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Everything posted by Sureshot

  1. Oh dear - Seattle got destroyed 7-0 by Man Utd. Owen should have had another too.
  2. SWP scored a pretty good goal in the Vancouver game. (can you view this outside of the US?)
  3. For sure, but then sometimes you want to watch Commando instead of Schindler's List.
  4. Have to say, that was a highly entertaining game. Only watched it as it happened to be on ESPN3 today - didn't see any of the other games of the cup. Good advert for the women's game.
  5. They needed 5 Wambachs for these penalties.
  6. Wow, 2-2. Looks like it's going to penalties.
  7. Almost another fail in defence there. Also, for the sake of the debate: Morgan > Solo.
  8. And that was a massive f*ck up.
  9. Yeah it was something like 19(3) for the US before that goal. Morgan's finish was decent though.
  10. Fair enough, I think the other two around him should have done a bit more though - it is Cristiano Ronaldo.
  11. Here it is. Finished 4-1, Real playing at about 50% in the end just so it wasn't an absolute embarrassment.
  12. Ronaldo just absolutely took the piss out of the LA back line. 3-0 after 53 mins right now.
  13. Galaxy vs Real Madrid is starting in about 5 minutes. Went to see it live last year and it was pretty good fun, but getting out of the Rose Bowl was an absolute nightmare. We decided to tailgate for 2 hours just to let the traffic subside. It's at the Coliseum this time, which I haven't been to.
  14. Ahh, those crazy North Koreans:
  15. Ash played his first game for Utd vs New England.
  16. i'd rather that than people who give you their number in 5-6 number blocks. 07897... 421863 (made up number) no, i can't write that fast you fool! Oooh, no, I'm with Wiggy on this one. I think of mobile numbers as 5 + 6 (actually 5 + [3+3]). So I'd say: 07897 (pause) 421 (shorter pause) 863. That's how I'd expect to be given it, too. If somebody does it in twos it completely throws me. Germans (and, I think, French) do it that way IIRC: null sieben, acht neun, sieben vier, zwei eins, acht sechs... drei. The French (and maybe even the Germans) say the actual 2-digit number rather than splitting it (soixante-dix-huit, quatre-vingt-dix-sept, quarante-deux, etc.) They generally drop the 0 as well.
  17. We have reached new heights in the hair studio dumbassery stakes. I wanted to get mine chopped today so called them up: Me: Hi, I wondered if I could get an appointment for a haircut today. Reception chick: Sorry, Hector is booked all day. Me: No, haircut. Reception chick: No, I'm sorry - Hector is fully booked up. Would you like another stylist? Me: I just want a haircut, I don't mind what stylist does it. Reception chick: Ok, one moment. *Puts me on hold for a little while* Reception chick: Ok, how does 3:30 sound? Me: That's fine, thank you. *I rolled on down there for 3:30.* Me: Hi, I have an appointment at 3:30 for a cut. Reception chick: Hi! With Hector, right? Me: ... And yes, I did get my haircut by Hector after all, and he did a decent job. But seriously - what the f*ck.
  18. (Crystal Method) Shame none of their other albums were anywhere as good.
  19. The Galaxy launched and played in their new 3rd kit on Monday, looks pretty smart I think:
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