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Everything posted by bickster

  1. bickster

    80s Party!

    Haha, this has just reminde me of "an incident." One of my mates was in the same year in school as Paul King in Coventry but they were in rival friend groups who didn't get on. We were both working a King gig at the Royal Court in Liverpool some time after the second release of Love and Pride. My mate had been muttering under his breath all day about Paul King being a rocket polisher and that he hated working the gig but needed the money And then the inevitable happened the two of them came face to face in the middle of the venue, Mr Painted Docs was swaggering about and my mate was doing his best to ignore him as we were pushing flightcases around but Paul King stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at my mate, who then had no option but to stare back very hard, it was probably only 20 seconds but seemed a LOT longer, you could see Paul King's face turn from is it? to pure rage, then he just turned around and flounced off and wasn't seen again until stage time He flounced off to the sound of a room laughing very loudly which must have made it worse for the poor darling
  2. I wasn't going to but got tempted in the end so I went for this one out of the new case Chai Cutter - by the Tempest Brewing Company based in Tweedbank, Scotland A 5% Abv Chai inspired Milk Stout. I chose this because it's a room temperature drink and must admit I was a bit dubious but I liked it from the first sip. It's definitely milk stout and quite chocolatey but you definitely get a subtle hint of the chai spices, cardamon, vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon were what I detected but they claim there are others too. Really liking this one, it's definitely a different take on stout and one ill be looking out for again, definitely on the buy again list
  3. bickster

    80s Party!

    That was the shite three piece The better version was the earlier larger band but even then their recorded output never really lived up to the live experience
  4. It's somewhat more complicated that this but for more of that over to the Map Cave!
  5. Well, it came up in another thread but whilst technically a flowchart, it is a flowchart that maps the influences of Reggae (and a flowchart is a process map anyway) Love this Hi-Res Version
  6. I have just taken delivery of an unexpected ten new beers from Beer 52, the daughter didn't tell me she'd ordered 2 cases as my Xmas Pressie. Expect reviews in the coming days
  7. You appear to have the '60s and '80s confused with each other
  8. You won't find me agreeing with @tonyh29very often on anything but I am now. I've written about it before but you 80s music haters are just wrong and I don't like most of the music he like's from the 80s either
  9. Amateur, Audio Galaxy was where it was at, I could get the obscurest of never released digitally stuff from there, Indie and Post-punk heaven
  10. What Israel did was study a vaccinated group of 200,000 people and an unvaccinated group of 200,000 people with demographic matching across the two groups and studied the data at the 14 day point after the vaccination took place Iirc there was only a 33% improvement with one dose of the vaccine (Sorry I read it last night and haven't got time to link to the article - Sky News iirc)
  11. 1. The guy filming it is obviously finding it hilarious 2. He's obviously on the inside of the gates
  12. Yeah thats awful too, you still have to be very good to polish this turd. It's just their least worst song
  13. Cities in the US are just that, here we have Urban conglomerations with Multiple cities and towns attached to each other continuously. That puts us on about 5 above a million and a few others just shy of it. London, West Mids, greater Manchester, West Yorkshire and Glasgow are all about 1m or above. Then you have the likes of Merseyside, Southampton / Portsmouth, tyneside hitting the 800k and above mark
  14. bickster

    80s Party!

    Which version? The origianal 7(?) piece band were great live, lots of audience participation with dustbin lids and wheel caps being banged, then they had a hit with In The Name of Love binned 4 of the band and turned into 3 piece shite pop act
  15. Israel saying their preliminary findings on a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine do not show the same efficacy as the UK Govt were claiming one dose gave to justify delaying the second dose
  16. It certainly wouldn't be by a bad Beatles tribute act like that. Something more like this
  17. If I had to have a least worst Beatles song it would be Tomorrow Never Knows but it would have to be performed by someone else
  18. If Front 242 and Fad Gadget met Courtney Barnett in Bristol.
  19. I may have been wrong about Peak Country @Seat68
  20. From last year. Mugstar's latest - Graft (From October 2020. Only 600 copies made, this is one of the 250 Cherry Red ones (350 Black ones)) Instrumental Prog / Psyche / Space / Kraut* - Rock. Decide for yourself. For those that don't know Mugstar are a band from Liverpool and they also happen to be the band Damo Suzuki (Can) plays with when he plays in the UK so that might give you a bit of a clue as to what they are like
  21. That bit is factually correct, Netherlands wasn't fully liberated until May 5th 1945 Wiki
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