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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. hey, the guy above said Milosevic! In this state of dreariness for Villadom i thought a pickmeup would be enjoyable. ( Also, isn't any goal, if witnessed for the first time within the timeframe specified, though not necessarily performed then, still eligible? ) No? Oh ok worth a shot.
  2. had it for my brothers 21st, it was a massive tank of a limo. That was a family affair involving grandparents so the conversational and imbibing leash was somewhat constrained. I imagine it would be good fun, I'd suggest checking out a few companies to see what they offer, or allow.
  3. I know it's 16 years too ago but let's link to that Savo goal again ( have to skip to 5.02 for it )
  4. on the hobbit and lotr, given how successful the trilogy of films of the latter was I think it would be a big surprise if Jackson didn't adopt a similar approach tone wise. I liked the book but am perfectly happier to see a much darker version of it on screen. Strangers on a Train - good, but didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I might, possibly a case of hearing about a film"classic" so often one builds expectations up too far, but still enjoyable though, and marks the start of discovering Hitchcock mode. ( Have already seen Psycho and The Birds )
  5. Let's hope that means he is off at the end of the season
  6. IF its true regarding no money and limits, we'd be better off going down this year. We'd at least be able to develop a competitive squad in the championship with bosmans and the youth, complete ( you would presume ) the necessary wage purge ) and then enable us to invest again the following season. Maybe.
  7. can we send packoman's gif to the big screens in the stadium please? **** hell. As useful as ian huntley was in the police manhunt. source of the problem, source of the problem. **** OFF.
  8. all good work in the first hour is completely nullified by that response to taking the lead (!) you can **** off alex now, and cuellar - nice try if you want a new contract given 5 hutton 4 cuellar 1 baker 5 lichaj 5 albrighton 3 herd 5 warnock 6 - rather he plays in midfield than in defence tbh nzogbia 4 - 1 assist, **** all else wiemann 4 - hustle all you like, you're getting rated on playing as a forward in the big boys league now. heskey 5 - actually half decent in that first half amc 3 - great start and set up, sure, but means **** all when you lose like we did. Get the **** out of Birmingham.
  9. no contract for cuellar then, on this performance, no great loss...
  10. ok, changing my mind, that is a spastic collapse of epic proportions, we are going to be relegated.
  11. ugly? we've created several decent chances, deserve to be ahead. Bolton might well be shite, but at least we're seeking to capitalise.
  12. this may be "one of those" games at this rate. Most one sided 0-0 in a while this. Really need to score early in the second half, though I fear a mcleish half time team will put that to bed. I've rarely ever seen us start a half well then continue into the second half too. but come on you fuckfaces, score a twatting goal or 3.
  13. battering them at the moment, playing very well here.
  14. You a Bolton fan? nah, just reckon we'll surprise everyone and play well. Do bear in mind, I also predicted us to beat Sunderland 3-0 too.
  15. reckon we're going to win comfortably tonight. 3-0
  16. bet hodgson enjoyed that one too west brom are one point behind liverpool now.
  17. mclaren pitcrew are in for an earful i would think, ruined button and hamiltons races in succession now. Gutted Vettel didn't pick up a puncture towards the end, but good to see the Lotus' up there nevertheless!
  18. Makes me think the whole getting a penalty thing for random contact within an arbitrary cut of the pitch needs changing. It's daft to get a free shot at goal from 12 yards when you're vaguely hit going the other way or in one of the corners of the box. How about only a penalty if its actually a goal-scoring opportunity - ie the attacker has to be facing goal, and considered beyond reasonable doubt to have an excellent chance of shooting on target for a penalty to be conceded if he's impeded. Anything else, an indirect free kick.
  19. Breaking Bad first season only 7 episodes long, not 24 like some of the others. Dexter is only 12 eps a season so some are more "approachable" in limited viewing time mode anyway!
  20. Impossible to say but 12 Angry Men has to be up there. I do love Dr. Stangelove aswell.
  21. and it was Jazz hands on the go too I presume, hmm?
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