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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I leave my work phone in my bag when I leave the office, usually turning it off first. Forgot yesterday. My bag was in the corner, still going off every few minutes, at midnight. I didn't want to turn it off because I knew the moment it was in my hand and saw 20 emails, I'd be looking at them and thinking about it all weekend. So instead I'm constantly having just what horror awaits on Monday morning playing on my mind instead. The work mobile is an evil of the modern age. It's not for nothing the BlackBerry quickly earned the name 'Crackberry'.
  2. Brilliant movie. Surprisingly faithful telling of the story too, which is all the more chilling when you realise you're watching things that actually occurred, which are often quietly horrific. And yet it's also disarmingly funny at times. Good choice.
  3. Does the Adrenal edition come with a Fight or Flight app? Or is it just really exciting to use?
  4. Dr Strange's origin precedes the story Nolan borrowed from for Begins by 25 years, and the movie itself by 40. Finally seeing it tonight all being well, looking forward to it. Reviews have been good, expectations set for an old school origin.
  5. Referendums are really, really stupid, and only have much use in situations where there is an obvious choice that doesn't ultimately matter - flags, anthems etc etc.
  6. They would be (and on paper at least all of NATO should mobilise with them in that instance...) and that's why they wouldn't do it, but it doesn't stop them having the capability, and hence the threat.
  7. The Russians get considerably more bang for their buck. Their sheer size, both geographically and in military terms, men and equipment (especially nukes), shoos them in as a superpower. They aren't on the scale of the US, which is the only global superpower to have ever existed and makes their spend a weird outlier, but they are a superpower. They are about the only force in Europe now that could feasibly capture vast tracts of territory very quickly. Globally they are hamstrung by weak power projection (as we have increasingly have too) but Europe looks a lot different very quickly if Russia fancies a go. And that is before you start to consider the power they wield with fuels etc.
  8. I think that article could have repeated a few more times quite how many troops Britain will be sending to Estonia. But in short. No.
  9. This seems to be a thing in offices. I thought I'd largely left the toilet standard horror stories behind at one of my old jobs (to this day I'm bewildered by how someone managed to perfectly bifurcate the seat in trap 1, like they'd sawed through it). But nope, the new place has already given a return to shit streaks up the wall, piss on the seat, constant broken seats and diarrhoea not flushed. Basically I think office workers in Birmingham have a large contingent with significant issues.
  10. Bethesda did that with Doom and it worked out alright. I think that game's success threw them though, they expected worse reviews and embargoed accordingly. They seem to be spinning this as a new tactic of theirs but then undermine that by allowing a preorder incentive early access and no doubt bunging a few copies to well known YouTubers early. I really liked Dishonored and I'm up for more, and what I've seen of the game that's basically what it is, although perhaps without some of the charm of the first, so I don't foresee the game itself having problems critics will gun for. Which leads me to guess it runs like a dog on console at launch.
  11. One of my absolute favourite movies. Some of the more quietly disturbing scenes I can recall in any film. And all the worse by being real.
  12. The transport is still a red herring. I'd be repeating myself to go into it further. Cars, fast cars, motorbikes... They aren't comparable to guns. The example of the concealed carry hero is near meaningless. The stats show that is an extreme outlier. Most incidents featuring a civilian carrying a firearm makes no difference, the incidents only coming into control or a close when professionals arrive. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen but it's so rare as to be of little use in an argument. Hunting predators and nuisance species. Sounds like something a professional could be paid to do. Exceptionally few people have any justifiable personal use for a gun. Absolutely nobody has any personal use for a fully automatic weapon, ever. It's absolutely mad to think otherwise, libertarian outlook or not. I daresay we never will agree. I'm certainly never changing my position because I'm yet to see anything like a decent argument for having a gun personally that extends beyond 'I really like owning one' thinly veiled in faux utilitarian arguments.
  13. Chindie

    Do you read?

    Dickens, the writer that springs immediately to mind when the words 'paid by the word' come to mind. Ugh.
  14. I had more than a few arguments with Manchester United fans after that Macheda goal, them insisting he was the best big thing from their academy and what not. Glad to say I got that one right...
  15. They don't need to worry about regulation. They already have to match EU regulation to offer services there and there won't be 'a bonfire of the regulations' when we leave, nor are we at likely to instill more. They also don't need to remind the government of anything. Banking is Britain's business now. The sector brings in double digit billions of tax. Chuck in financial services generally and it's an unignorable sector. The sector also does about 20% of its business with the EU, according to the report in my inbox this afternoon. They aren't going to wave that goodbye because they really like Canary Wharf. If they do not get passporting rights, they will shift elsewhere, and it won't just be boohoo for Billy Big Bollocks with the £20k watch.
  16. Oh absolutely they can't do a faithful adaptation of the story as a whole - they'd need dozens of characters they can't use. I meant I'd be surprised if they adapted that specific element of the story faithfully. They could do it - they'd need to either dig out a mutant with very specific abilities to replace that other character they can't use that is the driving force behind that moment, or perhaps But I don't think they will, there's to much going on already and they've got ready made replacements that are less narratively messy already there. At most Still I never thought we'd see an Xmen movie, let alone a Wolverine movie, that looks that interesting.
  17. That's part of the problem I'd agree. There's no reason they can't switch that character for a mutant that does the same thing, but they aren't going to do that, and set up the Reavers, and set up Mr Sinister, and Caliban, and whatever is going with Xavier, and the girl Cut the fat and fudge either a back story plot point ('it's like this, OK?!') or tie it into the story you have there already. Which also makes your new villains more of a threat, if not an entirely credible one on paper. Still. Potential for a bloody good movie.
  18. I'd be surprised if they adapted Old Man Logan that faithfully. It'd be an awesome revelation if they did, though perhaps awkward to pitch correctly. It makes more sense for the comic Logan but the movie version really hasn't ever shown that kind of thing. But it would be an excellent/interesting way to bow out.
  19. I don't think it's meant to be that long after DOFP, only a few years. Presumably either they've been exterminated or the mutation has slowly killed most of them off, I'd guess. Saying that, the timelines never really work. They don't in the MCU and they don't in the Xmen series. Best to think of this as a weird alternative future I think until it's shown otherwise.
  20. DOFP reconned the original 3 movies so they no longer happened. This is set after the epilogue in DOFP. No idea how long after. And no idea why Xavier is OK but other mutants aren't. Probably best not to worry about it. Logan is old, he ages slower than other people. The story of the movie concerns his powers fading and failing so that may explain his sudden aging. Xavier though, no idea.
  21. If you heard any loud thumps on Tuesday evening at about 9.15, that'll be the sound of the dreadful clonking exposition coming from Anthony Hopkins mouth in Westworld. Good grief that script is bad.
  22. If this thing comes out with near Xbox one power and a real world 6 hour portable battery life Nintendo have either quietly developed the worlds best battery, or should be investigated for witchcraft.
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