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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Cyanogen Mod 7 is out now and it is stable and good. Download here
  2. Where you at? I just got back from a quick non-skiing trip to Portes du Soleil in France and it was lovely. Sunny in the village but loads of snow and coldness up the mountain if you're into breaking limbs and freezing your arse off. I stayed in the village. Was just looking at home cinema amps that I can't afford, then I made myself a bacon sarnie with my mum's date chutney instead of ketchup. That and a cup of tea. Bostin'
  3. Sibelius appreciator here, although Shostakovic ain't far behind. Sibelius' violin concerto in D; Viktoria Mullova has made an excellent recording. Shostakovic's Gadfly seems to crop up through my speakers very regularly (all my music is lossless ripped so I can listen to it from a PC, which is connected to my amp) Umm, Yoyo Ma doing Bach's cello concertos is another - was used in the film Master & Commander . I do like Mozart, but I use it to help me concentrate, not relax. Mahler 4th symphony. There are probably more. Oh, and Dickens - thirded. Just tedious.
  4. Maybe not enough numpties like me asking noob questions? Anyways, I sorted it. Had to clear the superuser cache, then all went swimmingly. Now then, where to get hold of Swype...
  5. I've already unlocked it. It's the rooting I'm having snags with. And getting it to be useable on t mobile until I can get round said snags.
  6. I got bought an Orange San Francisco for my birthday. Which is nice. Anyway, I'm trying to a) root it and/or turn it into a T-Mobile phone. Basically at the mo I can't root it - keep getting errors, so I thought at least I could set it up to use Tmobile's network, but it ain't having it. I've unlocked the phone. Installed (?) superuser I've installed APN backup/restore. I've downloaded a file of all APNs. Selected T mobile in my APNs. When I go to 'search networks' I get 'network is busy, please try later' Any suggestions? It's not picking up ANY networks at all. I may wander up and down the high street and see if it's just a reception issue, but I doubt it.
  7. "There's always been a dance element to our music"
  8. Yesterday I had £1.50 on Bent to score the first goal and us to win 2-1. It's therefore my fault Ash missed the penalty. Sorry.
  9. I prefer a filter coffee machine, but, yes. For me it's Espresso. I cleaned my grinder yesterday afternoon, so it was too late to test the difference. Don't think it'd ever been cleaned before - it was thick with rancid old tar, eugh. Anyway, just had my first espresso of the day, and damn it was good. No idea if the cleaning helped, but I'll pretend it definitely did.
  10. Fixed. I agree. Only thing I ever watch is Villa. NOTHING else.
  11. I live in London. There are many people here. Some are right twunts, some are dead nice.
  12. Bought Oblivion and got about 20 mins into it and gave up - just didn't grab me at all and I generally like that kind of stuff. I'll give it another shot...
  13. My toothache is currently so bad I'm afraid I'm going to have a stroke. If I start dribbling, let me know.
  14. I have discovered this evening that there IS such a thing as too much tiramisu.
  15. Ouch. In said example might I suggest a great big sheet of Duoderm extra thin? Works like an artificial scab (ie warm and moist underneath), but quicker, less painful and with less scarring. Can be left for up to a week - a week or a leak is when you change it. back on topic, no I never use talcum powder. It is no longer 1870.
  16. Anthony


    I'm @anttix Rev. I tend to 'list' rather than 'follow' and then have a list column in tweetdeck. And I was wondering why the understudy wasn't appearing...
  17. Anthony


    Damn you! I've just spent ten minutes looking to find out how long I've been on twitter, to no avail. Where is the info?
  18. You could get one of them thar new fangled Sony/Swedish playstation Android phones. Out soon I think.
  19. I'd agree on this. I'm with T-Mobile P&G, get great data coverage and I pay £5 for a month of unlimited fair use web. Or I can pay £20 for 6 months. The sharing Orange network thing is only for calls atm, which can be problematic if you're browsing and your phone switches - you lose data connectivity. This will change at some point.
  20. Anthony

    Ice rink

    There's a Magritte painting that would fit in here, although it could possibly get me banned. Link here
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