understand how he got all the way down without seemingly being noticed by any stewards. On Tshibola being subbed I assumed this was purely down to him being on a yellow card, as I don't see how Jack stayed on the pitch given how tired he was. Why not bring Ross on?
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