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Everything posted by bickster

  1. It works, you don't change a winning team and all that
  2. Just dwell on this one for a second Manc Evening News but I guess you'll find that in a lot of outlets.
  3. Same applies to the Merseyside Police action in Merseyside over the weekend. It was actually a planned joint operation with Liverpool Licensing Department (and seemingly Wolverhampton Licensing were "co-operating" too - whatever that means)
  4. I'm looking at the data you've posted, if we ignore the over '80s for a sec then at the extreme right of that graph, to my eyesight, the darkest blue to almost purple lines represent the 10 to 19 age groups
  5. Been at at all weekend in Liverpool with Taxi Drivers, preventing them travelling from Tier 3 area to Tier 2, now I suspect this has affected Uber and one other company because they've seemingly picked on the drivers by what authority their vehicle is registered by (Bolton, Wolverhampton etc). As far as I can tell they are using Coronavirus legislation to suspend the drivers PH licences. Methinks it's complete over reach. You are allowed to travel for work, even in the brand spanking new Tier 4
  6. 15-19 is almost exclusicely school age at this point. Also the 10-14 age group in that graph is darker now than at any point previously Agreed Students too but we've just sent them home... oops
  7. As well as the other very salient points raised by others... Schools, this is where its currently spreading, this is largely where households mix, 30 households or more to a class. And I hold both main parties culpable for that, Starmer wanted them back even before Johnson. Also going back to Barnard Castle and Cummings... the population were pretty compliant until that point. That very incident ran a huge flag up a very tall flagpole, after that public compliance has never been anywhere near the same. Most sane people knew Cummings should have been sacked but as it turns out the way to get rid of Cummings was for him to be at odds with the Prime Ministers wife not for him to break the law and get off with it. Public compliance has very notably not been the same since Then there's all the other failures, test and trace etc etc
  8. This is the one I'm on about (still £7.49, usually £9.99) (pic on link)
  9. Steve Gunn and the Black Twig Pickers - Seasonal Hire
  10. EH? Waitrose Sangiovese is one of my stock everyday drinkers. I think it's really a decent bottle of red for its price point, especially as it was only £7.49 for the last few weeks. I've never had a wine from Aldi that I didn't think was just about the right price or in other words its cheap for a reason, Aldi wine always tastes rough to me
  11. Opened one of the xmas stash of gins, new one on us this one.
  12. That hasn't really been happening though, just an illusion of it. Tier 3 is less strict than Tier 3 was before Lockdown 2. That first Tier 4 was in turn less strict than the first Lockdown. Only today with Tier 4 has a more strict measure taken place
  13. bickster

    Ice rink

    One of my own. How many can you spot in one of our back fence panels?
  14. There's a huge assumption in there
  15. This was in the pile for throwing out as it was warped and skipped but now I've rebalanced my deck and cleaned the record it plays perfectly despite the warp. I'm pleased, it was one of the few records in the throwing out pile that I didn't want to lose This isn't music, it's art. From wiki
  16. tried it once, absolutely revolting. Which is why its only use is chopped up finely in a sofrito and even then under sufferance
  17. Went shopping before and called into my Alt Petrol Station,, My Normal was closed (it usually is at that time for cleaning) "Pump number 3 and can I have 4 packets of ciggies" "How are you paying?" "card" "Sorry I can only sell you 2 packets of ciiggies, I can sell you 4 if you pay cash" "Eh?" "It's in case your card is stolen" "Even if it was, it's a customer present transaction using Chip and Pin, the bank guarantees you the payment" "Those are the rules" "What if I put £80 fuel in my car?" "You could buy that by card obviously but I don't understand what you mean" "Well if this is some sort of loss prevention tactic, your mark up on cigarettes is much greater than it is on fuel ergo your loss would be greater IF you didn't recieve the payment for the fuel but I can't help but tell you the payment by chip and pin is guaranteed by the bank" "Sorry but those are the rules" "Just the fuel then please" "You don't want the ciggies?" "No, I've got to go somewhere else to buy more so I'll just buy them all there as they are cheaper there anyway, I was buying them here for conveniences sake but your rules lost you the sale"
  18. My grandad used to eat celery raw and just dipped it in salt
  19. I really don't know what to think of even owning a copy of this. A really odd double album I'm on side 1 which is classical and not that bad. It's by Keith Emerson Side 2 is by Greg Lake, Side 3 is by Carl Palmer (I have no idea what awaits there) and side three is two tracks by ELP one of which is the ubiquitous prog of Fanfare for the Common Man. I'm kind of hoping side 4 is the worst bit but who knows Someone gave me this years ago and I've never had the desire to play it but I really want to finish the cataloguing of the collection before New Year and I'm down to the last few albums and 12" singles before I move on to 10" and 7" records Second record is warped (thankfully) aside from the classical side its utterly shit. Keeping for side one
  20. I like rhubarb but celery is sofrito only
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