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Everything posted by Sureshot

  1. It beggars belief that he still has the audacity to say that he can't think of a reason why he wouldn't be manager next season. Could you imagine that in any other job? 'Well boss, I managed to lead our company to our worst results in living memory, I'm likely to be causing a drastic loss in our overall revenue and have shown my ineptitude at strategy, tactics and motivation. Still looking good for next year, right? ... What do you mean you want to fire me?' He needs to be shoved - Randy surely can't have another option, can he?
  2. Didier Agathe. It was like watching a newborn deer making its first steps. I remember in his first game he did a trick which allowed him to get past someone, then every single other time he tried it (in that game or any other), it failed.
  3. Shocked me when I read this today. Went through a massive Beastie Boys phase when I was growing up - which also lead to me choosing this online nick about 14 years ago. RIP MCA
  4. We do the same with Internazionale (Inter Milan) too. And Paris is a weird place. It's not a sporting city at all really is it? Mind you, I dont think France is as passionate about Football as a lot of other "football" countries, Rugby (both codes) seems to get a much bigger share of the limelight there than it does here. Paris technically does have more than one team. Créteil-Lusitanos are in a south-eastern suburb of Paris. There's Paris FC as well.
  5. More of a US thing I guess but - something that really irritates me is waiting until the traffic clears to turn right on a red light, then some f*cker drives up on the left of you in their sh*tty CAN HAUL 3472349 POUNDS BUT I'VE NEVER EVEN GOT CLOSE TO A TENTH OF THAT THAT truck with complete disregard for the cross-walk lines, or you trying to turn right. You have generally already inched as close to the line as you can at this point, but as a result of the tard on your port side you have to basically have to drive half of your car over the lines, almost into the traffic just so you can see when it stops and you can go. Bastards.
  6. I wonder if Macron can sue us for misrepresentation as we're supposedly going to be their Premier League flagship club and 'jewel in the crown'. I bet what actually happened is that someone mentioned Villa are a 'sinking ship in the Premier League, commanded by a fool and a clown' and it got misinterpreted by their translator. Sorry guys...
  7. Absolutely dire predictions from me! What a strange cup so far, though. The Yotes advancing this evening just added to it.
  8. Video of it here. Absolutely bizarre.
  9. Eastern Conference #1 Rangers vs. #8 Senators - from 12 April - Rags in 5 #2 Bruins vs. #7 Capitals - from 12 April - Bruins in 6 #3 Panthers vs. #6 Devils - from 13 April - Devils in 5 #4 Penguins vs. #5 Flyers - from 11 April - Pens in 6 Western Conference #1 Canucks vs. #8 Kings - from 11 April - Canucks in 5 #2 Blues vs. #7 Sharks - from 12 April - Blues in 7 #3 Coyotes vs. #6 Blackhawks - from 12 April - Hawks in 6 #4 Predators vs. #5 Red Wings - from 11 April - Wings in 6
  10. Pens - Flyers series is going to be ridiculous, especially considering the events of Sunday (and the fact that we play them again on Saturday). We really need to step up though as they've had our number almost all season.
  11. The US lottery draw is up to $640m now. We have a pool going at work. I'll write to you from the Bahamas!
  12. Sureshot


    I've lived here for just over 2 years and I really like it. Can't say a bad word about anyone I've met so far - overall, people are happy, friendly and won't hesitate to help you out.
  13. Those cancer warnings are a bit of a joke really - they crop up on so many things here. Examples that I've seen: on the entrance to a multi-storey car park, on the check-in desk at LAX, on various items of clothing... pretty much if you have done any normal activity in the state of California you are in danger of being exposed to cancer-causing elements, according to them.
  14. Watching Lazio vs Bologna right now - interesting game. Bologna went up 2-0, then Lazio went down to 10 men after Matuzalem slapped Diamanti in the face. Bologna then gave Lazio a ridiculous own goal to bring them back into it. Now Lazio are down to 9 after Gonzalez fouled Acquafresca on a clear chance, after which Bologna made it 3-1. Funny thing is, I don't think anyone has had a yellow card yet, and there should have definitely been a few already.
  15. New MLS season starts today - off to watch Galaxy vs RSL tonight. Bit of a busy schedule already due to the CCL, so I'm wondering how strong LA's squad will be.
  16. Yeah, I've been in the beta for a while (rank 23 or so currently). From playing Quake Live regularly, I'm now playing this instead. Definitely worth playing - it's about the only notable movement based twitch-fps that's come out in a while.
  17. Cab drivers and settling up. Cabby: That's $x please. Me: Ok, I'm paying by card. Cabby: You don't have any cash? Me: No, I don't. Cabby: Are you sure? No cash? Me: I just said no... Cabby: *mutters* ok. This has happened to me on a few occasions now. Look mate, I said you took cards on your website. There's even a fancy card machine on the back of the seat in front of me. Don't get uppity because I won't pay you in cash, which almost NOBODY carries around any more. Christ...
  18. I have seen a bunch of Villa tops in one place here, but that place is a massive football specialist store that stocks a plethora of unique shirts. Other than that, I think the only other place I've seen a Villa shirt on sale abroad was in Dublin airport.
  19. Coming home after a grueling day at work to find that my housemate put the clothes I chucked in the wash this morning through the tumble dryer. Why does this bother me? Because a) they used the highest heat setting possible and they tumble dried a bunch of DO NOT TUMBLE DRY items, including my '81 Villa shirt replica. So now everything is about a size too small. Thanks, but yeah... not really.
  20. I do hate the BS PR that the OS comes out with sometimes, it's cringeworthy at best. 'Some managers may take time off... but not Alex!' Ah right, that must explain his fantastic track record in the top flight; fool on Man Utd, Man City, etc. for not following his shining example. And yes, let's fly him out to talk with a team who haven't won their division since the 80s and have featured in the playoffs just once since the early 90s.
  21. I had a dream last night that McLeish signed Andy Cole and Peter Schmeichel. Get excited, people.
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