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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Anyone else have a quiet bet with themselves they could name more than a few of the titles on that list before they saw it? Metropolis, Seven Samurai, The Bicycle Thief, Nosferatu were always going to be on there Also, how on earth is someone with an interest in film making not familiar with Scorsese's work?! He's one of, possibly the, most celebrated directors of the 20th Century, and one of very few who would have a fair shout at having more than 1 title in a top 100 of all time list.
  2. He can say what he likes because he knows he has nothing to fear from a court case. Clinton isn't going to take him to task in court over it for a variety of reasons (the appearance of it, the fact there's almost certainly stuff she doesn't want in court herself that would come out, etc etc), and even if she did all it's going to do is cost him some time and money even if he lost, both of which he can afford. And nobody else is either - the FBI would be crucified if it was seen to be wasting tax dollars taking Trump to court because he said something they didn't like. They'd be right to, but they'll never do it. He would have to say something absolutely, obscenely horrendous to be within a mile of danger of ever having to account for what comes out of his mouth. He's such a loose cannon you can't guarantee he won't, but he probably will never have to account for a single word he's said. Being rich is like being legally bullet proof until you cross the line or cross the wrong person.
  3. Anywho... May has added to the (snigger) 'support' of the judiciary this evening. It's almost astounding how completely the government has failed to criticise the fascist narrative that actively slight to undermine our very constitution. All the evidence necessary to treat the words removed with the absolute disdain they deserve.
  4. Why? It doesn't matter to you whether the neighbourhood has someone from London or Stuttgart move in. It doesn't matter if a woman in a hijab walks past you (I say that as someone who would like to educate the hijab away to the history books but ultimately it's none of my bloody business what a when wears or not). It's not a surprise people start to poke at your beliefs when it boils down 'I just don't like it' for seemingly no reason beyond, ultimately, you don't like foreigners.
  5. Apart from the ones that 'undercut' a fair living. Or the ones that come from countries that aren't quite shit enough. Or the ones coming from shit countries but are too old. Or the ones that have a culture incompatible with ours. Or the ones obviously terrorists in making. Or...
  6. Finally finished Luke Cage earlier. Not really bad in any way but just not great either. Consistently dull with flashes of style.
  7. I'm not sure, at the end of the day, that European migrants have that much of a different culture to Britain that a culture clash of any consequence really exists. It's one if those things that only strikes me as a problem if you want it to be a problem. Birmingham is one of the more culturally diverse places you'll find in the UK, and frankly I have never encountered a culture clash. It just doesn't exist in my life. And I'm not somee sheltered well off white boy. Far from it. It's another nonsense justification from people that don't like foreigners. There are downsides to migration, culture clash isn't really one of them. And certainly not from European migration. How different are the French and Germans to us, really? Even the brown ones.
  8. Chindie


    When you inhale it you're taking it tiny amounts of the liquid overall (just expanded in volume by the vaporisation process). When the liquid itself contacts the skin you could be absorbing dozens of times the amount you would take in a single vape hit. Nicotine is a very dangerous substance and the body absorbs it very well, hence skin contact could give you a lethal dose.
  9. Chindie


