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Everything posted by Sureshot

  1. Good fun so far. I have to say the new defensive system has grown on me since remapping the buttons, it's especially satisfying against another human opponent. Still need to get to grips with it as I'm losing more than winning right now (I did choose expert, though).
  2. Mine should be at home when I return, just need to get through the minor annoyance of 6 more hours at work...
  3. Picked up Bush's new album and it's pretty good. Certainly not in the same ballpark as Razorblade Suitcase or Sixteen Stone, but it's listenable overall (even if some of the songs almost wouldn't seem out of place on a U2 album). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi06TWlKeHc, but is possibly my favourite at this stage.
  4. As recommended by someone on another forum I read, it seems that changing a few buttons makes defence feel more like the old system and a lot easier to manage. This is for alternate: Put contain to RB/R1 (or whatever you don't normally sprint with). Put standing tackle back to A/X. Teammate contain back to X/Square.
  5. Not a fan of the new defending, but the engine changes are great. Really feels like you can take people on again with the new shorter dribbling system; one of the biggest things that has always made me want to throw my pad through the window online is endlessly running into my opponent due to being almost entirely unable to change direction quickly enough before a tackle comes in because of the added latency. Hopefully this will alleviate that somewhat. Back to defending - I know EA have to try out new stuff to try and keep things fresh, but this system smacks of the time when PES was king and EA was trying and failing with all sorts of ridiculous systems for passing, shooting etc. In the end, they got it right because they pretty much stole PES's control system and made it better with minor tweaks. This new system is potentially going in the wrong direction again, but hey, time will tell.
  6. It's cross-platform with PS3 because mouse and keyboard will be supported. You can't use those on 360.
  7. I could be wrong, but as stone walls are sturdy then there was sturdy/infallible/solid evidence that it was a penalty. Or here's something plausible from Answers.com:
  8. People who leave the plastic film on the screens of electronic gadgets, as if it's some kind of magical protect-all barrier. In reality, it does nothing and makes the device look sh*te over time anyway, so what exactly is the point?
  9. Balls, why did they have to change it - I'd have to get up at 4AM to watch now. It is (was?) on ESPN3 too as Levi mentioned.
  10. They need more lifelong fans at the club, wonder if they've asked Craigy G. yet.
  11. Alan Wright was playing all the way up to this year apparently. Always remember he could still get up and win a ball despite his height.
  12. Weird, posted my poll result but not my post... Dull game but at least we looked fairly comfortable for most of it. 1 point is better than 0. Given MOTM.
  13. Up at 7AM on a Saturday, only for the Villa. It's the only game on ESPN3 here too which is an added bonus.
  14. Click Does this mean we can officially call them Tescos now?
  15. Some word removed's car alarm went off this morning at 8AM, waking me from my Sunday lie-in (and probably the rest of the neighbourhood). However, it wasn't one of the usual ones that gives up after about 10 minutes - it was one of those bloody custom ones that has about 10 different sounds and - apparently - doesn't automatically turn off within a reasonable amount of time. Whoever's car it was never came out (possibly the only person in the world not to hear it?), so it was literally going off for hours. Completely screwed my sleep schedule up as a result as, due to trying to battle through the effing amusement arcade that was going on outside, I ended up finally waking up at 1PM.
  16. Why's that? The likes of Casillas, Buffon, Kahn, Van Der Sar etc. haven't done too shabbily out of it. Given gets my vote.
  17. Great signing, looking forward to seeing his delivery. Assuming Ireland pulls his finger out we could have a really formidable midfield this season.
  18. Actually, you're out of luck if you want to customise it. I ordered one from the MLS store myself with him on the back and (even though I was able to customise before ordering) I got a mail from them saying that customisation isn't possible for this particular shirt. So I just got it without instead. In fact, I don't even see the shirt on the store any more so it must have sold out. I guess it was that popular.
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