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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. Right then, Cash and Diaby off. Reckon Tielemans and Duran on. Ramsey and Moreno some minutes later.
  2. Great time to score and sort out some issues at HT
  3. Cash has to come off at HT as he’s a walking red today. Tielemans or Ramsey on. I would also consider Duran for Diaby, who’s also been poor.
  4. Cash off at HT, move McGinn to the right and get Tielemans or Ramsey on the left.
  5. Hudson-Odoi also missing from their squad at present. He’s a big miss for them.
  6. It’s a decent watch/listen but go 10 minutes in if you want the main Villa/Diaby part.
  7. Wow, just wow. What an accolade and thoroughly deserved.
  8. July is really brutal. I kinda hoped we’d see him again before the final few games of this season. Oh well, fingers crossed all goes well over the summer and he comes back stronger than ever for our Champions League campaign next season
  9. I knew Jack Harrison would have been a safer bet
  10. Was quite a difficult watch this but very well done in that it doesn’t show anything gruesome or graphic. We all know that these women had a horrific end to life but it’s respectful in that regard. Some of the police investigating the case at the time though? Dear me, truly incompetent.
  11. My apologies, I was viewing VT whilst working which isn’t good for concentration.
  12. I’m guessing we’ll lose Traore as well then? edit - mistake and corrected
  13. I never knew Guy Fawkes was a Villa fan?
  14. He’s 11 years old. We’ve just picked up the bundle and probably save it for Christmas Day so he’s got something to open. We may buy him a couple of extra games as well. Expensive stuff this gaming malarkey.
  15. No I haven’t? Do we need to buy off PlayStation before Christmas? What cost we looking at?
  16. The neighbour directly opposite who washes his car religiously every Saturday morning, starting at 8am! I wouldn’t mind if he was quiet but a pressure washer noise at 8am every Saturday morning p%^*#% me right off. All weathers as well, which again annoys me when it’s raining.
  17. Cheers mate, much appreciated. I’m really out my depth when looking at buying any gaming stuff
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