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Everything posted by West

  1. Newcastle are competing at a different level to Villa so it would be unfair to try to compare.
  2. Newcastle or Villa? Absolute no brainer
  3. West


    Aston Villa are not sinking, they have all but sunk.
  4. Yes because the likes of Bennett and Clark are setting the premier league alight with their watertight defending. Goodness me, some people need to realize the reality of the current situation.
  5. We have fallen alarmingly to being one of the worst teams in the premier league. The quicker we realise the better. I've heard names such as Coutinho and Sneijder being mentioned by some on here for goodness sake.
  6. Zat Knight and Vlaar would make an excellent partnership. At least he wouldn't get bullied like our current crop of amateur defenders.
  7. If we can tie up a short term deal for Danny Murphy and a slightly longer deal for Zat Knight to provide some solidity and presence at the back that would help a lot. Then we can maybe target one exciting attacking signing like Snodgrass or Peter Whittingham.
  8. West

    Joe Bennett

    I don't think anyone thinks he's a good player to be honest. Better judges or not.
  9. Too much doom and gloom. Feel the derby day atmosphere combined with the cold conditions will really help us. 3-1 Villa!
  10. I think Wigan are our biggest dangers so the fact they are losing will give us a big boost for our game. Think we'll win 3-1 now.
  11. Don't see the fuss with this player to be honest, looks very mediocre and doesn't impact on games.
  12. West


    Rich Arabs will have zero interest in buying a Midlands club in the Championship.
  13. Only 'Arry could save Villa.
  14. We are as good as down, wouldn't trust Lambert with any cash.
  15. Really excellent effort in the second half, would give Lambert another game on that basis.
  16. Really? I've not noticed any attacking capabilities from Villa under his leadership.
  17. Looks like the Houdini act will continue if they can take a point here. Fair play to Harry, brilliant man manager.
  18. Lambert cannot be this bad. The fans love him and are supporting him so I guess he will get 4-5 matches to turn this around still.
  19. Come on Darren. This our best player no doubt about that. More fool you Paul if you sell him.
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