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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Totally on topic.... Original by Jacob Miller written with Augustus Pablo and was the A side to King Tubby Meets the Rockers Uptown
  2. This is silly. You need to look at the facts of the matter. If there was an imaginary murder, what you want is a Private Detective to announce who did it and why, then publish his findings in a newspaper so everyone can see who is guilty before the Police have the opportunity to present their case against the accused in a court of law. That is the equivalent of what you want. In reality no one should have hired the Private Detective in the first place
  3. The reason it isn't out in the open is Jennie Formby, she set the wheels in motion for the ICO investigation. The second sentence absolutely nails why the Forde Inquiry was called in the first place I should also add that I don't think Formby had any option but to report it to the ICO, she would have been guilty of covering up any data breach, a crime in itself Once it had been reported to the ICO any internal investigation was pointless but members wanted it regardless. Members were given what they wanted. What should have happened was that honest politicians should have said it's in the ICO's hands now and we will await their outcome. It would have gone down like a lead balloon in some quarters but at least it would have been the truth. Now in its place it has become some sort of conspiracy theorists dream because what it sought to achieve was impossible, You'll see above that Jareth thinks its some sort of cover up / sweeping under the carpet, when in fact what has been announced today was inevitable and it was thus before members even demanded it
  4. People in the UK say.... is that all? There is a ten mile strech of the M62 (The Motorway between Liverpool and Manchester) that has been in a lane reduced state / temporary speed limits due to upgrading to a "Smart Motorway" for at least 5 years. It finally opened again fully at the end of January. I also think that 10 mile stretch of road has had works of some sort on it for 80% of the time in the last decade
  5. That can get in the Gravy Thread!
  6. Yes of course they did, that is just silly. Can you give a reason as to why it was set up other than that, when the matter had already been reported to the ICO? (and this was public knowledge inside and outside the Party) You want the Labour Party to illegally prejudice a legal inquiry to satisfy your curiosity? Labour cannot do anything, it is currently not in their purview. Your feelings on the matter are simply wrong, if any political calculations were made it was a) by Fomby by reporting to the ICO (but also her legal duty to do so) and b) by Starmer when starting the Forde Inquiry.which because the ICO was already involved was massively irrelevant and a stunt. You are of course entitled to your opinion but it just doesn't hold up to scrutiny, it flies against the facts as currently known. Starmer is at fault for starting the Forde Inquiry in the first place. It was posturing, pure and simple. Starmer is an incredibly sharp lawyer who knows the legal process. He will have known this all along.
  7. It was Jenny Formby that reported this to the ICO originally. The reporting to the ICO pre-dates Starmer being elected leader and therefore pre-dates the Forde Enquiry. Any crackpot theories you’ve read on Twitter are just that. The ICO is grossly understaffed and works at a glacial pace. The ICO are the statutory body that investigate any such breaches of data and as they are involved, the Forde Enquiry is and always was, utterly pointless and should be thrown in the bin. It is now irrelevant. It should always have been left to the ICO and never started in the first place. It was only done to appease the Corbynites
  8. You realise nobody in the Labour Party has any influence over the Information Commissioners Office don't you? It has been delayed because it could prejudice the ICO's own investigation into the same leaks You appear to be saying that a report is being buried because the subject of the report is now being investigated by the correct legally empowered body to investigate the issue in the first place? Your conclusion is beyond bizarre
  9. Hows this for a reward.? "If you finish this project next week (two weeks early), then you can go back on the one day a week furlough you were on before" To be honest I quite enjoy the one day of furlough a week but I'm not telling them that. MY response. "How are you going to pay me all the overtime you owe me if I'm back on the furlough scheme..." I await the next installment
  10. Is obviously the correct answer, specifically one of these
  11. Sensational mutation stories... Worth a read
  12. The Breeders - Pod. I'd bore you with how good a copy mine is but I can't be arsed. Great record all the same
  13. Before it reaches the press even. Taxi Drivers to be included in the next round of jabs, now from a personal POV thats obviously great but you can pretty much guarantee that teachers, policemen, other transport workers and a whole host of others will also be included. Possibly to be announced on Feb 15th This news came from our Trade Association and to them from the DfT
  14. There's probably an IPA based on that
  15. They were giving you sagely fashion advice, forget the mud, its a distraction
  16. He really isnn't a bullshitting, bumbling clown. He's an evil word removed, the clown bit is just an act
  17. I am but as every day passes, I also get angrier and angrier too I bumped into an old mate in the garage just now, he's essentially a bit of a meathead but one with a bit of a brain. He started working the doors in the clubs, started a security firm but one that did gig venues not clubs so stayed out of the gangster element, then eventually worked his was up through the business by taking every opportunity that fell in his path and he's now a minder to big touring musicians. He hasn't done a days work since last march and has nothing booked in, he's usually booked up 18 months to 2 years in advance. Man is angry that Brexit has f***ed him over. This government have literally f***ed the music business. Did you know that 80% of the vehicles used to tour Europe are Britishj? Similarly 80% of the touring staff are British, or should I say were. The accepted way to tour was you came to the UK, rehearsed here with a British crew and British logistics (we absolutely rule the world in this btw) then took that same crew and logistics to tour Europe. British Music trucking companies have many Left Hand Drive trucks for this express purpose. Swap the trucks and coaches at the end of the UK tour, then tour Europe. That is now totally screwed an entire industry screwed. Worth a f***ton more than sodding fish too
  18. Do you actually play golf or does someone use you as a tee?
  19. Its an attempt at turd polishing. The original Tina Turner version was shite. The Aswad version was risible. This is worse again
  20. Might as well chuck Stalin into the mix
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