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Everything posted by West

  1. Was all over pretty tamely in the end after England’s battling show yesterday. This was a real slow pitch so in that sense England should be disappointed with their performance, the ball was spinning so slowly that they had adequate time to adjust. The next test is at Mumbai which usually offers much more sharp turn and bounce in which case I would fear for England.
  2. Arsenal will be a different proposition. They are woeful at the back so we can hope for a 2-0 defeat perhaps.
  3. Hmm perhaps I have been harsh on the lad if that is the general consensus. I just thought he was anonymous personally.
  4. Guzan (6) - Couldn't do much with the goals Lowton (7) - Did well, looks a good player Vlaar (8) - Always puts his body on the line and won numerous headers. Unlucky with the o.g. Clark (7) - Did ok Stevens (7) - Caught out a couple of times positionally but recovered well. For a debut game against this opposition did well. Bannan (7) - Good game, passed it around well. Westwood (4) - Was he playing? Should have been subbed at 60 minutes. Ireland (7) - Put in a good shift Weimann (8) - Brilliant from the youngster. Two goals he will cherish despite the result Agbonlahor (7) - Could have beaten his man a few times but lost the ball but on the whole did a good job and supplied a vital assist. Benteke (9) - Fantastic performance. Held it up, bullied the opposition and laid it off superbly. Quite a player this guy is Summary - Expected a drubbing but it was a brilliant performance on the whole. Somehow united can always do this so we shouldn't beat ourselves up about. Must maintain this level for the next games and we will pick up points no doubt.
  5. All this talk of the new Nexus phone and android 4.2 is making me feel rather left behind. T bloody Mobile have not even released jellybean for the S3 yet!
  6. Lambert was a meh appointment when we got him and unfortunately his signings, his tactics and general man to man management has done nothing to change this opinion. I hope he can turn it around though.
  7. West

    Joe Bennett

    Very ordinary player at the moment but he's young and will hopefully be a good player in a few years.
  8. Apparently Berbatov had another good game for Fulham today. Lol @ the people who were saying he's past it and wouldn't have wanted him here...
  9. Do you have the OTA option when you go into settings > about device?
  10. Still no jellybean for me on T-Mobile, and for some strange reason I don’t have the option to update OTA
  11. I've seen a lot of profiles with the text to speak feature, can't seem to get this to work. Is there something that needs to be activated for this?
  12. Thanks for this, it really is excellent once you get your head round it.
  13. Didn't matter in the context of the tournament but I think with a tour to India round the corner, the defeat should leave the English camp really concerned. KP must be given an SOS call for this tournament and the India series somehow!
  14. The holders didn't fair much better today :winkold:
  15. England's spin woes continue, I mean the pitch didn't even turn much.
  16. I just find it really good as it collates articles from a range of sources and so you end up reading interesting stuff that you may not otherwise come across.
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