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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. Hmm. Suggests we were in for something more spectacular that didnt come off? Maybe have a other go for something major in January so the no 9 shirt being saved for that?
  2. You will know immediately how serious Tony is with his claims. If we mainly stick and try to find a couple of half decent PL players to supplement them I suspect it was all BS and the aim is just to become a well run self sufficient middle of the road PL outfit. Mind you nothing wrong with that, it's what I would have been delighted with over the last few years. If however we spend a load and have a wholesale change again I will think he is genuine in his claims and we are on the start of a very exciting journey. Mind you, need to get there first!
  3. Seems you are right. Buggeration.
  4. This. He has more money than most can dream of, eclipsing even a lottery win. If he had any feelings for the club whatsoever he would just go. Even a 2 year contract would still be more than most on this forum will earn in a lifetime. He has no respect from me whatsoever.
  5. I can't believe no one will take him even as a squad filler. There is so much money sloshing about now. Hopefully tomorrow someone gets desperate before the close and get him in. He surely can't want to stay here now. Doesn't strike me as a other zog.
  6. Glad that he seems to be adding goals now, something which had been missing. Definitely not the finished article yet but certainly has all the potential in the world. I just want him to commit defenders more instead of holding up play, he has the ability to do it so why not try it? Big season and hopefully will be our stand out player. It's funny but when players get a reputation defenders seem to actually give them more room to do their thang as they are scared of getting too close to them which actually plays into their hands. Hopefully Jack can obtain that fear factor and use it to his advantage. Self confidence will play a large part in this.
  7. As long as he sells us after failing in our bid for the first ever champions league treble it will be OK
  8. Ah man, I can't get enough of talking about players beards making them good players, it is SO funny, especially if you repeat it over and over again, just gets funnier. Please someone post a picture of a hipster player with a big beard and link him to us. And before anyone says it yes I can grow a beard I just don't want to.
  9. Why are we / would we spend so much on him? 20 goals last year in the championship but what else? Didn't Gestade get more than that? If he had scored 20 goals for last 3 seasons I could understand such a price tag but seems nuts for someone who could well be a 1 season wonder.
  10. I am afraid I disagree entirely with you but it's late and I have had far too many beers than is good for me. If you honestly don't believe that the squad we have now is not good enough to compete in the current league then you must be blind to all that has happened. We have strikers who have a scored bundles in this leave, defenders and midfielders who have been promoted from this league, a spine to the team formed of captains. We should and will do better than we have done and if we dont after a reasonably short bonding period then I think Tony will rightly be asking questions.
  11. Yep, the difference is now we KNOW we have a good squad for this level, players everywhere now who know the league and in fact have got out of the league. The money that has been spent is the highest in the league, even last summers splurge was a drop in the ocean compared to the top PL teams. Time to gel etc is acceptable but not too long, Christ other teams fans have accused us of buying the league. Can't see Tony accepting many performances like today after another month has gone by.
  12. Anyone heard why he went off today? Hopefully not injured.
  13. Noticed he had almost no reaction to Jack's goal. Bearing in mind it was a young player scoring a quite excellent goal I would have expected at least something. He's not happy not interested and not doing anything and preventing others from in fact doing something. He flatters to deceive and I can't understand how people don't see this.
  14. Reliable championship stopper for a couple of mill please.
  15. Sell sell sell. Catches the eye but does nothing.
  16. This is what I can't understand, we have captains and ex captains everywhere, should not collapse like this in a very average league with players who have got out of this league.
  17. All I can hear is Bristol City fans singing you're sh*t and you know you are.
  18. Were gonna be miles behind the blue scum when we play them.
  19. Seriously how much does it cost to get in a reliable championship keeper? Can't be a lot can it.
  20. Been comming for a while. Once again failed to capitalise on our total domination and get punished.
  21. I have said it In the Ayew thread, if we had a big money offer I would take it.
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