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Everything posted by Sureshot

  1. Pretty dull game so far, Becks is actually coming on now though.
  2. Random one - when barbers/hairdressers seemingly throw years (weeks?) of training out of the window and become completely inept at their job on hearing of your highly complex follicular request - like 'I want the same style just a bit shorter'. 'WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! WHAT IS THAT IN INCHES?! I DON'T EVEN...' It was worst when I used to have long hair - when I had the audacity to ask 'if you could just trim it up a bit as it's getting a bit long/thick' I'd generally end up with some bizarre indie-reject look for my troubles. When I lived in France I literally had to start taking pictures in on my phone so they wouldn't f*ck it up completely.
  3. And as I say that... Sounders just got a pen for handball and he saved it!
  4. Watching the Galaxy vs Sounders right now. LA are down to their 3rd choice keeper - Perk - after Ricketts got injured and Saunders was sent off last game. Hasn't really been tested yet. Beckham is also out with a 'slight stress fracture of the spine'.
  5. Just go and watch an episode of SATC - you know you want to.
  6. Isn't it nice when you break up with someone and find out you dodged a bullet as they show their true colours as a result? This happened yesterday with the girl I was with, who I thought was nice (we didn't argue), but I just wasn't into it in the end. After I finished it (Facebook and called, as she doesn't live with me), she had a philosophical rant at me - saying I 'wasted her time' and such, because I didn't tell her earlier about it (she was also pissed about me not talking to her at all earlier in the day as I was mulling the situation over) - before making it into some kind of SATC episode on her blog for her friends to fawn over and be Z-FORMATION ANGRY about. Ah well, it's going to like having a second paycheck again for a while.
  7. Talbot went to Philly too... it's freaking turncoat day.
  8. Holy balls... he's signed for Philly. For absolutely no reason other than money. Jagr is dead to Pens fans.
  9. And they got him. Still on goddamn Jagrwatch...
  10. Sabres also got dealt first dibs on Ehrhoff. Not a bad day for them.
  11. I'm on Jagrwatch today!
  12. Wenger Mancini Ancelotti Mourinho Benitez Hiddink Vialli Houllier!
  13. Gullit just got sacked from his Chechen club. I'd even prefer him.
  14. Face to Face's new album came out a couple of weeks ago, still a great band. Click.
  15. I dunno, there's always been a large Hispanic complement at the Galaxy games I've been to. I do keep an eye on the Galaxy - particularly after signing JPA - but I can't say I make a concerted effort to watch their games (or any other MLS games for that matter). That is certainly true. Of the Americans I know over here who like football, not one of them supports an MLS team as their primary - it's Chelsea, Man Utd., Arsenal, etc. or a La Liga/Serie A team.
  16. I guess you really can't take 20m cap-space out of a team and still win.
  17. 'Nucks are choking bigstyle. Shame the Ducks went out - I was rather hoping for a Pens/Ducks final so I could watch them here. :| The Kings are the next best thing but they're down right now also.
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