    There's a whole weird subculture in vaping of getting as big a cloud as possible and whatnot which is seemingly about being cool. Like all things ostentatious its irritating to other people who have to encounter it. I don't like walking through clouds of cigarette smoke, and whilst it's obviously better, I'd rather not walk through a cloud of Panda Pop flavoured mist. It's undoubtedly safer than smoking tobacco, which is filled with innumerable substances that are actively harmful to the body, although has its own dangers - the fluids with nicotine are hazardous if used incorrectly, and there should be more research into the effects of the flavour compounds on the lungs. But it's better than smoking tobacco nonetheless.
  10. Without the Lisbon Treaty this debate becomes even more complex as there was no formal method of leaving the EU until then. Ignoring the ah but ramifications. Presumably at some point we'll add reductio ad Brownum, argumentum ad ahbutLabourum and co to the logical fallacy rubbish pile.
  11. Farage quietly tossing himself off on the telly this morning at the thought of violence on the street. Sorry 'peaceful protest', as he called for after putting the idea out there of uprising. May also increasingly disturbing. An idiot playing at being Thatcher.
  12. Her (well, the government's, let's be honest, she's not had a moment of input into that) statement, was actually brilliant in quite how mealy mouthed it was.
  13. Very mature. I watched the Channel 4 doc the other night, the Gun Shop. That showed a different world. There was a complete disconnect between the idea that everyone's running around with guns legally and therefore there's more gun and gun related violence. It opened with a woman looking to buy a gun because a man with a legally owned gun flashed it at her in a road rage incident. There was a feeling everyone is a threat, the world is out to destroy them one way or another. They're introducing this world view to children. I think these people were all reasonable, generally, they didn't really show any proper gun nuts in the hour really, and I can't really criticise the guys running the shop, at the end of the day they are salesmen who are going to tap into the feeling of their customers to make a sale, and they seemed fairly responsible in offering training and classes. But they're blind to the idea that normal people take guns they legally own and kill, not in defence, but anger. Their answer is more guns for the good guys. Ignoring that that guy was a good guy until he wasn't. Or the answer is the flail at absolutes - if you give me a world with no guns i won't have one, until then criminals have one so I need one. Utter madness.
  14. Screenwipe is almost universally brilliant. Make sure to watch Newswipe and, if you like games, the one off Gameswipe special as well. He also does annual shows reviewing the events of the year which are great.
  15. It's because all the disabled people are scroungers who just need to get in their bike and work harder to be better. And how dare they take our hard earned money stolen in taxes. Othering of ourselves. Brilliant. I'm looking forward to May's excuse that's it's alright, Cameron had a bullet proof shield in the shape of a sadly dead disabled child to let him get away with it. I'm not sure May can boast the same. Perhaps she'll just rip her face of and reveal the evil demon hawk beneath with wing cape of pure darkness.
  16. Interesting to see the Bar Council calling on Liz Truss (she of the pork markets and the 'disgrace' of importing cheese...) to defend the judges and the system. They've got more faith in her than me, clearly.
  17. There's lots of different opinions out there and I disagree with many of them. What sets the Sun's opinions apart is it's purposefully designed to appeal to the right on man down the pub brigade who doesn't know anything. The kind of opinion that likes to play the man rather than the ball and thinks that's OK. The article I linked above kinda says it all. Yesterday's outrage in some of our apparent 'news'papers is ridiculous, designed to play to the ignorance of the populace that voted Leave of our style of governance. The Sun obviously followed suit, but decided to play up even more the hatred of the foreign sounding 'rich elites' that DARED to use their right to make it clear the government act in the correct democratically approved manner. That is the action of a word removed. And the Sun does it all the time. It's entire voice is about playing to base ignorant right, stoking it, provoking it... It's a horrible rag.
  18. *** Hold on, what happened? Yep, there’s no facts in this sentence, and no info, despite it being written by someone very angry. The fact is, judges decided something in court, but the Sun wants you to focus — without even knowing the facts — on who brought that case. They sound foreign. Were they “foreign”? Let’s see… How the Sun writes things to pour shit into your brain That's worth a read. The Sun employs very intelligent and well educated people to write this shit every day. The Mail does the same thing and puts on a nice looking suit and asks to be given the same gravitas the broadsheets get.
  19. The Heil is a shitstained rag with a sordid and sobering history, run by a deeply unpleasant individual, that hides a sub tabloid rhetoric behind a veneer of respectability. It regularly comes within a hairs breadth of stoking very disturbing mindsets in its readership. It's a despicable piece of shit. At least the Sun doesn't pretend to be anything other than the mouthpiece of the average word removed.
  20. The sheer amount of required swearing in my car today. Starting with the astounding amount of non-indicators at various roundabouts on the way to work (I actually counted how many people didn't indicate of the cars coming from my right today on one busy roundabout I used 3 times during the day. Of 28 vehicles, 5 indicated. 5. words removed.), via the complete bastard that nearly took the front end off when he just decided to change lanes and damn whoever was there, and the guy who refused to go above 30 in the brief 40 stretch on the way home, to the absolute rocket polisher who decided the queue out of town was for other people so proceeded to make things worse by using a bus lane that then becomes a left turn lane to jump the queue, then try to force himself in, causing traffic to build up crossing the junction, meaning the queuing traffic he was too important for backed up further because he blocked the junction on both directions. I am not a great driver by any means but the standard of driving, and the sheer lack of consideration for other road users for much of the Brum road system is terrifying. I've had my heart in my mouth 4 time this week. You quickly learn to leave a considerable gap between you and the car in front to give you some respite and more or less a safety net.
  21. Jupitus' standup Quadrophobia is one of the funniest I've seen and therefore has a free pass on TV appearances from me.
  22. The front pages today are a damning commentary on this country. The rhetoric is poisonous and it has an audience larger than we'd like to think.
  23. Chindie

    Do you read?

    It is. The story would be more interesting if they had focused more on the killings and the story behind it and the circumstances of the hunt for him than what it ultimately did.
  24. I may also be completely wrong but is it not that MPs have to ratify the decision to invoke Article 50 (and therefore they could reject it. They won't but they could) and also would have to verify the ultimate terms of our leaving, effectively meaning the executive can't railroad the country into whatever they feel is best? Edit - slightly wrong. Parliament has to ratify triggering Article 50 which then possibly empowers Parliament to have oversight on the terms agreed in Leaving as they may refuse to agree if they aren't privy to the nature of the plan (hahaha) in Leaving is much more accurate...
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