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Everything posted by bickster

  1. One minute it's the left of the party were fair and tried to be inclusive and the next it wasn't ruthless enough and should have had a Stalinist Purge whilst at the same time claiming the left of the Party don't do that it's the right Bloody People's Front of Judea
  2. Sadly, it really is what they do and always have done. All of them. The only time since 1980 that they managed to calm this tendency (soz) down begins with B and contains an anagram of liar. And even then it was only really suppressed with expulsions and not irradicated
  3. This is what left wing political animals have been doing since I've been alive. It is for some their raison d'etre (my definition of left wing political animals would encapsulate every single member of the Labour Party right now for the sake of clarity) See Life of Brian for more details. It is this very factionalism that kills the left in Britain and the reason why I left the party in my very early 20's over 30 years ago
  4. I'm obviously completely unaware of the particular advert but it is possible for a product branded as anti-bacterial to also be anti-viral especially if it contains detergents
  5. He can't, see above. It prejudices the inquiry. I'm leaving it there now, because it's seriously not worth trying to help you understand the issue
  6. IT. IS, THE. LAW. You know why it's "indefinitely" don't you? It's because they can't say when the ICO's investigation will end. It doesn't mean never. When it can be published is out of Labour's control Starmer can't do anything at this stage. It is also why those people were let back into the party because that too would prejudice the outcome of the investigation. Unfortunately for everyone, the ICO are notoriously slow due to chronic underfunding I really don't understand why you aren't getting this. I'm expecting you to start chanting Forde Means Forde soon
  7. Last time I decorated was an office in Parr St Studios, Thats about 1990
  8. 1) make sure you are using the correct bit for the screw, just because it fits doesn't mean its right 2) start slow with plenty of torque and only increase speed when the screw is at least half in
  9. Good luck with getting travel insurance that covers COVID to travel abroad in the near future, You can't even rely on your EU medical rights you had until January
  10. Thier perspective is irrelevant, you can't prejudice what is in effect a criminal investigation. You and they should be asking the right questions instead of the wrong ones. None of you appear to understand that this was the most likely outcome from the very start Direct you're ire at Starmer et al but for the right reason, the right reason is actually worse. Currently, you're accusing them of kicking something into the long grass and they've already told you what their defence of that claim is. You can't beat that because it's correct The real question is why didn't you say that you couldn't announce the findings at the start of the inquiry, they absolutely would have known this all the way back then. As Starmer is a very accomplished QC and former Attorney General, there's absolutely no way he can say he didn't realise at the time, it just isn't credible. That is what you all need answering
  11. I fail to see the relevance of this, they could be green, red, blue, white indigo or martians, they'd still be asking a stupid question Do you think I called them stupid because they are BAME or because they don't appear to realise they've been done up like kippers?
  12. Yes, some Labour MPs are stupid too. The inquiry was effectively the equivalent of sub-judice (sorry I'm unaware of what the actual term is) from the second it started What people are saying in that article is that they don't understand why Forde has waited so long to announce he can't announce his findings. It's a fair question but the answer is they were all had from the off I don't for one minute think that Starmer (or Forde for that matter) didn't know that this would be the eventual outcome from the start You need to get your head around the fact that the Forde Inquiry only becomes relevant, if the ICO declare that there's no case to answer or the ICO decide only certain elements of their investigation are worthy of censure / or fine You also appear to be of the opinion I'm somehow excusing Starmer, the Party and Forde. I'm not, I'm trying to get you to face facts and direct your ire in the right direction and for the right reaswon. you and all the others are currently complining that its some sort of cover up are asking completely the wrong questions. Why hasn't it come out yet - is completely the wrong question Why didn't you say this at the start is the right question
  13. I just hope it's true because to get back to a degree of normality quicker, we need to get the most at risk occupations vaccinated before any opening up happens
  14. By that time, no one knew what the Labour policy on Brexit actually was, it changed daily
  15. As it happens I just bumped into a colleague whose missus is a teacher and she's already been told she's in the next round
  16. Jazz Keyboardist Chick Corea, dead at 79, cancer
  17. @Chindie I'll swap you for the one all the current fuss is about
  18. Here it comes.... The Torygraph is reporting that the Treasury is considering halting the already proposed increases to the personal income tax allowances that should have come into effect in April, to attempt to claw back £6bil
  19. FFS it's the law. You should be angry at Starmer for promising and commisioning an inquiry that could never report it's findings, that's where your anger should be, not that the report is being buried (because it isn't). You can't question due process, it is what it is. Your anger is completely misplaced
  20. Totally on topic.... Original by Jacob Miller written with Augustus Pablo and was the A side to King Tubby Meets the Rockers Uptown
  21. This is silly. You need to look at the facts of the matter. If there was an imaginary murder, what you want is a Private Detective to announce who did it and why, then publish his findings in a newspaper so everyone can see who is guilty before the Police have the opportunity to present their case against the accused in a court of law. That is the equivalent of what you want. In reality no one should have hired the Private Detective in the first place
  22. The reason it isn't out in the open is Jennie Formby, she set the wheels in motion for the ICO investigation. The second sentence absolutely nails why the Forde Inquiry was called in the first place I should also add that I don't think Formby had any option but to report it to the ICO, she would have been guilty of covering up any data breach, a crime in itself Once it had been reported to the ICO any internal investigation was pointless but members wanted it regardless. Members were given what they wanted. What should have happened was that honest politicians should have said it's in the ICO's hands now and we will await their outcome. It would have gone down like a lead balloon in some quarters but at least it would have been the truth. Now in its place it has become some sort of conspiracy theorists dream because what it sought to achieve was impossible, You'll see above that Jareth thinks its some sort of cover up / sweeping under the carpet, when in fact what has been announced today was inevitable and it was thus before members even demanded it
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