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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Fairly sure that one's been debunked by noted historians
  2. Ah jesus at 2 mins I wanted to jump in a DeLorean and give Billy Ray the snip That version is actually a crime
  3. Elvis? Being Drafted / Comeback Special / Elvis Burger goes Mr Creosote
  4. As you are a regular contributor and reader of the maps thread... aaaaaaand....
  5. Fox has already dropped to third in the ratings from first. Happened the other week
  6. You must be joking the statue looks younger than most of them
  7. Getting $10k a day to be in jail? I'll do the time
  8. These are a bit small for my liking but still... that ridiculously overpriced and inefficient TfL have released maps of 120 Underground stations Some blog has collated them all but they are on the small side
  9. It's a factor of two things, the Trumpisation of Tory politics and more importantly a real vacuum of political talent in the Tory Party
  10. Its actually a sign of how little talent there is left in the Tory Party these days. They at least used to have accomplished and skilled politicians (in the art of politicking), even if you didn't like them. Now it's just a bunch of talentless words removed
  11. Must have improved since I was there but I guess it would as they were still using Steam Trains under Communist rule Belgium's is pretty good
  12. Doesn't really matter, Texas seat Not sure what the Texas rules are but the Govenor can appoint someone for the rest of the term (yeah democracy an that), or until a Special Election can be held. Some states insist that a Special Election is held. Each state's rules are different There are even a few examples of the wife taking over from the husband
  13. Here's an example of probably the second best PT system in the UK, Birmingham From our house, it was half a mile to walk to the nearest bus stop, where I'd wait for up to 15 minutes to get a bus to the Scott Arms. Then I'd have to cross from one side of the Scott's to the other. Then wait for the bus into the city, they are every ten minutes but I'd be playing roulette because only every other bus is a limited stop express service, if the stopper turned up, you'd wait for the express because you still got there quicker. These buses may have a timetable but its just there for effect, you can't guarantee any of the timings The alternative was hope the first bus was a Hamstead bus and not a Sutton bus, so could be half an hour wait. The Hamstead bus terminates at the other end of the village to the station and it was pretty much guaranteed you'd just missed the previous train so would have to wait half an hour for the next one. Our house was seven miles from the city centre and I could drive into town in 20 minutes. On PT, I'd have been extremely lucky to do that in under an hour Amd that is the step down from London. Everywhere else it's most likely worse than that
  14. One of them is even arguing against you. There are plenty of people on this forum who live in London
  15. Its not Dem. I don't know why you can't understand this. Londoners complaining about their public transport system when its the best and cheapest in the country is the real wind up here
  16. You know it's ludicrous, when you agree with a Lawrence Fox tweet
  17. Here's some groupings of words; Residents Association Parish Councillors Nosey Neighbours Neighbourhood Watch Nimby Words Removed Taxpayers Alliance The venn diagram of that lot is pretty much one circle
  18. It isn't. You need to understand this Dem. Your Public Transport is cheaper than anyone else's
  19. Oh they really aren't. We have them on a couple of roads in the city centre and they still don't come down for the emergency services most of the time LTNs are great, they increase taxi fares and I remain unconvinced that they reduce pollution by making car journeys longer. (which is one of their justifications) They certainly don't push people onto PT here because PT is so f***ing dreadful, for most without a car, it just increases taxi journey time and price.... if you think I'm kidding about this last point I'm not. Prepandemic we were doing around 11 million taxi journeys a year with about a 25% market share 40 million taxi journeys in the LCR is a LOT of journeys per person
  20. I presume you disappear when the Tab shows a pause symbol but it is a bit if a tree crashes in the woods to find out
  21. Depends which version you've watched I guess but guitar man seemed quite reasonable but he actually wasn't on the council. Of course they are all knobbers, they are on the Parish Council, with the exception of the Weaver Woman who is some advisor from a council watchdog organisation iirc
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