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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. I use joop all the time, haha. My favourite though is eau Sauvage though and Fahrenheit. However I a not sure all this aftershave talk deserves to be on the things that cheer you up thread. I can honestly say I have never been cheered up by applying scent to myself.
  2. This. Some bloke was on telly the other day talking about how they were going to make it easier to switch because they are concerned about not enough people switching. WHY SHOULD PEOPLE HAVE TO SWITCH!? They should spend more effort into forcing suppliers to actually offer their customers the best deal. TV, broadband, phones., utilities, they actually PUNISH people for being loyal customers. How is that allowed?
  3. Where is that beach? Looks a beauty!
  4. I wonder if we will have a Sky Sports reporter stood outside Bodymoor Heath on deadline day. Would be highly ironic if not because the ones they have had there for the last few years have had sod all to report on but this year there probably will be stuff happening with us.
  5. It's been so many years since he's done anything and let's be honest even when he has done it with the career highlights mentioned on here it's always been bits here and there, never really doing it consistently. Yet even with that and the lack of anything at all ready for 3 seasons some utter pillock decided to offer him a new contract and make him the highest paid player when we actually should have been letting him go. Another terrible terrible error of judgement, possibly the worst of very many from this club over the last few years.
  6. That's fine though isn't it. . Virtually a whole new team and if we are keeping some of the players we wanted to keep, plus the return of baker and Gardner, amavi back from injury it IS in fact a whole new team which is exactly what I wanted.
  7. Yes, remarkable really. Is Xia our very own Levy? I am sure we would have accepted £1m or so under Lerner.
  8. I felt the same way. I couldn't understand why we offered him a contract. His loan period showed me he wasn't good enough. Yet another awful decision which signalled our downfall like offering Gabby a new contract when everyone knew he should have been sent packing and extending Lamberts contract when we should have ditched him.
  9. Did you not see us play last season? Not had enough new players yet.
  10. Which is A LOT better than having some string to pull the bodies.
  11. There's blimmin loads of them on this page!
  12. I think the stats about Gueye and Sanchez breaking up play for us are misleading. We were so poor at retaining the ball that apposition players were constantly running at us. They had probably 10 times more opportunities to break up play than an enforcer in a "normal" midfield functioning properly. I dont think either are actually that good at it, they just made a lot of desperate tackles but probably missed far more as well.
  13. There is a row of Victorian terraced houses right next door to it, the kind with a name plate at the top of the house and one is called "Villa Boise" brilliant
  14. Sorry, no idea what happened there, this phone has a mind of its own sometimes. See ya Joleon hope you lose all your money to a con artist and end up driving round in a beat up 1987 Nissan Micra with different coloured doors swinging from a bottle of meths...... Actually no that's too good for you.
  15. I think he is a top player and will be badly missed. . Huge blow for us.
  16. Apparently you can only use those if you have a date with a really mellow bird.
  17. Bloke at work brought in about 20 packs each of Worcester sauce and prawn cocktail Walkers which he always had left at the end of a multipack because none of his family liked them. . Weirdos those are my 2 favorite flavours. I was gutted when Walkers stopped making Worcester sauce French fries. . I genuinely think it was one of the happiest days of my life when I opened my first pack when they were reinstated. I was in Edinburgh on a stag doo, it was around 2.00 in the afternoon.
  18. I done rubbish innit. The majority of my correct answers were just guesses anyway.
  19. Ah but I absolutely love snaps, Worcester sauce French fries, salt and vinegar twists, frazzles, quavers, discos, skips and square crisps. What are these things I eat?
  20. Forgot to mention Shed Seven, what a great band
  21. I would suggest lying in the sun at a 5 star hotel in some exotic part of the world. I would think that would be a enjoyable drying experience.
  22. Went fishing today for the first time in years. Took my kids as well as I was doing my fatherly school holiday duties. It was a bit frustrating at times but we all caught a fish so everyone is happy. Just need to go on my own now and catch a few. . These modern fisheries seem a lot easier to fish then 1980's Birmingham parks!
  23. I loved Brit Pop, kind of like with punk something HAD to happen to wipe away the late 80's early 90s euro techno and stock aitken waterman trash. I am not familiar with those above other than supergrass who were brilliant but I love Pulp, Garbage, Bluetones, Sleeper, Elastica, Cast and Ocean Colour Scene. Listening back now to Oasis they do feel very insipid though i liked them at the time until probably half way through their career. I preferred Blur in the Britpop face off though they went a bit too weird for me towards the end.
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