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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Definitely need a puking reaction for posts like this
  2. No, not yet. Pure hypothetical situations being discussed upthread
  3. Jeez, why is it the left has all the comedians but no-one with a sense of humour It. Was. A. Joke.
  4. It's Welsh, I've been up it and appropriately I was dithering at the top because I was very cold.
  5. bickster

    Ice rink

    Looks tired, do you talk to your plants?
  6. This is actually untested, the only reason Bush could do that is because it was only the day after and it hadn't been signed. There is no current precident for the recinsion of a fully executed pardon, especially by another President
  7. He can simply say he pardons anyone involved in the events at the Capitol on Jan 6th, he doesn't even have to name each individual. There is also precident for this when Jimmy Carter pardoned all Vientnam War Draft Resisters
  8. Jeff Beck also has not being a word removed in his favour too
  9. That and making sure they take out all the people who stubbed their toe three weeks ago
  10. bickster


    You appear to have killed a hyphen Hyphens have right too you know
  11. bickster


    Watch it, you'll get mocked by the sockless pedalpusher militia
  12. No not really. The Democrats currently have a larger percentage of the popular vote nationwide and it's growing. The House better represents the popular vote than the Senate which is skewed towards the GOP quite heavily, even if it is much closer now than previously, I'd still expect the Senate to be more vulnerable than the House to be taken by the GOP It's not impossible obviously but that's just the way I see it. But like I said, impeachment itself means nothing
  13. Yes but impeachment is just a word for a process, it means absolutely nothing. The GOP taking the House is also somewhat improbable in 2022 given current trends
  14. Are you misunderstanding the process here? Or has something happened than we're unaware of? Impeachment is the call to trial and is voted on by the House, simple majority needed The Trial is in the Senate and conviction requires a 2/3rds Majority
  15. Not true, President Nixon says hi
  16. 17 times with 15 different runout etchings and two different special edition shades of brown coloured vinyl no doubt
  17. This just isn't true. F*** me at Syndney Airport we were about the only people in the flight that didn't have our bags searched for contraband. My withering loom as lack or words did the trick but people thought we were royalty for being let through without being searched
  18. Well the fambo aren't going to be contributing are they
  19. A definitive No. Looked it up the other day
  20. Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs were only an optional extra though
  21. So here's a story... An 18 year old girl dobs in her family as being at the Capitol Quite specifically pointing out each one, her mother, her uncle and her aunt
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