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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. 3 Man of the Match awards in 4 games. Good decision to hold him off Southgate you clown. I think this is excellent for us. The biggest worry in my mind was that he'd play limited minutes and be forced into a situation where he would feel he has to move to play for England. Now he's an absolute lock for squads and probably gametime moving forward regardless of who is fit. Our Jack
  2. If it'd deflected off him, it would have been flagged immediately. The deliberation was about whether he affected the ability of the keeper to see or make a play on the shot. I think he pretty clearly did, he was directly between Leno and McGinn. We all know that Leno almost certainly wouldn't have saved it anyway, but that doesn't make it less offside
  3. God this sounds exactly like the recent Australian elections. A conservative party ripe for the taking and a weak centre leftish opposition who can't take advantage, with Murdoch scare campaigning hard for the conservatives. I think a popular and charismatic leader on the centre left is probably more important than it ever has been. The Australian Labor party have been absolutely shocking at generating one of these over the last decade. However, it has to come with a strong policy platform which demonstrates to people how progressive policy is going to help them. Without strong messaging, it's too easy for Murdoch to plaster all over his front pages how bad Labour/Labor will be for the economy, regardless of how grounded in fact that position is. I was a Corbyn fan but he was successfully undermined by the media and ran on a weak platform. The traditional media still has big influence over older generations, who are a huge proportion of voters and obviously tend to vote conservative. Loosening Murdoch's stranglehold on the media in both of our countries is pretty important.
  4. I think it was a pretty clear offside and the right result. I'd have wanted it called offside if it happened down the other end. I'd much prefer something like that lead to a goal being chalked off as opposed to the ones where 4mm of heel was offside in the build up play.
  5. Totally agree, you've gotta respect that. Very similar to our situation with Jack really. Hopefully it becomes a more widespread thing in football.
  6. There will no doubt be interest and speculation, there always is when a player from a club outside the top 6 is a world beater. But we're in a better position than we've ever been while Jack has been a senior player at this club. He's had plenty of chances to go and hasn't taken them. I'm not overly worried, and I'd suggest only a handful of clubs in the world can afford him now anyway given the length of his contract.
  7. Yep, initially getting mad at the National Lottery for putting money towards Mermaids, a charity that supports trans kids. Comparing giving trans kids hormone therapy to Nazi eugenics, that sort of heinous shit. In response, leftist gaming Youtuber HBomberguy conducted a 57 hour Donkey Kong livestream marathon to raise money for Mermaids, and Linehan whipped himself into a frenzy on twitter about it, raising enormous awareness, which ended up raising £264,000 for the charity.
  8. It is a complete load of shit that "free speech" must be supported at all costs in these sorts of situations in the way that Dunt is arguing. There is only a "debate" because transphobes continue to be given public platforms to say transphobic things in the name of "balance". Nobody would be defending the "free speech" of someone spouting similarly hateful stuff from a racist or homophobic perspective in 2020. Those people would stop being given airtime unless they worked for Murdoch. A video game publisher does not have to give someone with views like that a job or a platform and shouldn't be bullied into doing so. Hate speech or fearmongering about transpeople is absolutely harmful. Lewis's comments were harmful. She should have to live with the consequences of the fact that she's expressed transphobic views and that people don't like it. Businesses not wanting to be associated with her is part of that. Deplatforming works. Look at the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos or Graham Linehan.
  9. This is going to sound like a weird kit nerd comment, but was the black kit today missing the claret pinstripes? I noticed I couldn't see them during play, but now looking at some of the photos of the game, I still can't see them. Do they just disappear when the players get a bit sweaty or have Kappa produced a batch without them?
  10. Christ, what an absolute piece of shit he is.
  11. How is this most of the same 11 who spanked Liverpool? We look absolutely horrendous. Dumb, lazy football.
  12. That's absolutely shocking. Literally nobody wants that to be called offside apart from Everton fans. That's as bad as Wesley's heel offside.
  13. This slight on Jack that he holds the ball too long. Give me strength. He draws defenders out of position and when he does pass it off or shoot, it's usually a big chance. Aston Villa fans want the ball at Jack's feet as often and as long as he wants. If he loses the ball occasionally, it's a small price to pay.
  14. I'm absolutely staggered this isn't being howled down everywhere it's reported. Disgusting proposal that would ruin football in England. The Premier League has just gotten really good in the last few years with more teams challenging. The "Special Voting Rights" proposal is absolutely horrendous. **** off to your European super league if you want a closed system. Disgusting. Edit: It's bigger than football. It's American billionaires trying to destroy an enormous part of English culture for profit.
  15. I can't believe that Man City would be able to take him back without his permission. That said, I think if they activated the clause, he'd go.
  16. It blows me away that we have a Brazilian international who just played 90 minutes. He's gone from strength to strength with us. Hope that buyback clause is worth a bit.
  17. He's going to keep dominating these games and making himself impossible to ignore. We all knew when he came in he'd run the show and he's the best player on the pitch in his first start. Imagine him with Sterling and Kane and Rashford around him instead of the backups.
  18. He'll never get space for those lucky tap ins against the big clubs! The goals are just the icing on the cake. His workrate is insane and opponents can't help but worry about him. Very intelligent with his positioning. He's gonna score plenty in this league.
  19. Just a magical day. This was no fluke. We could have easily scored more. So proud of the team, they just seem so in sync. This is going to be a fun season if we can keep that up.
  20. I'm absolutely thrilled with this window, we've kept Jack and then clearly strengthened in 5 positions. Always happy for more, but if our business ends here, I think we've done very, very well.
  21. Thrilled with this one! Comes in straight away and makes us much stronger in the middle of the park. It might only be for a season but he might put us in a position where we can sign someone of his calibre permanently next summer. Onwards and upwards!
  22. Great performance. We absolutely could have pressed for more but it was a really clinical performance at both ends. A clean sheet and spanking a team at their place. An assured, comfortable performance. All of the new additions were excellent, especially Cash. It would have been nice to hold a bit more possession and be a bit tidier. We'll need to work on that to compete with better teams.
  23. I think he definitely should play, even if it's just off the bench for the first game. He was good in the cup game and we want to keep that momentum up IMO.
  24. Yep, especially including the dribble leading up to it.
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